A steam powered tractor made by the Geiser Manufacturing Company in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania sits outside of an industrial building. On the back of the photograph is inscribed, "J. I. Case Co. - Edmund Probstfield agent." The J. I. Case Company was a threshing machine company.
Benjamin F. Mackall stands in front of his house at the intersection of Kennedy (Second Avenue) and Second Street with family and friends. His wife, Mary ""Minnie"" Kurtz Mackall sits on the porch and his son Henry sites with the cat Prince. The three women are L. Hale, Abby C. Hale, and M.A. Cruikshank.
Benjamin F. Mackall stands in front of his house at the intersection of Kennedy (Second Avenue) and Second Street. His friends are unidentified. The people are grouped in front of the screened porch where a hammock hangs.