The Pizza Villa in St. Peter was once located at 301 South Minnesota Avenue. Nu Way Cleaners was located at 303 South Minnesota Avenue for many years. The Pizza Villa building is one of the oldest buildings in St. Peter. It has been the home of many different businesses over the years.
The Pizza Villa in St. Peter was once located at 301 South Minnesota Avenue. Nu Way Cleaners was located at 303 South Minnesota Avenue for many years. The Pizza Villa building is one of the oldest buildings in St. Peter. It has been the home of many different businesses over the years.
Governor Rudy Perpich delivers his State of the State Address in the House of Representatives Chamber, St. Paul, Minnesota. For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at: Diessner, Ardell William: ; Dieterich, Neil: ; Frederick, Mel: ; Reichgott Junge, Ember D.:
The Ben Franklin Dime Store and Burch's Shoe Store in St. Peter are shown in this photograph. Both businesses operated for many years in St. Peter before other businesses moved into the buildings. They were on the west side of the 300 block of South Minnesota Avenue.
The Hallmark store, the Ben Franklin Dime Store and Burch's Shoe Store in St. Peter are shown in this photograph. These businesses were eventually replaced by other businesses that moved into the buildings. They were on the west side of the 300 block of South Minnesota Avenue.
This issue includes articles on a lecture by faculty Doug Griffith, the law enforcement program, and faculty Paul Nyhuis, Robert Torkelson, Judy Furrer, and Ken Becker. The Forum was the student newspaper for Inver Hills State Junior College and was published from 1970 to 2005. In 1973 Inver Hills State Junior College became Inver Hills Community College.
Second issue of the second volume of "The Minnesota Weaver" newsletter by the Minnesota Weaver Quarterly for winter of 1983, and containing descriptions of upcoming workshops, members� meetings, and the 1984 Midwest Weavers conference at St. Catherine�s College in St. Paul; a report from the annual conference of the Minnesota Federation of Weavers Guilds and Fiber Artists in Bemidji; biographies of guild teachers Linda Madden and Cathy Ingrbretsen; and the articles "Evaluating Design", Weaving as a Professional", "Protecting Your Health", "Wool for Spinning", "Computer Name Drafting", and "Fiberworks and Interior Decorating".
Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele
Date Created:
Volume 10, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in December of 1983. Contents include a call for MLA award nominees, a directory of MLA leadership for 1983/1984, a report from the Midwest Federation of Library Associations conference, a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines, news briefs on individual members, and a listing of job opportunities.
DOT Scene was a newsletter published by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as an official medium of information to correlate the work of its employees throughout the state and to stimulate dedicated and efficient public service in all transportation activities. (1976 - 1987).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
John Dyer, Lars Hanson and Joe Dickenson were the top three laser sailors. Laser sailboats are car top carried. There are two lasers in the picture. On this particular Thanksgiving, there had been 12 inches of snow the night before.
This issue includes articles on campus parking, the nursing program, and administrators Wallace Simpson, Jerry Isaacs, Dan Lindeken, and Marilyn Buckingham. The Forum was the student newspaper for Inver Hills State Junior College and was published from 1970 to 2005. In 1973 Inver Hills State Junior College became Inver Hills Community College.
The Minnesota Weavers Guild newsletter for November and December 1983 containing a schedule of upcoming classes, workshops, and the December guild meeting; and a summary of the 1983 Minnesota State Fair.
Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele
Date Created:
Volume 10, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November of 1983. Contents include discussion of the clearinghouse for library instruction established by the Minnesota State University System, a listing of job opportunities, a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines, an article discussing the usage of the Motion Picture Association of America ratings on library materials, an assessment of the library job market through 1990, a call from ALA for each state library association to coordinate a program for National Library Week, a Legislative Update, and announcement of the inauguration of the ALANET electronic communication system in January of 1984.
DOT Scene was a newsletter published by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as an official medium of information to correlate the work of its employees throughout the state and to stimulate dedicated and efficient public service in all transportation activities. (1976 - 1987).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
This issue includes articles on homecoming, enrollment, and students Judy Sell and Bob Barron. The Forum was the student newspaper for Inver Hills State Junior College and was published from 1970 to 2005. In 1973 Inver Hills State Junior College became Inver Hills Community College.
The Minnesota Weavers Guild newsletter for October and November 1983 containing a schedule of upcoming classes, workshops, and the October guild meeting; a letter from the presidents; reports on the the July board meeting and the 1982 Fiber Fair; and an update from the Fiber Source Committee.
Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
Date Created:
Volume 10, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October of 1983. Contents include election results for MLA officers, an announcement that MLA was selected by ALA to host the 1984 Arbuthnot Lecture, a listing of job opportunities, a reprinting of responses by legislators to the Nuclear Freeze Resolution passed by MLA, a memorial notice for Adeline F. Ballenthin, a listing of census materials available from the Office of the State Demographer, a listing of conferences of interest, a call for information from library cost studies, and a master calendar of MLA events and deadlines.
DOT Scene was a newsletter published by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as an official medium of information to correlate the work of its employees throughout the state and to stimulate dedicated and efficient public service in all transportation activities. (1976 - 1987).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
Alice Baldwin, interviewed by Florence Ferrier, talks about her father homesteading, businesses in Baudette, Minnesota, and her life in Baudette, Minnesota.
Oral history of Ted Klegstead, interviewed by Tom Imes. Ted talks about being born and raised in Baudette, Minnesota and describes a number of businesses in the downtown area in the first part of the 20th century.
