View of all that remains of the Charles Schultz farm following the cyclone of 1886. The farm is located four miles south of Rice's Station. This is the site where twelve people (including the groom and minister) died attending a wedding celebration.
Splintered trees and debris litter this scene captured after the cyclone of 1886 near the Schultz farm. Seven fatalities were initially recorded at this site before the death toll rose to twelve.
The cyclone's destructive power is evidenced through this shot of a lone, bare tree standing amongst the debris. Nine structures (including the Davis House) survived the storm.
Stereoscope view of George B. Wright's central dam, saw mill on right, "Bee Hive" factory on left. View from south side of the river at Mill street before the Mill Street bridge was constructed.
Stereoscope view of the Boyington Block located on the corner of Washington (aka Bismarck) Avenue and Court Street. This building was built by George W. Boyington.
Men and women standing behind a fence in front of a race track, in background are grandstands filled with people and flags waving. This stereograph is similar to cards MS0046 and MS0047.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Series Washington Eighteenth Annual National Encampment of G. A. R. at Minneapolis on July 23, 1884. View of electric pole running down street; list of stereographic views by photographer/publisher on verso.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library