Mrs. Alexander Ross (M. J. Ross) wrote this undated letter from Kingston to her cousin. She mentions her family and their health. The top portion of this letter is missing.
Signatures of attorneys registered to practice law in the State of Minnesota. Names were verified and biographical data obtained from Minnesota Biographies (MHS 1912), Legislators Past and Present (website), State Board of Law Examiners register (1891-1921), Minnesota birth and death certificates indexes, Minnesota court system websites, published alumni directories of the University of Minnesota law school and the St. Paul College of Law, Minnesota Legal History Project (website), the Minnesota Historical Society's online catalog (PALS), and a variety of miscellaneous sources.
Publication detailing the establishment, evolution, and expansion of the state university system and all of its schools. The minutes detail the growth of the schools, campuses, hiring and the resignations of faculty, staff, and school presidents, finances of the systems and schools, curriculum, purchase and expansion of physical campus, including property and buildings, and the establishment of the St. Cloud Normal School, Mankato Normal School, Winona Normal School, Moorhead Normal School, and the Duluth Normal School.
Beginning in April 1865, the members of the St. Peter School Board kept minutes of their meetings in this ledger. The minutes provide information about the teachers, principals, and superintendents who were employed in the St. Peter school system. Records of expenses and details concerning the planning and construction of new schools can also be found. This ledger ends in June of 1899. The Nicollet County Historical Society has the next two ledgers in its collection, making records through 1944 available to researchers. Of particular interest in this ledger are the names of three men on the first page who served as governors of Minnesota. They are: Henry A. Swift (governor from July 10, 1863, to January 11, 1864), Horace Austin (governor from January 9, 1870 to January 7, 1874), and Andrew R. McGill (governor from January 5, 1887, to January 9, 1889).
The Stillwater Library Association's handwritten record book includes detailed meeting minutes from 1870 - 1896. Elections of officers, fundraising events, finances, book acquisitions, membership lists and day to day library business transactions are meticuluosly recorded.
A classroom instruction tool, this 24 page wall scroll uses images, alphabet letters, words and phrases in the Dakota language to teach math functions and reading. This item was designed to hang on the classroom wall.
Contributing Institution:
Synod of Lakes and Prairies, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Text of the Northfield City Charter with resolutions, ordinances and notices as recorded by the City of Northfield, Minnesota from March 1875 to June 1906.
The Stillwater Library Association Treasurer's Book contains the financial records of the Stillwater Library Association including lending receipts, private donations from individuals and businesses, fundraising, the librarian�s salary, expenditures for books and day to day operating expenses.
Business trade card advertising several Minneapolis companies including Parker Bros. (druggists), William Leary Clothing Company, Millwood Company (wood and coal), E.A. Peterson Cash Stores (grocers), and the Independent Carriage Works.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The Angel II patterns, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
These patterns of the cross, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art and Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The patterns of the fish, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The Gold patterns, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The patterns of the lamb, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The patterns of symbols of the Rose, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The patterns of stag, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The patterns of symbols of the Eucharist, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
Art Needlework Department, 1883-1968, Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota
Date Created:
1883 - 1968
The patterns of the symbols of passion, most of which are perforated, were stamped for embroidery onto liturgical vestments and accouterments. Many of the patterns are original designs of members of the Art Needlework Department of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota.
The Justice of the Peace docket is a handwritten record of civil and criminal cases heard by Justices of the Peace in Otsego, Minnesota from 1884 to 1921. These records include the names of plaintiffs and defendants, arresting constables, evidence presented, and judgments made. These details reflect local values, customs, and personalities. Included are Justices of the Peace: Z. L. Case, Charles Snow, A. W. Praught, A. Plaisance, Joseph McDonald, D. W. M Leod, and Edson Washburn, Jr. Also included are Constables A. J. Wood, L. B. Hamlet, Barnard Duffy, W. H. LaPlant, Theodore Aydt, Edmund Fisetle, and J. A. McEachern.
Biographies of veterans of Company B 1st Minnesota Volunteers, including detailed accounts of their lives before, during and after the Civil War. The record book also contains meeting minutes and details of Last Man's Club banquets.
Publication detailing the establishment, evolution, and expansion of the Minnesota's higher education system, known as normal schools, in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The minutes detail the growth of the normal schools and their campuses, the hiring and the resignations of faculty, staff, and school presidents, finances of the systems and schools, curriculum, purchase and expansion of physical campus, including property and buildings, of the St. Cloud Normal School, the Mankato Normal School, the Winona Normal School, and Moorhead Normal School (which would become state universities) and the Duluth Normal School (which would become the University of Minnesota-Duluth).
The original minutes book including by-laws and attendance records for the volunteer fire department in Blue Earth. Dec. 12, 1890 through Dec. 4, 1906.
