Hinckley Public Library has been located in this building with the village hall since December of 1939 in Hinckley, Minnesota. Founded in 1959, ECRL is the oldest existing regional public library system in Minnesota. Headquartered in Cambridge, it is a consolidated library system with 14 libraries and Outreach Services and serves residents in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.
Exterior view of The Jackson family home at 1722 Summit Avenue. Caption reads: "Home of Jackson family, Public School and College in background - Summit Avenue."
Exterior view of the Jackson County Courthouse. The building's cornerstone was laid on July 9, 1907 and construction was completed in 1909. It is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
This 2,400 square foot building on Main Street in Lindstrom served the Chisago Lakes community as a library from 1973 to 2005 when a larger library was built in Chisago Lakes Township. When the library moved out, the building became the new home for the Chisago Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce. Founded in 1959, ECRL is the oldest existing regional public library system in Minnesota. Headquartered in Cambridge, it is a consolidated library system with 14 libraries and Outreach Services and serves residents in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.
Martin H. Johnson's house at 212 West Third Street, porches, picket fence in the foreground, pier, masted schooners and Minnesota Point in the background, white pine
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections
For some time, McGregor Public Library was located in the community room, which had been two cells of the former jail. Prior to joining East Central Regional Library, other library spaces in McGregor were the corner of O.L Johnson's telephone office, the back room of Paul Huff's barber shop, the school, and the General Minnesota utilities building. Founded in 1959, ECRL is the oldest existing regional public library system in Minnesota. Headquartered in Cambridge, it is a consolidated library system with 14 libraries and Outreach Services and serves residents in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.
When McGregor Public Library joined East Central Regional Library in 1964, the library was housed in the former jail. The concrete building had been renovated, but the jail cells and the window bars were still intact, and heating was problematic. The circulation desk was where the jailer's desk had been, McGregor, Minnesota. Founded in 1959, ECRL is the oldest existing regional public library system in Minnesota. Headquartered in Cambridge, it is a consolidated library system with 14 libraries and Outreach Services and serves residents in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.
When East Central Regional Library was organized, Pine City opted to remain independent from East Central Regional Library, though its county, Pine County, joined the system. Pine City joined East Central Regional Library when a new city hall was built in 1978 with space reserved for a library. Founded in 1959, ECRL is the oldest existing regional public library system in Minnesota. Headquartered in Cambridge, it is a consolidated library system with 14 libraries and Outreach Services and serves residents in Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.
The Princeton Area Library was located in the former railroad depot several blocks west of downtown from 1976 to 1995, sharing the building with the local historical society. East Central Regional Library is a consolidated library system in Minnesota serving Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.
Residence of F.F. Nelson. 410 11th St. S. Willmar, MN 1905. Mr. Nelson and two children are around the house. Peter Bonde was sheriff in Kandiyohi County from 1906-1927. He was known as the Prohibition Sheriff. Images in this collection were taken by Peter Bonde from 1890-1910.
The Rush City Public Library has been located on Main Street since 1987. The building was previously the office headquarters for the Plastech corporation. East Central Regional Library is a consolidated library system in Minnesota serving Aitkin, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine counties.