Interior of the Minneapolis Young Men's Christian Association Central Branch, located at 10th Street and Mary Place, showing members dining in the restaurant and a woman working behind the counter. Gas lights and home cooked meals for 25 cents were features of the Y. M. C. A.'s restaurant in the Mary Place building, 1890s.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives
Yearbook of the Church of the Redeemer First Universalist for 1921 including: lists of Pastor, Choir, Officers and Trustees, General Church Committee and reports. These reports include the pastor's annual report - statistics, the year in general, outstanding events, in memoriam, suggestions, outside addresses, committee meetings, evening services, christenings, new members received, obituaries, dismissals, publications; the assistant pastor's report including Statistics, Unity House, YMCA, YPCU, Church School, motion pictures); the church school report; the Young People's Christian Union report; Roosevelt Troop 2 Boy Scouts of America report; Printing Club Press Report; Ladies' Social Circle Report; Women's Association Report; Clara Barton Guild; Men's Club; Treasurer's Report. Extensive Unity Settlement Association report: including officers, Board of Directors, committees, staff, volunteers, annual report for 1921 by Miss Imogene Poole resident director with information on health activities, employment bureau, personal service, day nursery, girls' department, boys' department, music lessons, entertainments, summer camp, summer playground, special gifts to the house, attendance at various programs, treasurer's report. Also includes information on Dedication of Service Tablet in church for veterans.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library