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301. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-03
- Description:
- Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter volume 7, number 4 was published in March 1980. Content includes an overview of a reception held at Minnesota Governor's residence on February 14, 1980, various round table events, a legislative report from the MLA legislative committee, MLA member spotlight, educational events for librarians, a call for professional exhibit participants at the MLA conference, the 1980 ALA Midwinter Council Report, job postings, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
302. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June/July 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-06 - 1980-07
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May/June, 1981. Topics include a summary of the 1980 MLA annual conference, April 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes , May 1980 MLA membership meeting minutes, MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, the 1980 MLA membership directory, results of an annual conference exibitor questionnaire, the MLA Nominating Committee slate of officers running for positions on the MLA board, announcement that the ACRL 1981 national conference will take place in Minneapolis, a list of upcoming AACR2 cataloging workshops, and job announcements.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
303. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, August 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-08
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published August, 1980. Topics include: announcement about ALA Piercy Award winner Nancy Olson, July 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, MLA Membership & Revenue Report, MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, minutes from the May Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum, an MLA GODORT report on the Minnesota State Documents microfilm project and depository system, a reminder about the availability of the MLA membership directory, upcoming educational events, an announcement about an upcoming conference for Minnesota Library Friends called Friends in High Places, MLA Spring conference program abstracts and summaries, A list of Minnesotans who attended the ALA Annual Conference in New York, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
304. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-09
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September, 1980. Topics include: an MLA Legislative Committee report on activities, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, a contest to design the next MLA logo, statewide COM Catalog inventory results, an account of the Spring Depository Council meeting in St. Paul, the MLA Membership Directory, a full description of upcoming AACR 2 workshops, job announcements, information sought by ALA on library instruction in Minnesota, an announcement about the Minnesota Reading Association fall conference, a call for papers on children's literature, a new national association for on-line A/V catalogers, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
305. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-10
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published October, 1980. Topics include: September 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, membership renewals, roommates for ALA Midwinter meeting, MLA Library Friends Conference, results of the MLA election, MLA Board meeting schedule, a list of the MLA Board of Directors, MLA logo contest deadline extended, a call for MLA materials to send to the archives at the Minnesota Historical Society, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, an upcoming PALS program and meeting, availability of a "Minnesota Library Scene" pamphlet, a summary of the ad-hoc committee of the White House Conference on Library and Information Services, the MLA Membership Directory, MLA member updates, minutes from the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum, library job announcements, an upcoming seminar on budgeting for special libraries, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
306. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-01
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in January, 1982. Contents include the President's Column, an announcement of the formation of the Data Systems Round Table, a call for letters of professional support for faculty and staff facing possible elimination at the University of Minnesota Library School, reports from the multi-county multi-type library systems in Minnesota, a Legislative Update, a survey distributed by the Continuing Education Committee, a report by the Legislative Committee, a member profile of Gayle Whitesell, a report of the Government Documents Rount Table, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, and a survey regarding group insurance.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
307. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-11
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published November, 1980. Topics include: October 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, a message from the MLA Past President, nominations needed for MLA Awards, a message to library trustees, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, a summary of an MLA/GODORT meeting, an announcement about the GPO Bookstore moving from Milwaukee to Minneapolis, the MLA legislative platform for the 1981 session, a call to participate in the Minnesota Library Association Legislative Network, minutes from the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum meeting, a new publication available called "Libraries in the Political Process," announcement about the upcoming Minnesota Library Legislative Day, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Thor Power Tool Co. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue that affect publishers and libraries, the upcoming White House Conference on Aging, legal Reference Services, new source of information on women's history, the University of Minnesota FIRE Center, library jobs list, source for information about the Great Northern Railway, an upcoming Searchers Fair, MLA Program Fund gift, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
308. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-03
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1982. Contents include the President's Column, a report of the MLA Board, a report of the Minnesota Library Trustees Association, reports of various sections and round tables, a Legislative Update, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, a listing of educational events, and a call for participation in a Minnesota Library Association Legislative Day.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
309. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-02
