Volume 15, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in April 1966. Topics include Minnesota Library fact sheet with current statistics and needs; state-wide and local preparations for National Library Week; Membership Committee update; Announcement of Spring Meeting of MLA Academic Libraries section; and report form for National Library Week activities;
Volume 18, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1969. Contents include a message from the MLA President about the second MLA midwinter meeting, MLA spring district meetings, a general report on the MLA Midwinter Meeting, an MLA Technical Services Section meeting announcement, an MLA Academic Libraries Section meeting, an announcement about an MLA workshop on effective display techniques, an upcoming Institute on Serviing Disadvantaged Adults, a bibliography on minority groups, upcoming Children's literature European study-tours, a MLA business meeting report, an ALA Midwinter Meeting report, a summary of federal legislation of interest to Minnesota librarians, MLA awards, an MLA treasurers report, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 19, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1970. Contents include an MLA President's message, an announcement about National Library Week, MLA spring district meetings, upcoming Reference workshops, a reminder about the importance of reporting complaints and/or harassment about library materials, cooperative library projects, letter to the MLA membership in response to statements made to MLA executive board, the list of MLA officers, MLA section and committee reports, MLA Articles of Incorporation, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 15, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in August 1966. Topics include call for members interested in off-campus Library Science courses and questionnaire; MLA merges County and Public Library section; Hannis Smith names President of the American Association of State Libraries; biographies of MLA officers;
Volume 18, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1969. Contents include information about the MLA fall conference, a list of candidates (and photos) for the 1969 MLA officers election, notice of MLA Outstanding Achievement Award winner and luncheon, a reminder to send MLA Award nominations, a letter asking for MLA endorsement of the newly-developed University of Minnesota Health Sciences program, MLA reports from the Technical Services Section and Academic Libraries Section, an editor's note, and a calendar of events.
Volume 9, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in December 1959. Content includes a list of officers and chairmen, message from MLA leaders, a list of MLA comittee-approved legislation items, an annual budget, and MLA membership registration form.
Volume 10, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in December 1960. Content includes MLA legislative program proposal, an annual budget, and MLA member registration form.
Volume 17, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in February 1968. Contents include a call for members to pay dues, announcement of new committee appointments, the 1968 MLA budget, the President's report, a call for interest in formation of an Audio-Visual Section, an announcement of the First Governor's Conference on Library Service, and a report from the American Library Association Councillor.
Volume 20, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in February 1971. Contents include an MLA Midwinter Meeting report, the Minolta photocopy machine and the FASTCAT cataloging procedure, Minnesota's challenge for the 1970s to implement a statewide computer-aided library system, an MLA directory, MLA section and committee reports, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 11, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1962. Content includes a call to Minnesota librarians to join MLA, a county and regional workshop announcement for the State Libraries section of MLA, upcoming district meetings, award announcement for Dakota-Scott Regional library, appointment of Hannis Smith as a consultant for the ALA Legislative Program, and MLA member registration form.
Volume 12, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1963. Content includes a list of officers and chairment, district meeting notices, an announcement for an upcoming Institute on improving student services hosted by the Library School of the University of Minnesota and the Center for Continuation Study, MLA Reference section dinner announcement, and MLA membership registration form.
Volume 13, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1964. Content includes formation of the Library Development Committee and Adult Services Section, creation of Minnesota Librarian of the Year Award, and a call for old correspondence relating to MLA to be added to MLA archives. In addition, there are a list of officers and chairmen, National Library Week news, a list of contributing and sustaining organization members, 1963-1964 budget, local library event announcements, and MLA membership registration form.
Volume 15, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1966. Topics include recent awards to Erana Stadler Donahue as Minnesota Librarian of the Year and Helen W. Sweasy as Minnesota Trustee of the Year, and Marjorie H. Sibley received a Certificate of Merit. MLA elections results announced; Section and committee reports for Children and Young People, Trustees, Federal Relations, Membership, World Affairs, and Retirement groups; 1966 budget; "The Cause is Mankind" booklist available; and sustaining memberships form.
Volume 14, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1965. Content includes announcement of Margaret M. Mull as the winner of the first Minnesota Librarian of the Year Award, establishment of a new Minnesota Trustee of the Year award, 1965 budget, a list of National Library Week award winners, announcement of revised MLA manual, MLA constitutional amendments, upcoming conference and convention announcements, a list of officers, and MLA membership registration form.
Volume 18, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in January 1969. Contents include a message from the MLA President, an MLA midwinter meeting announcement, a proposed certification program for public librarians, MLA secretary appointment, membership renewals infromation, and an event calendar. This issue of the MLA Bulletin included an editor's note about plans to greatly expand the content of the newsletter to include articles of substance which are of interest to Minnesota librarians, in addition to regular news items.
Volume 16, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) was published in January 1967. Contents include a list of elected officers, MLA award recipients, lists of officers and section and committee chairmen, an outline of National Library Week activities, an announcement of the creation of a Technical Services Section of MLA, honors and appointments for members, the budget for 1967, the annual report of the treasurer, and a membership renewal form.
