First issue of the "Threadbenders" newsletter by the Weavers Guild of Minnesota published in December 1968 and containing descriptions of upcoming workshops in macrame, embroidery, backstrap, color and composition, tapestry, color and weave, rya rugs, tailoring, dressmaking, and beginning and intermediate weaving.
A brochure describing summer youth Camp Co-op-a-gan on Perch Lake in French Township northwest of Chisholm, Minnesota. Includes 10 photgraphs depicting the location and camp attendees involved in various activities (swimming, playing volleyball, crafts, etc.).
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives
Boys' pre-camp medical examination form (Camp Co-op-a-gan, Perch Lake, northern Minnesota) to be filled out by parents or guardians and physicians conducting medical examinations three days prior to camp.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives
A blank form used by applicants for jobs at the summer youth camp - Co-op-a-gan on Perch Lake in northern Minnesota, managed by the Range Educational Society in Virginia, Minnesota.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives
Signatures of attorneys registered to practice law in the State of Minnesota. Names were verified and biographical data obtained from Minnesota Biographies (MHS 1912), Legislators Past and Present (website), State Board of Law Examiners register (1891-1921), Minnesota birth and death certificates indexes, Minnesota court system websites, published alumni directories of the University of Minnesota law school and the St. Paul College of Law, Minnesota Legal History Project (website), the Minnesota Historical Society's online catalog (PALS), and a variety of miscellaneous sources.
Minnesota National Library Week Committee for 1968
Date Created:
Announcement of Minnesota's 1st Governor's Conference on Library Service, scheduled April, 22, 1968 at the Hilton Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. A major project of the Minnesota National Library Week Committee, meeting is chaired by Rod Searle, with featured speaker is John C. Frantz, Director of the Brooklyn Public Library, on the topic of "Library Needs in a Changing World." Interest areas include special, public, academic, and school libraries, and library trustees. Particants will take part in discussion groups on various topics including library needs and service and present recommendations at the end of the meeting.
Program for the 1st Governor's Conference on Library Service, held April 22, 1968 at the Hilton Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota, in recognition of 1968 National Library Week. Presided over by State Representative Rod Searle of Waseca, Minnesota. Presentations made on school, academic, special, and public libraries, and trustees, with John C. Frantz, Director of the Brooklyn, New York, Public Library speaking on "Library Needs in a Changing World."
Announcement of Minnesota's 1st Govenor's Conference on Library Service, scheduled April, 22, 1968 at the Hilton Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. A major project of the Minnesota National Library Week Committee, this meeting is chaired by Rod Searle, with featured speaker is John C. Frantz, Director of the Brooklyn Public Library, on the topic of "Library Needs in a Changing World." Interest areas include special, public, academic, and school libraries, and library trustees. Particants will take part in discussion groups on various topics including library design, service and hours.
Program for the 73rd annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held October 10-11, 1968 at Pick-Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The theme was "Libraries are our bag." General session topics include "Who speaks for the librarians as an employee?," "Is a county library the answer?," and "What librarians need to know about young people."
Volume 17, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in March 1968. Contents include information on the First Governor's Conference on Library Service, the Treasurer's report, a message from the President of the Trustee Section, a call for nominations for Librarian of the Year and Trustee of the Year, the roster of the National Library Association Steering Committee, a nomination form for Librarian and Trustee of the Year, and a call for MLA members to work to defeat copyright legislation in S. 597.
Volume 17, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in June 1968. Contents include information about what to look for in a trustee board member, a reminder about library award nominations, a MLA convention announcement, National Library Week, and the recommendations from the Governor's Conference on Library Service.
Volume 17, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in February 1968. Contents include a call for members to pay dues, announcement of new committee appointments, the 1968 MLA budget, the President's report, a call for interest in formation of an Audio-Visual Section, an announcement of the First Governor's Conference on Library Service, and a report from the American Library Association Councillor.
This issue covers the appointment of a new Commissioner of Highways, testing of a freeway ramp identification system, and snow fencing. Minnesota Highways was the official employee newsletter of the Minnesota Department of Highways (1951-1976).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
This issue covers construction detours, construction on Highway 100, and the annual art and hobby show award winners. Minnesota Highways was the official employee newsletter of the Minnesota Department of Highways (1951-1976).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
This issue covers the opening of the Lafayette Bridge in St. Paul, the role of the Highway Roadside Unit in tree relocation, and the Minnesota Good Roads speaking tour. Minnesota Highways was the official employee newsletter of the Minnesota Department of Highways (1951-1976).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
The 1968 cost estimate for the construction of the U.S, Interstate System in Minnesota. Contains pavement diagrams, bridge standards and detailed maps.
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
This report covers the Department of Highways' activities from July 1, 1966-June 30, 1968. Almost entirely focused on interstate construction. Includes graphs displaying how tax payer money was spent.
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
This is a brochure promoting a dedication program for two new cabins at Camp Menogyn on West Bearskin Lake in Grand Marais, Minnesota. There are descriptions about the "Dedication Weekend" activities for families such as canoeing, hiking, and enjoying the beauty of the northwoods canoe country. It also includes information about what to bring to camp, the costs, parking at camp, and registration.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives
This is a brochure for Camp Menogyn in Grand Marais, Minnesota. There is information about the camp location on the shores of West Bearskin Lake just two miles from the Canadian border, the "spirit of Menogyn", separate camp sessions offered for young men and women, and the leadership and staff.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives
The 1967 Dodge County Extension Service Annual Report contains two documents: Statistical Summary; 57-page Narrative Report. The Narrative Report contains: Introductory Statement (pages 1-3); Extension Organization Program planning and administration, Home Council officers, graph of clubs for 10 years (pages 4-10); In-service Training (pages 11-12); Ag Production - Management and Natural Resources, Feed and Seed Dealer meetings, Crop varieties, June disaster 17-20 inches of rain (pages 13-16); Livestock Beef and swine tour, swine testing, dairy tour, cow numbers dropping by 2,000 per year, insects and disease, issues with insecticides, graph soil testing program (pages 17-22); Marketing and utilization of Farm Products average parity ratio dropping, Associations, carcass contest, ADA milk marketing (page 23-26); Home Economics Lessons and special meetings include Parenthood, Re-upholstery, Estate Planning, Herb Cookery, Hair Care and Styles, Fall Tea (page 27-32); 4-H Radio Speaking, 1st year Horse and Photography project, County and state Fair with no results, Individual entry cards, received check on last day of fair, activities and contests. (pages 32-44); Resource Development and Public Affairs (pages 45-48); Organization 4-h Federation officers and leaders, Homemakers clubs by Township, County Fair Committee membership, 4-H general activity committees (pages 49-50); Budget (page 51).
Contributing Institution:
Dodge County Extension Office, University of Minnesota Extension