1942 Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Conference postal card to be completed and returned indicating member's intention to attend the daily breakfasts, luncheons, and banquet planned during the event. Originally included with 1942 MLA Conference Announcement mailing.
Bernardo, Gabriel A. (University of the Philippines, Manila)
Date Created:
A two cent postal card from the Library of the University of the Philippines. It was a request that "The Library Beacon" be placed on a permanent mailing list and sent to the University of the Philippines.
Jennings, Mrs. T. B. (Saint Paul Public Library, St. Paul, Minnesota)
Date Created:
This one cent postal card was sent to a Miss Helen Beach, Librarian at the Library School, Emory University, Georgia. It informs Miss Beach that "The Library Beacon" is in a state of "suspended animation." The library was facing an acute budget deficit, which would cause the library to close for fifteen days, from August 25th to September 8th, 1935.
This one cent postal card requests that they receive additional issues beyond the April-June, 1934 issues. The annotation shows that a response by post card was sent to the St. Louis Public Library letting them know that issues will be sent when available.
Miller, Wharton (Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York)
Date Created:
This one cent postal card is a request for further issues of the "The Library Beacon." A penciled annotation, lower left corner, indicates that the inquiry was answered on 4-20-35.
This one cent postal card is a request for copies of the "Library Beacon" Vol. 6, No.2 for 1934 to date. Penciled notation indicates that requested items were sent.
Windsor, P. L. (Periodical Division, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois)
Date Created:
The one cent postal card was the most cost effective way to communicate by mail. This was especially true in the period of the Great Depression when the library budget was cut to the bone. This one cent postal card is a request for copies of "The Library Beacon" Vol. 6, No.2 for 1934 to date. Penciled notation indicates that requested items were sent.
Price, F. H. (Free Library of Philadelphia, Periodical Department, Middle City Station)
Date Created:
This one cent postal card is a request for copies of "The Library Beacon" for July through December, 1934. January through June, 1935. This one cent postal card was the standard of quick, easy and inexpensive communication between libraries across the country.
A notice of a special meeting of the Winona Library Association to consider and vote upon the transfer of all property of the Association to the City of Winona, as contemplated in the ordinance creating a Free Public Library, passed by the City Council on March 8, 1886.