Volume 19, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in January 1970. Contents include an MLA Midwinter Meeting announcement, news from the Library Planning and Development Committee, a list of MLA officer additions, MLA section and committee reports, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 21, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in January 1972. Contents include a 1972 membership renewal form, final revision of the bylaws, announcement of new members of the bulletin editorial board, 1971 election results, position announcement for an MLA administrative secretary, an open letter about community antenna television (CATV or cable TV), U.S. President's message on private pension plans, a critique of the MLA committee interest process, children's librarians scholarships to attend ALA, a 1972 Association for Educational Communications and Technology annual convention announcement, an open letter librarian employers, MLA section and committee reports, and a copy of the MLA bylaws.
Volume 19, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1970. Contents include an MLA re-evaluation committee final report, a call for MLA award nominations, MLA section and committee reports, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 20, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in July 1971. Contents include a 1971 fall conference announcement, MLA section and committee reports, book reviews, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 13, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in June 1964. Content includes a call for nominations for Minnesota Librarian of the Year Award, National Library Week events in review, fall annual MLA conference reminder, and a brief statement from the executive board as follow-up to a statement made in the Minnesota Morning Tribune.
Volume 16, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in June 1967. Contents include a call for nominations for Librarian of the Year and Trustee of the Year, a report from the Children and Young Adult Section, a report from the Technical Services Section, information on transportation to the North Central Library Conference, an announcement of the resignation of the treasurer, a message from the President of the Trustee Section, and a nomination form for Librarian and Trustee of the Year.
Volume 17, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in June 1968. Contents include information about what to look for in a trustee board member, a reminder about library award nominations, a MLA convention announcement, National Library Week, and the recommendations from the Governor's Conference on Library Service.
Volume 9, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1960. Content contains announcements of various local events including ALA annual conference, a career festival, Twin City Library Club reception, MLA Reference Section dinner meeting, and a National Library week event.
Volume 10, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1961. Content includes MLA legislation news, National Library week event planning, local event announcements, MLA district meetings, MLA conference planning, and funding awarded to local libraries.
Volume 11, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1962. Content includes announcements of upcoming events including MLA Reference section meeting, the annual Career Festival, district meetings, MLA annual conference, Midwest Academic Libraries Conference, and National Library Week kick-off dinner.
Volume 12, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1963. Content includes a listing and program schedule for spring district meetings, the resignation of MLA vice-president and president-elect Raymond E. Williams and the subsequent extension of MLA president George Gardner's term, MLA Reference Section spring dinner meeting, MLA College Section meeting, Tri-State Regional Library Conference event notice.
Volume 13, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1964. Content includes announcement of East Central Library of Minnesota as recipient of a national library award: Book-of-the-Month Awards program Main Award. Additional content includes a spring district meetings list, a call for a documents librarians directory, National Library Week projects, Tri-State Regional Conference follow-up, and MLA membership form.
Volume 14, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1965. Content includes a briefing on the MLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, 1965 spring district meeting details, and MLA Section meeting details.
Volume 15, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in March 1966. Topics include call for nominations of 1966 Minnesota Librarian of the Year and Trustee of the Year; National Library Week recap; announcements of 1966 MLA Conference announcement, Canadian author-librarian, Dorothy M. Reid set to speak at library conference, Midwest Academic Librarians Conference, Library-Labor Institute, Spring district meetings, 1967 North Central Library Conference, and testimonal dinner for Hannis Smith.
Volume 16, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLS) Bulletin was published in March 1967. Contents include news on the passage of the Interstate LIbrary Compact and the Governor's request for aid to public libraries, information on the upcoming North Central Library Conference held in Milwaukee, a list of Spring District meetings, information on the Fourth Extension Library Workshop, a call for nominations for Librarian of the Year and Trustee of the Year, a membership renewal form, a message from the Trustee Section President, and a nomination form for Librarian and of the Year.
Volume 17, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in March 1968. Contents include information on the First Governor's Conference on Library Service, the Treasurer's report, a message from the President of the Trustee Section, a call for nominations for Librarian of the Year and Trustee of the Year, the roster of the National Library Association Steering Committee, a nomination form for Librarian and Trustee of the Year, and a call for MLA members to work to defeat copyright legislation in S. 597.
Volume 14, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in May 1965. Content includes a MLA 1965 fall conference preview, call for nominations for Minnesota Librarian of the Year and Trustee of the Year awards, National Library Week follow-up, new MLA chairman appointments, establishment of MLA Retirement Committee, and MLA membership tally.
Volume 20, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in May 1971. Contents include an article about developing an oral history collection, MLA Librarian of the Year Award to Erana Stadler Donahue, MLA section and committee reports, book reviews, a letter to the editor with MLA Legislative Committee action recommendations , an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 11, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in November 1961. Content includes a list of MLA officers and chairmen, opening of Minnesota's third regional library, National Library Week planning, and a revised MLA budget.
Volume 16, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in November, 1967. Contents include results of the MLA officers election, announcement of MLA Midwinter Meeting, a list of MLA award winners, an announcement of the 1968 MLA Annual Conference, a list of MLA officers, and an announcement about National Library Week.
