Looking towards Barn Bluff from the College Hill area. The Presbyterian Church is directly to the right of the man and the Hoyt house at 7th and East Avenue is also visible.
Exterior view of the American House. This was built as a hotel, but never housed any guests. It became one of the first buildings on the Carleton College campus.
Benjamin F. Mackall stands in front of his house at the intersection of Kennedy (Second Avenue) and Second Street. His friends are unidentified. The people are grouped in front of the screened porch where a hammock hangs.
This photograph shows the home of Casper Baberich, which was located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Third and Nassau Streets in St. Peter. The fence was along the south side of the house.
A sign from Minneapolis Public Library's Central Library at Tenth Street and Hennepin Avenue. "Rest Rooms - Entrance outside 10th St., Rear of building." This building opened in 1889 and was in service until a new buildling opened in 1961.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Dr. H. J. Lloyd home exterior with two men, Dave Williams and William S. G. Jones. Note on photo says, "The Dr. H. J. Lloyd's home on 520 So. 2nd St. Looks like it did when we bought it from my mother. Was her Sister's home. Mrs. T. O. Jones after they were both gone. It was willed to my mother. The men standing my oldest brother Will and my mother's brother Uncle Dave. Built in 1884. Mrs. H. J. Lloyd. Uncle Dave Williams. My Brother W. S. [G.?] Jones."
Black and white photograph mounted on paste board. Exterior view of the Southworth home, an L-shaped house with decorative molding at windows, porch, and roof-line. Eli Southworth, his wife, and their son (Walter) and daughter (perhaps Virginia, later Mrs. Harold Hoard) at fence. House located between Holmes and Lewis. Eli Southworth was a local lawyer.
Exterior view of the Faribault house. Circular garden enclosure containing cut tree stump is near the front door. Unidentified people are sitting on a bench under the trees to the right of the house.