The Record of Plymouth Congregational Church Volume 3 is the third of nine volumes that provide a chronological record of the activities of Plymouth Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Contents include announcements, celebrations and events, membership records, meeting minutes, a few newspaper clippings, and some photos. The Clerk of the church maintained the Record. This volume documents the financial crisis of the 1890's and its impact on declining church revenues. In this volume the Clerk displays skills in calligraphy, embellishing each entry with colored lettering and occasional images. Church officers include persons active in the civic and business life of Minneapolis.
The eleventh volume of Randolph M. Probstfield's personal journals. These accounts discuss weather, agriculture, visitors, household expenses and many other details of family life.
Carleton's annual college catalog listing courses of study, alumni, roll of students, historical sketch, calendar, honorary degrees, admission requirements, descriptions of departments, summary of students, and lists of faculty and trustees.
The St. Cloud City Directory, 1894-95 is the third directory for this city, and has 155 pages. It contains an alphabetical list of residents, a classified business directory, and business advertisements, with list of government officials, churches, clubs and organizations. This directory covers the city of St. Cloud (in both Stearns and Benton counties)
The Stillwater City Directory 1894-95 includes an alphabetical list of names, addresses and occupations of residents, a classified business directory, lists of city and county officers, churches, schools, societies, streets and wards. Also contains local advertisments.
Publication detailing the purpose of the school, academic calendar, expenses associated with the school, admission requirements, classes offered, graduation requirements, and the model school. In addition, the catalog lists the faculty and students by class for the year. Other information includes campus buildings, equipment, library, student groups, and the alumni association, The State Normal School, founded in 1869, changed names several times: St. Cloud State Teachers College (1921), St. Cloud State College (1957), and St. Cloud State University (1975).
1894 annual report of the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul. This report tells the story of the development and use of the roads, sidewalks, sewers, gas lines and electricity. This information is gathered from primary resources of the period and goes into much detail. This reliable information is presented in reports, fold out statistical data sheets, maps, black and white photographs and sketches.
Illustrated trade catalog highlighting Minnesota Sandstone (Kettle River Sandstone) and its uses for sills, steps, ashlar, paving, curbing, flagging, mill blocks, and bridge and building stone. Includes statements from men who used the sandstone for prominent Minneapolis buildings.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual report of the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners made to Governor D. M. Clough. Report discusses the attempt to halt the wholesale marketing of fish and game, alleged illegal market hunting performed by Native Americans, seizure and destruction of nets and the positive responses to recent changes in the Fish and Game laws. Also includes a hatchery report, the distribution of fry (young fish) completed, and a treasurer�s report.
Annual report of the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners made to Governor Knute Nelson. The report assesses new game codes recently enacted and results of related court cases with particular focus on criminal game traffic and professional market hunters. The item also contains a report on the existing �fish business� on Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake, a hatchery report, the distribution of fry (young fish), and a treasurer�s report is included.
This report from the Board of Park Commissioners consists of a brief narrative on the history of public parks in St. Paul, a description of the current park system, and plans for the future, along with eight photographs of Como Park, and maps of Como Park and the Lake Phalen area. Reports from the secretary and superintendent and financial statements are also included.
Illustrated trade catalog with photographic views of Link-Belt machinery in operation. Descriptions of devices including boilers, pulleys, belts, bolts, scales, and other machine parts. Equipment used by mills, distilleries, tanners, and various manufacturers and warehouse companies.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
"Public Library building, Minneapolis, 1895"--Cover. Besides a list of patrons, life members, directors, and officers of the society, a full list of membership is included. Includes annotations and additions. The 1895 membership directory of the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts (incorporated 1883 and existing to the present), which is the parent and governing body for the Minneapolis Institute of Art (opening in 1915 and existing to the present) and the Minneapolis School of Fine Arts (established in 1886 and existing under the society's governance until 1988). In 1970, the school changed its name to the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) and in 1988 it became an independent organization. 16 unnumbered pages.
Ole Anderson and Company, Publishers of County Gazetteers
Date Created:
A 204 page paperbound booklet from 1895 containing historical facts of each individual town and township in Nobles County. It includes advertisements and the names of local businesses and their proprietors. Also listed are physicians and county officers as well as the names of county residents grouped by city or township.
Gustavus Adolphus College senior thesis, "Why Do Free Citizens Endorse Socialism?", handwritten by Adolph O. Eberhart in 1895 and submitted in fulfillment of a requirement for the Bachelor of Arts Degree. The content of the essay, written in English, reflects political questions of the time and is an articulately-written discussion. It was included in the commencement ceremony held on May 23, 1895 as the "Oration with Valedictory". Adolph O. Eberhart served in various public offices, then as elected representative in the Minnesota Legislature 1902 - 1905, Lieutenant Governor 1906 - 1909, and Governor 1909 -1914.
A hospital insurance ticket from 1895 for St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth. These tickets were sold to lumbermen in northern Minnesota by sisters such as Sister Amata Mackett, who travelled to their camps and performed other home-y duties for the lumberjacks as well as selling tickets.