Volume 18, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published October-December 1969. Contents include a message from the MLA President, a 1969 MLA annual conference report, minutes from the MLA business meeting, a National Library Week announcement, a cooperative projects newsletter, a retirement announcement, MLA section and committee reports, a list of MLA officers, and an events calendar.
Volume 19, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in September 1970. Contents include a look at libraries and the issues in the 1970s, a MLA business meeting agenda, request from U.S. Treasury to access Minnesota circulation records, MLA officer candidates (and pictures) for 1970, library certification in Minnesota, MLA section and committee reports, proposed bylaws, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 20, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in September 1971. Contents include a 1971 fall conference announcement with program information, MLA officer nominees (including photos), a call to nominate ALA trustees, volunteer program considerations, a library administration division meeting on insurance, an MLA bylaws committee final report, and other MLA section and committee reports.
Program for the first all-Association conference held April 29-May 2, 1981 at the Leamington Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The welcome from Governor Albert H. Quie states "this is truly a unique effort to bring together our state's information-related organizations to share ideas and build together toward the future of our state." The theme was "Only One in 81': Cooperation is Learning and Growing Together." The Forum is an organization of eight Minnesota library, information, and media organizations that includes: American Society for Information Science, Minnesota Chapter, Art Libraries Society of North American, Twin City Chapter, Catholic Library Association, Minn-Dakota Unit, Minnesota Association of Law Libraries, Minnesota Educational Media Organization, Minnesota Health Science Library Association, Minnesota Library Association, and Special Libraries Association, Minnesota Chapter.
Program for the first all-Association conference held April 29-May 2, 1981 at the Leamington Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The welcome from Governor Albert H. Quie states "this is truly a unique effort to bring together our state's information-related organizations to share ideas and build together toward the future of our state." The theme was "Only One in 81': Cooperation is Learning and Growing Together." The Forum is an organization of eight Minnesota library, information, and media organizations that includes: American Society for Information Science, Minnesota Chapter, Art Libraries Society of North American, Twin City Chapter, Catholic Library Association, Minn-Dakota Unit, Minnesota Association of Law Libraries, Minnesota Educational Media Organization, Minnesota Health Science Library Association, Minnesota Library Association, and Special Libraries Association, Minnesota Chapter.
Program for the All-Association Conference Conference 2 held September 12-14, 1985 at the St. Paul Civic Center. Meeting of the Art Libraries Society of North America, American Society for Information Science, Catholc Library Association, Minnesota Association of Law Libraries, Lutheran Church Library Association, Minnesota Educational Media Organization, Minnesota Health Science Library Association, Minnesota Library Association, and Special Libraries Association. Opening session entitled, "Information, the Emerging Giant in Economic Growth." Panel discussion topics include library technology, automation, publishing, literacy, bookselling, and ethics.
Program for the 3rd Governor's State Conference on Children and Youth, held at May 9-10, 1952 at the Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Events include keynote address by Govenor C. Elmer Anderson, on "Minnesota's Program for Children and Youth," panel discussions, youth council meetings, and showing of two civil defense films, "Duck and Cover" and "The Cities Must Fight." Includes biographical information on conference personnel, and lists of panel members, state wide youth groups, cooperating civic and professional organizations, and local youth commissions and councils.
Report of the Governor's Third State Conference on Children and Youth, held May 9-10, 1952 at the Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Chaired by Dr. Christianson, topics discussed included mental health for children, preventions and treatment of juvenile deliquency, community services, the defense of youth and the formation of youth councils.
Program for the Joint Conference of the Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Library Associations, held October 18-21, 1939 at the Hotel Schroeder in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The theme is "Rural Social Problems: Their Implications for Librarians." Program includes general sessions and meetings of the catalog, lending, reference, children's and school librarian's sections, and the public , hospital, college and university, and special libraries sections. Includes member lists of the executive board, committee chairmen, and section and round table chairmen for each state association, along with exhibitors. Includes insert for "Daze Without End," a marionette program presented to the conference by staff of the Minneapolis Public Library.