Margaret Brasgalla is interviewed by Florence Ferrier about her life in Wabanica, Minnesota. She discusses her experience of the 1910 Fire as a child, her family life, and various jobs she held throughout her life.
Oral history of Ole Olson interviewed by Florence Ferrier. Ole's wife Alice is also part of the interview but the majority of the interview focuses on Ole's life. Ole talks about his life being born in Sweden and moving to Lake of the Woods County with a focus on the areas of Peppermint Creek and Carp. Ole discusses farming, various jobs he held around the county, and his family.
Opened in 1915, Shoemaker Hall has since served as a dormitory. It was named for Waite Shoemaker, an 1881 graduate of St. Cloud State, who served as a faculty member and then St. Cloud State president from 1902 to 1916. A south addition was completed in 1960.
First issue of the second volume of "The Minnesota Weaver" newsletter by the Minnesota Weaver Quarterly for fall of 1983, and containing descriptions of upcoming workshops, a fiber flea market, and the Federation annual conference; book recommendations for basketry, clothing design, Latin American weaving, frame loom weaving, color, multi-harness weaving, and spinning; and reports from study groups.
Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
Date Created:
Volume 10, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September of 1983. Contents include a Legislative Update on privacy law revisions, highlights of the May MLA Board meeting, a description of the charge of the newly formed Task Force on an MLA Lobbyist, a report of the Government Documents Round Table, a listing of educational events, a call for energy information centers to promote information sharing, a call for nominations for the Kerlan Award, and news briefs on individual members.
A schedule of courses offered by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota for fall of 1983, and including classes on frame loom, floor loom, dyeing, spinning, and related subjects.
DOT Scene was a newsletter published by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as an official medium of information to correlate the work of its employees throughout the state and to stimulate dedicated and efficient public service in all transportation activities. (1976 - 1987).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
In this interview, Kokie Goldenberg (Kalmen Goldenberg) gives a short account of his life as a Jewish Minnesotan and discusses related subjects. He was born in 1912 in Chisholm, Minnesota to Jacob E. and Esther Rosenfield, who immigrated from Russia. He discusses how Jacob was a Zionist and describes his many associations. Goldenberg then moves on to describe how the family moved to Duluth and did business as tobacco and candy wholesalers there and on the Iron Range. They moved to St. Paul in 1941. This interview covers Zionism, anti-Semitism, the United Palestine Appeal, the United Jewish Fund, B'nai B'rith, merging Talmud Torahs and Jewish education, the assimilation of Jews into American society, and a great deal about fundraising and charity. This interview was conducted by Andy Gellman as a part of the United Jewish Fund and Council Oral History Project focusing on the West Side Flats/Lower West Side Jewish community in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives
The Minnesota Weavers Guild newsletter for August and September 1983 containing a schedule of upcoming workshops and classes, reminders of the State Fair and the Fiber Flea Market, notes of the April and May board meetings, and an update on the Guild library.
Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neumann. Together they discuss resort in Minnesota duirng the 1940s. Resorts discussed include: Bayview, Tip Top, and Interlachen.
Mary Malloy Wilder interviews John Gillie about his life in Williams, Minnesota during the 20th century, his career as a mechanic, his business with his brother, businesses in Williams, and recreation.
Multipage mailer for the Remember Rondo event. Highlights include: event schedule, registration for events, and hotel and airline accommodation information.
Interview with Miriam Cordes. Miriam was born in 1893. She recounts her memories of the Hudson Cheese Factory. Miriam attended District 6 school in Union Lake.
Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
Date Created:
1983-07 - 1983-08
Volume 10, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in summer of 1983. Contents include a report of the Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting at the MLA annual conference, a call for nominations for Minnesota Library Trustee Association officers, reports from the Membership Committee and the Reader's Advisory Round Table, summaries of panel discussions presented by the PALS Round Table on the topics of quality control and on the small press, announcement of the Institute program on the information needs of older Americans, information on the upcoming Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference, news briefs on various events and programs outside of MLA, a listing of job opportunities, and the announcement of St. Paul as the location for the second Forum All-Association Conference to be held in 1985.
Fourth issue of the first volume of "The Minnesota Weaver" newsletter by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota for summer of 1983, and containing descriptions of upcoming workshops, exhibits, and conferences; a report on the Northern Fibre Arts Guild of Bemidji, and the Midwest 84 conference; and the articles "The Dobby Loom", "Craftsman's Creed", "Fiber Meets Microchip: The Compu-Dobby System", "Tying on - Two Methods", "Warp Yardage Counter for Sectional Warping", "Photography: The Professional and the Amateur", "Safety for the Dyer", "A Visit with Jim Ahrens", "Do It Yourself", "A Day in the Life of a Lizard", and "Tools for Spinners"; and flyers on spinning supplies, the Traditions Transitions Two juried exhibition, and the 1983 Fiber Fair.
The souvenir booklet for the 1983 Remember Rondo event. Highlights include: letter and proclamation from Mayor George Latimer, history of Zachary family, list of members belonging to Credjafawn, Loafers, Inc., and St. Paul Chapter of the Jack and Jill of America Inc. social clubs, statement from Councilman Bill Wilson, and advertisements.
A photograph album of the Rondo neighborhood. The photographs in this album represent the first phase of a project to record photographs of the Rondo neighborhood. An introduction by the photo committee (Oliver (Bucky) Lewis, Robert McClain, and Robert Hickman) is included.