This issue covers the department exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair, department studies, and Governor Rolvaag's anti-litter campaign. Minnesota Highways was the official employee newsletter of the Minnesota Department of Highways (1951-1976).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
This issue covers preparations for winter maintenance, the role of the District Right of Way Engineer, and Interstate 94 construction in downtown St. Paul. Minnesota Highways was the official employee newsletter of the Minnesota Department of Highways (1951-1976).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
The 1965 Dodge County Extension Service Annual Report contains two documents: 72-page Narrative; 9-page Statistical Summary Extension Committee with officers. The Narrative Report contains: Introduction (pages 1-2); Extension Organization. Extension Committee (Dave Hanson hired), Home Council Officers (21 clubs, 287 members), club and enrollment by Township graphs, 4-H Organization leaders with Federation Officers, 4-H trend graph, Program planning and In-service; Agriculture Crops, soils and forage testing, workshops, National Plowing Match, Disaster Committee, Ag Engineering, Swine, Dairy, Breeding Associations, Insects, Disease and Marketing; Home Economics Home Council meeting subjects and reviews, Camp, Fair Booth and Fall Tea; 3-H and Youth Development Meetings, Tours, Federation with officers, Activities including fairs with some results; Resource Development and Public affairs Civil Defense, ADA, Farm Organizations, Township Officers, Workshop & Estate Planning; Budget.
Contributing Institution:
Dodge County Extension Office, University of Minnesota Extension
This issue covers construction work in Duluth, factors affecting driver ability, and the public image of state employees. Minnesota Highways was the official employee newsletter of the Minnesota Department of Highways (1951-1976).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
Hilma Berglund printed this Christmas card in 1965, using dark brown ink on bittersweet paper, trimmed with yellow and orange paper. Below the fold she applied a light wash of ink to create a slightly darker background. The card when unfolded is 10.3 x 22.5cm.