Volume 21, number 4 of the Lakeland Libarian (Librarian in the title was intentionally misspelled as Libarian with an asterisk in place of the first r for this issue) was published in the fall of 1972. This issue includes a recap of the fall annual conference, legislative topics, an obituary for former MLA president Maurine Hoffman, announcement of a contest for renaming the Lakeland Libarian, a fund appeal for dismissed Polk County Library employees Cleo McDonald and Avis Boe, a denial by the Intellectual Freedom Committee for a request for action by Jack Baker, a call for the creation of a legal defense fund, notes from the Intellectual Freedom Committee, letters to the editor, book reviews, trustee notes, and committee reports. The Lakeland Libarian replaced The MLA Bulletin as the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) in 1972, after an appointed publication board became responsible for all Minnesota Library Association publications. The Lakeland Libarian employed a newspaper format, incorporating features such as a letter to the editor column, students' column, trustee's section, want ads, and coverage of statewide events. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
The Pre-conference newsletter issue of the Lakeland Libarian (Librarian in the title was intentionally misspelled as Libarian) was published in September of 1972. The issue includes reports of business meeting agenda items and planned activities of the Academic Libraries Division, the Public Libraries Division, the Adult Services Section, the Children and Young People's Section, the Reference Section, the Technical Services Section, the Minnesota Social Responsibilities Round Table, the Intellectual Freedom Committee, the Minnesota Library Trustees Association, the Professional Welfare Committee, and other program notes. The Lakeland Libarian replaced The MLA Bulletin as the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) in 1972, after an appointed publication board became responsible for all Minnesota Library Association publications. The Lakeland Libarian employed a newspaper format, incorporating features such as a letter to the editor column, students' column, trustee's section, want ads, and coverage of statewide events. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 21, number 2 of the Lakeland Libarian (Librarian in the title was intentionally misspelled as Libarian) was published in the spring of 1972. This issue includes an announcement of a change in format for the newsletter, editor's column, meeting minutes, roster of the division chairs, section announcements, and biographies of ALA councilor candidates and study opportunities. Also included is an insert by the Intellectual Freedom Committee for reporting complaints against library materials. The Lakeland Libarian replaced The MLA Bulletin as the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) in 1972, after an appointed publication board became responsible for all Minnesota Library Association publications. The Lakeland Libarian employed a newspaper format, incorporating features such as a letter to the editor column, students' column, trustee's section, want ads, and coverage of statewide events. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 21, number 3 of the Lakeland Libarian (Librarian in the title was intentionally misspelled as Libarian) was published in the summer of 1971. This issue includes a report of the MLA censure of the Polk County Library Board, book reviews, meeting minutes, a listing of MLA election nominees, statewide librarian job postings, and an essay by guest contributor John Robson titled "The Professional Welfare of Academic Librarians: Some Random Thoughts." The Lakeland Libarian replaced The MLA Bulletin as the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) in 1972, after an appointed publication board became responsible for all Minnesota Library Association publications. The Lakeland Libarian employed a newspaper format, incorporating features such as a letter to the editor column, students' column, trustee's section, want ads, and coverage of statewide events. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 1, number 3 of The North Country Librarian was published in the fall of 1973. The issue includes an announcement about the speakers for the 78th annual fall conference of the Minnesota Library Association, MLA section and committee updates, the fall conference program, an invitation to join the Minnesota Association of School Librarians, Gerald McDermott (illustrator) to speak during a Book Week dinner, appointment of Fred Neighbors from Hennepin County Library to state chairperson of the ALA membership committee, two views on the Legal Defense Fund, an update from the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation (OPLIC), and 30 bylaws changes to be voted on at the MLA annual meeting. The North Country Librarian (formerly known as the Lakeland Libarian) is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), published quarterly. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the previous title, Lakeland Libarian, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 2, number 2 of The North Country Librarian was published in the fall-winter of 1974. The issue includes articles on MLA endorsed library legislation, MLA conference updates from the sections and committees, a directory of 1975 MLA officers and committees, an editorial critiquing the 1974 MLA annual conference, a summary of the MLA ombudsman activity, a 1974 transcript of a presentation to the Citizens League, announcement of the Midwest Federation of Library Associations conference, the Mildred L. Batchelder Award, an update from the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation (OPLIC), addition of a new Minnesota book collection to the Governor's library, and a list of upcoming continuing education opportunities. The North Country Librarian (formerly known as the Lakeland Libarian) is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA). Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the previous title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 1, number 1 of The North Country Librarian was published in the spring of 1973. The issue includes articles about the state aid to libraries crisis discussed at the Midwinter meeting of the American Library Association, notice of the journal's name change, MLA section and committee updates, MLA awards jury seeking nominees, a Europe Charter planned for MLA members and relatives, an update from the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation (OPLIC), a review of the government services available from the Twin City Federal Information Center, the legislative platform supported by MLA members, ALA's intellectual freedom committee resolutions and statements supporting the Library Bill of Rights, librarians serving Vietnam veterans, librarian roles, a fictional story called Library Fuzz, The Population Resource Center of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, a calendar of upcoming events, The Environmental Library of Minnesota, a continuing education questionnaire, and a profile on MLA's ombudsman Elinor Detra. The North Country Librarian (formerly known as the Lakeland Libarian) is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), published quarterly. