A card listing the weekly clinics available at the Wilder Partidge Street Health Center. Details include the days, times, types of clinics and the names of doctors or organizations running the clinics.
Broadcast schedule for the Minnesota Library Association Fact Finders radio program. Created by the Minnesota Library Association Radio Committee, the program was broadcast on KSTP from 12:00 p.m. - 12:15 p.m. every Thursday from Sept. 29th - December 22nd (13 broadcasts).
The 1920 schedule of parks in the Minneapolis Park system is found in the Thirty-eighth Annual Report of the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Minneapolis, after page [108].
Summary, by county, of applications for seed grain loans by farmers whose 1886 crop was devastated by hail, noting number of applicants, total acreage prepared for seeding, and total bushels of wheat, oat, and barley seed needed.