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the previous title, Lakeland Libarian, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 1, number 2 of The North Country Librarian was published in the summer of 1973. The issue includes articles on MLA Vice-President and Treasurer nominees, announcement of 1973 annual conference speaker Celeste West, MLA section and committee updates, the MINITEX program, an update from the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation (OPLIC), Friends of Minnesota Libraries new vice-president Mrs. Richard Edwards, a legislative report, announcement of a pre-Conference screening of the film "Deep Throat" sponsored by the intellectual freedom committee, opposing editorials on the proposed MLA legal defense fund, an editorial on professional job title changes, INFORM (Information for Minnesota), announcement of guest speaker for Minnesota Association of School Librarians meeting, Hennepin County Library's human resource indexing project, the decision not to print an MLA directory, the University of Minnesota Kerlan Collection, a list of 1973 officers and committees, passing of an ALA resolution called the Indian Library and Information Service, and the defense fund procedures proposed by the Professional Welfare committee of MLA. The North Country Librarian (formerly known as the Lakeland Libarian) is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), published quarterly. Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the previous title, Lakeland Libarian, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 2, number 1 of The North Country Librarian was published in the spring-summer of 1974. The issue includes articles on the 79th MLA annual meeting speakers Dallas Townsend (CBS News) and Roderick Schwartz (deputy director of the National Commission on Library and Information Science), candidates for MLA offices, MLA section and committee updates, ALA's notable children's books of 1973, a list of 1974 MLA officers and committees, an editor's note, an update from the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation (OPLIC), a new reference work published on Minnesota's past, puppetry and library instruction, the University of Minnesota map library, Library of Congress surplus books to libraries, Reference Service rules for good conduct, 1974 MLA officer candidate biographies and statements, and upcoming continuing education opportunities. The North Country Librarian (formerly known as the Lakeland Libarian) is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA). Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word "librarian" in the previous title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Volume 1, number 4 of The North Country Librarian was published in the winter of 1973-1974. This issue includes an announcement of a major MLA bylaws change, a summary of a talk by Rep. Donald Fraser (D., Minn.) about the endangerment of libraries, MLA section and committee announcements, and announcement tha no ALA Midwinter Meeting will be held in 1974, Librarian awards, a poll to gauge interest in a course for librarians and teachers, books of interest to librarians, notes from 1973 ALA Midwinter, a call for gifts to fund MLA annual conference speakers, a catalog available that contains a compilation of services for youth in the Twin Cities area, a Poetry Corner column, state library services column (OPLIColumn), legislative announcements, retirement announcements, the decentralization of the Midwest Medical Library Network, guidelines to consider when requesting a computer search, SLA-ASIS meeting date announcement, and a summary of MEDLINE and SUNY service in health fields. The North Country Librarian (formerly known as the Lakeland Libarian) is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA). Following a backlash over the intentional misspelling of the word ""librarian" in the previous title, a contest was held to rename the publication and in the spring of 1973 the Lakeland Libarian became the North Country Librarian.
Announcement of Minnesota Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services, held September 10-12, 1978 at the Leamington Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Conference goals are to further awareness of libraries, and improve state and national library services. Attendees of the conference include 1/3 persons involved with libraries and 2/3 persons representing other segments of the community. Names of 35 members of the planning committee listed.
Program for the Minnesota Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services held September 10-12, 1978 at the Leamington Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Governor Rudy Perpich's goal is to gather library users and professionals, and work to make state library services more accessible and effective. Sections include services and materials, access and barriers to information, special services, personnel, information networks and library cooperation, evaluation and accountability, governance and finance, and awareness and value of the library. Includes names of planning committee and subcommittee members.
Program for the 7th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), which was held on October 17-18, 1899 in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Welcome address was presented by C. F. MacDonald, president of the St. Cloud Library Board. Discussion topics cited include technical training and cataloging, care and use of periodicals, best reference books, and the role of trustees.
Notice of thanks to everyone for their work in organizing the recent annual meeting held October 2-4, 1912 in Faribault, Minnesota from H. Louise Lowe and Lucretia D. Clapp of the Effie Sando Committee, and a call for library boards to require librarians to attend at least one meeting each year at the expense of the board.
Report of the 38th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association held at the Hotel Lowry, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 17, 1930, written by Gertrude Glennon, Secretary. Reports of the legislative and education committees, including discussion of accredited library schools within the state.
Report of the 20th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held October 2-4, 1912, in Faribault, Minnesota, written by Mabel Martin Secretary-Treasurer. Includes committee appointments, business meeting, trustee's section, and discussions of library expenditures, legislation, advertising, library extension services in counties throughout the state, references services, traveling libraries, special libraries, genealogical collections, and public documents. Recommendation made to support any measure for better housing for the State Historical Library and the Library Commission.
Minnesota Library Association; Earhart, Frances E.
Date Created:
Report of the 22nd annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held September 15, 16, and 17, 1914, in Little Falls, Minnesota, written by Frances E. Earhart, Secretary. Appointments to the resolutions, nominations, proposed pensions committee of the Minnesota Educational Association. Conference theme of Library and Public Recreation includes the use of victrola and movies in libraries, story telling, children�s services, the library and the club, program making for clubs, the town library and the country club, rural community activities, women�s clubs, state-wide federated clubs, aids to librarians including special publications, trade catalogs, informational booklets, advertising materials, state and municipal reports, and publications of societies and institutions, developments in the combination of school and public libraries, developments in state library work. Resolutions committee recommends that school librarians should be eligible for teachers� pensions to be taken up by the executive committee, and that a committee be appointed to revise the constitution of the Association.
Report of the third annual meeting of the Minneapolis Library Association held December 27, 1893 in the Minneapolis Public Library. Topics discussed include devices displayed for librarians at the World's Fair, and the advance printed catalogue cards. Resolution in support of the Printing Bill to distribute public documents with request for support from Minnesota senators.
Program for the Minnesota Library Association 21st annual meeting held October 21-23, 1913 at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Includes a list of officers and program of events. Cited topics include welcome address by James Thayer Gerould, Librarian, University of Minnesota, with themes of educational extension, and library and the student, public meeting, roundtable discussions, business meeting with committee reports and election of officers.
Report of the 19th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), written by Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Conner. The conference took place at the St. Alban's Beach hotel in Minnetonka, Minnesota September 20, 21, and 22, 1911. Welcome given by Gratia Countryman, librarian, Minneapolis Public Library with addresses by Geo. B. Utley, secretary of the American Library association entitled Reaching the People, Geo. E. Vincent, President of the University of Minnesota on The Social Memory, C.G. Schulz, Supt. Public Instruction, on The Library and Education, Lettie E. Stearns on The Library and Country Life, and Clara Kellogg of Neighborhood House, St. Paul, on The Library and the Little Citizen. Sessions included a roundtable discussion on Book Selection, and talks on buying children's books, foreign books, correlation with school libraries, book ordering, the use of pictures in the library, the trustees round table, and a story hour symposium. Resolution was made to affiliate with the American Library Association. Election of officers with President Margaret Palmer, Hibbing; Vice-president Frances Earhart, Duluth; Secretary-treasurer, Mabel Martin, Minneapolis; Executive committee, Miriam Carey, St. Paul and Alice Lamb, Litchfield. Agreed that a token of friendly expression be sent to Mrs. Mc Pherson of Stillwater by the members of the association.
Printed program for the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) 20th annual meeting held October 2, 3, and 4, 1912 at the Guild House in Faribault, Minnesota. Activities include the business meeting, trustees section, addresses of welcome by Mayor Alson Blodgett, Jr., topics cited include library extension in Minnesota, reference services, and the value of special libraries.
Program for the Minnesota Library Association 22nd annual meeting held September 15-17, 1914 in Little Falls, Minnesota. Includes a list of officers and program of events. Cited topics include welcome address by L.D. Bron, Vice-President, Little Falls Library Board, moving pictures and the victrola in the library, story telling, library and local clubs, public meeting, business meeting with committee reports and election of officers.
Report of the 21st annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held October 21-23, 1913, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, written by Secretary pro tem, Ruth Ely, Duluth. Includes discussion of Library and Educational Extension, libraries and civic work, community study, the library and the student, aids and methods in reference work, and expectations of school libraries.
Printed program for the Minnesota Library Association 19th annual meeting held September 20, 21, and 22, 1911 at the St. Alban's Beach hotel in Minnetonka, Minnesota,. Includes a list of the MLA Officers and a welcome address by Gratia Countryman, Librarian, Minneapolis Public Library. Cited topics include book selection and trustee's round tables, business meeting with reports of committees and election of officers, use of pictures in libraries, and a story hour symposium; plus notes on transportation and lodging.
Registration list of the attendees at the 20th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held October 2-4, 1912, in Faribault, Minnesota.
Registration list of the attendees at the 22nd annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held September 15-17, 1914 in Little Falls, Minnesota.
Registration list of the attendees at the 21st annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held September 15-17, 1914, in Little Falls, Minnesota. This version was drafted by the MLA secretary. The original registration list with signatures is here: http://reflections.mndigital.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16022coll60/id/1644
Registration list of the attendees at the 21st annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held October 21-23, 1913, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Registration list of the attendees at the 19th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), held September 20-22, 1911, Minnetonka, Minnesota (noted as Excelsior).
Report of the 40th annual [business] meeting of the Minnesota Library Association held in Des Moines, Iowa, October 13, 1932, with reports from the certification committee, election of officers, and motions to consult with the legislative and educational authorities about certification for Public and School librarians, and for the Minnesota Library Association to continue their membership in the American Library Association.
Report of the 39th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association, held October 9, 10, and 11, 1931 at the Buckham Memorial Library in Faribault, Minnesota, written by Gertrude Glennon. Report of the committee on Certification and qualification of Librarians in Minnesota by Edna Moore, Chariman, recommending minimum qualifications for librarians in different grades of position. Report of certification laws in other states, responsibilities of librarians in small towns, with resolution that MLA Motion carried to present a bill to the next meeting of the state legislature authorizing the State Department of Education to draw up standard for certification for librarians of different grades. Discussion of the meaning of an accredited school, report of recent Committee on the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection and libraries, Agricultural extension at University of Minnesota. Joint Session for School and Children�s Librarians, holdings of the State Archives, books available for blind readers in the state, trends in current literature, business meeting with constitutional amendments, report of new officers by nominations committee
Resolutions report of the North Central Library Conference held October 14-17, 1930, in St. Paul, Minnesota, covering the death of J.G. Pyle, Librarian of the James Jerome Hill Reference Library, and thanks to all who helped to organize the conference signed by the coordinators from each state.
Report of the second annual meeting of the Minnesota Library Association held December 26, 1892 in the rooms of the State Historical Society in St. Paul. Total association membership equals 15. Minutes were read, officers elected for the coming year, and a call for meetings to be held quarterly rather than annually to encourage interest in the organization. J.F. Williams read a paper on "The Librarian as a Public Servant" and Dr. Hosmer read a paper on "Browsing." The topic of freedom on access to library shelves discussed, with group agreeing that more freedom was better.
Report of the first annual meeting of the Minnesota Library Association held on December 29, 1891 in the rooms of the State Historical Society in St. Paul with the purpose to organize State Library Association based on recommendations of the American Library Association and similar to associations in other states. Motion was made to create a constitution which was submitted and approved after the meeting [available separately]. Elected officers for the next year are William W. Folwell, President; Helen McCaine, Vice President; and J.F. Williams, Secretary & Treasurer. The Secretary was directed to prepare a circular announcing the organization and be sent to every librarian in the State.
Original constitution of the Minnesota Library Association stating a purpose of mutual aid and cooperation within the library profession with the advantages gained from sharing ideas gained from work experience. Open to all persons engaged in library work in Minnesota as a librarian, and officers or directors of libraries. Calls for one-year appointments to the offices of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and a five- member executive committee within the organization. A $1.00 fee will be charged , with no annual dues, and annual meetings will be held during the annual meeting of the Minnesota Educational Association. Lists amendments dated December 26, 1898 regarding membership, the executive committees, annual dues, and annual meetings.
Report of the Spring Quarterly Meeting of the Minnesota Library Association held March 29, 1893 in the rooms of the State Historical Society with 19 members present. Welcome by Ex- Governor Ramsey. Minutes were read and approved. Topics discussed include library architecture (Dr. Folwell), open versus closed stacks and freedom of access for patrons, and a proposed system of travelling libraries to be sent around the state (Miss Countryman). Resolution made expressing sympathy for J. Fletcher Williams in his present illness.
The full transcript from address by speaker Dr. Walter M. Patton, Librarian of Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota at the 1924 Minnesota Library Association annual conference. The presentation title is listed in the 1924 annual conference program as "An ideal annual library budget for a college of five hundred students."
Announcement for the 17th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), September 15-18, 1909, Duluth Minnesota. The conference is a joint meeting of the Minnesota and Wisconsin Library Association, who held their meeting in Superior, Wisconsin. The prelimiinary program states there will be an excursion to Hibbing and the Iron Range. Hotel rates for the conference were listed, ranging from $1.50 - $2.50 per day.
List of exhibitors for the 43rd annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA). The conference took place October 10-12, 1935 at Lowry Hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Exhibits information used for the 75th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association held October 15-16, 1970 at the Kahler Hotel, Rochester, Minnesota. Includes copies of the letter used by the MLA Exhibits Chairman, applications for exhibits space, a map of the exhibit area in the conference center, and a thank-you letter sent to exhibitors.
Report of the 35th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) . The conference took place at Lowry Hotel in St. Paul, MN, November 8-10, 1927.
Minnesota Library Association; Clute, Elizabeth W.
Date Created:
Notes from the 14th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 25-27, 1906 in Austin, Minnesota. Association president Maud van Buren presided over the conference and offered the president's address on "The Social Side of the Librarian's Life." Gratia Countryman provided a report on the travelling library program. Other presentations were given on the topics of the training and role of trustees, book lending policies, fines, puchase of foreign books, open hours on Sundays, housekeeping, materialism and the public library, and public school and the public library. It was agreed by vote to create a trustees section of the association and officers were elected. Lists of association officers and resolutions are included.
Meeting notes for the 92nd annual conference for the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 7-9, 1987 at Madden's Resort in Brainerd, Minnesota. The notes include reports from the Treasurer, Secretary, President, Vice President/President Elect, the ALA Chapter Councilor, the member at large for Intellectual Freedom, the member at large for Legislative Affairs, and the Membership Committee. Resolutions were passed to urge the media to report more fully on harassment of local alternative bookstores and information resources, to seek the re-establishment of an ALA-accredited MLS program at the U of M, and to commend Senator Paul Simon and Congressman James Oberstar for their support of library services in Minnesota.
Notes from the 10th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held in conjuction with the meeting of the Library Section of the N. E. A. on July 10-12, 1902 in Minnepolis, Minnesota. Dr. W. W. Folwell of the University of Minnesota presided. Presentations included "The Library Profession" by Mrs. W. J. Southward, "The Popular Book" by Emily H. Corson, "The Publisher and the Library" by Minnie A. McGraw, "Library Legislation in Minnesota" by Daniel Fish, a report on Minnesota state documents by Warren Upham, and "Printed Finding Lists" by Jeanette Clarke. A committee on legislation was appointed. Gratia Countryman of the Minneapolis Public Library led a round table discussion on publisher net prices and on state documents. A list of elected officers is included.
Notes from the 11th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 15-17, 1903 in Owatonna, Minnesota. Vice-president Katherine McMillan Beals presided. The welcome address was given by Mr. L. L. Wheelock, president of the Owatonna Library Board. The opening address was given by Warren Upham, Librarian of the Minnesota Historical Society, on history and literature of Minnesota. Other presentation topics included co-operative cataloging and Library of Congress cards by Lydia M. Poirier, public documents in the non-depository library by Miss L. M. Crafts, reports and statistics by Miss Sarah E. Le Crone, ""The Library as an Educational Institution"" by Mr. P. J. Kuntz, and "The Ideal Library and its Place in the Community" by Judge Edwin Ames Jaggard. The resolution commitee resolved to request funds from the State University Board of Regents to make accessible the set of Library of Congress catalog cards deposited at the University library. A list of elected officers is included.
Notes from the 13th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 12-14 in Red Wing, Minnesota. President of the association Gratia Countryman presided and gave the opening address on "The Library as Social Center." Other presentations included topics such as reading rooms for smokers, book selection, county extension of library services, the history of Red Wing, acquisition of state documents, advertising library resources, and story hours. List of resolutions and elected officers are included.
Notes from the 6th annual meeting of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on December 14-1, 1898 at the new library building in Rochester, Minnesota. Notes include a list of attendees, amendments to the constitution, resolutions and the list of officers elected.
Notes from the 7th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) which was held on October 17-18, 1899 in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The welcome address was presented by C. F. MacDonald, President of the St. Cloud Library Board. A short class on the cataloging was conducted by Mrs. W. J. Southward. The evening program was omitted so that the Association could attend a meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs and hear an address by Federation president Margaret J. Evans. On the second day of the conference the Library Association visited the state Normal School, hosted by school President Kleeburger. Officers were elected and further papers were presented on the topics of library rules and regulations, bulletin boards and special lists, best reference books, and the responsibilities of the library trustee.
Notes from the 9th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 14-15, 1901 in Stillwater, Minnesota. Presentations included "Our State Publications" by Warren Upham of the Minnesota Historical Society, "Reference Work" by Mrs. C. M. Beals,"Beginnings of an Art Library" by Katherine Patten, "The Children's Department" by Mrs. A. C. Ellison, "Work With the Children" by Agnes Libby, "History and Literature" by Willis M. West, "Selection and Purchase of Books" by Jessie McMillan, and "Library Architecture" by Marie E. Brick. A list of elected officers and resolutions is included.
Report of the fifth annual meeting of the Minnesota Library Association held December 29, 1896 in St. Paul at the State Library Association offices and in Minneapolis at the Public Library.
Notes from the 8th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 1-2 at the Free Library of Winona, Minnesota. William W. Folwell, president of the association presided over the conference. The welcome address was given by F. S. Bell, president of the Winona Library Board. Presentations included "Progress of the State Library Commission" by Clara Baldwin, "The Library in Educational Work" by Alice N. Farr, "Happenings at the Desk" by Julia Hess, "The Reading of our Youth" by Lettie M. Krafts, a discussion of Napoleon and the Louisian Purchase by By James K. Hosmer, "Bookbinding and Repair" by Otto Wolff, "Newspaper Clippings" by Evelyn Crandall Lyon, and "The Library and the Farmer" by Willet M. Hays. A list of elected officers is included. Following the association meeting, the State Library Commission hosted a meeting on the topic of travelling libraries for all interested association members.
Minnesota Library Association (MLA) proceedings from the annual conference held September 24-26, 1924 at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The keynote speaker for the opening banquet was Mr. David Bryn-Jones of Carlton College & Trinity Baptist Church, Minneapolis speaking on "The ideals of adult education." The Business Session, presided over by MLA President Mr. Wheelock, appointed members to the Resolutions Committee, and included committee reports for the Agricultural Reading group, the Certification Committee, the Legislative Committee, the Publicity Committee, the Committee on Documents, the Committee for the Survey of Library Service (appointed by the American Library Association), the Education Committee focused on recruiting librarians in library instruction in elementary schools, high schools, teacher's colleges (Mankato, Winona, St. Cloud, Duluth, Bemidji, and Moorhead), colleges and private schools, adult education, and the University Extension Division. The Education Committee made recommendations of current book titles of interest in the areas of home and love stories, novels, mystery stories, cheerful or humorous stories, historical novels, romance, school life and young people, about a special place (western, city or northern story), foreign locales, biographies, books for private libraries, and children's books. An MLA financial statement is also included at the end of the report.
Program for the 79th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association held October 10-11 at the Arrowhead Lodge, Alexandria, Minnesota. The theme was "Countdown to 1984: What's Ahead for Libraries?" Mayor Vernon Bisson presented the welcome. General Sessions topics included "At Last It Can Be Told--The True Story of Minnesota Public Libraries," "A National Plan for Libraries--Round Two!," and "When all Else Fails--Call Me!," The program also included tips on using Robert's Rules of Order and Parlamentary procedure.
Program for the 14th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 25-27, 1906 in Austin, Minnesota. Presentations cited include the organization, training and duties of library trustees, daily operational issues such as circulation and fine policies, a travelling library round table, and public schools and the public library. Lists of officers and local and program committee members are included.