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in February, 1982. Contents include a report of the Reference and Adult Services Section, a report of the Government Documents Round Table, various committee reports, the President's Column, a report from METRONET regarding regional cable network development, a Legislative Update, a report of the Statewide Library Services Forum, a memorial recognition of Frederick Wezeman, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, a listing of educational events, and announcement of appointments to the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
310. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-01 - 1981-02
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published January/February, 1981. Topics include: an MLA Spring Conference update, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, an update on the activities of the Coalition for Library Legislation, changes in the MLA Membership Directory, registration materials insert for the Forum: All-Association Conference I, library jobs list, a calendar of upcoming library events, a Librarian's workshop at the Great Midwestern Bookshow, and an announcement about the Chidren's Literature Association 8th Annual Conference.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
311. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March/April 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-03 - 1981-04
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 4/5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published March/April, 1981. Topics include: January 1981 MLA Board meeting minutes, College of St. Catherine launches library science scholarship fund, the ALA Midwinter Chapter Councilor's Report, upcoming MLA Conference dates, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, second Occasional Papers planned for publication on the topic of library resource sharing, MLA staff exchange program available, upcoming educational events, library jobs list, Minnesota reception planned at ALA Annual Conference for award-winning library trustee, input sought on revised ALA Code of Ethics, ALA seeking volunteers for Legislative Network on Youth, ALA Annual Public Relations Swap n Shop, ALA seeking materials on online searching, and Southcentral Minnesota-Inter-Library Exchange (SMILE) announces spring meeting.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
312. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May/June 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-05 - 1981-06
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 6/7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May/June, 1981. Topics include: March 1981 MLA Board meeting minutes, a thank you from the MLA President, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, an update about the fall ACRL Conference, minutes from the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum March and May meeting, a library job list, ALA issues policy statement on library instruction, a call for contributions to help furnish the new ALA headquarters, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
313. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April/May 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-04 - 1982-05
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 4-5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in the spring of 1982. Contents include a special report on the suspension and possible restructuring of the Library School program at the University of Minnesota, reports of the MLA Board and the Nominating Committee, an overview of the report of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS), an announcement of the ending of the National Archives interlibrary loan program, discussion of the Voluntary Recognition Service program for continuing education, and the ALA councilor report of ALA Midwinter.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
314. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June/July 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-06 - 1982-07
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 6-7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in summer of 1982. Contents include an announcement of the recipients of the Minnesota Library Association annual awards, the President's Column, minutes of the General Membership Meeting held at the annual conference, a report from the MLA Board, reports from the Minnesota Library Trustees and the Public Library Divisions, a report from the Media Round Table on the potential for libraries to become satellite teleconference centers, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, and a list of educational events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
315. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August, 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-07 - 1981-08
- Description:
- Volume 8 number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in July/August of 1981. Contents include a summary of Minnesota librarians who received awards at the American Library Association annual meeting, announcement of a pilot education program of the American Library Trustees Association that was to be located in Minnesota, MLA awards presented at the All Association Conference, minutes of the general membership meeting, minutes of the board of directors meeting, listings of national and regional library events, and library job postings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
316. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-10
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October of 1982. Contents include election results for MLA officers, highlights from the August MLA Board meeting, a report of the MFLA Planning Committee, a special report on the revision of the American Library Association's legislative policy, a letter to the editor advocating the MLA resolution supporting mandatory membership of each county in a regional library system, an announcement of the adoption of the national library symbol, a listing of educational events, a master calendar of events and deadlines, and a listing of calls for award nominations or research papers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
317. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September/October, 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-09 - 1981-10
- Description:
- Volume 8 number 10/11 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September/October, 1981. Contents include summary of the meeting of the Association of College and Research Libraries, minutes of the MLA board meeting, a listing of regional MLA meetings, upcoming meetings of various MLA sections and roundtables, the results of the Technical Services Section election, a report from the ALA chapter councilor, a listing of library continuing education events, announcement of NEH grants available for youth projects, a call for humanities workshop participants, a call for submissions to the Minnesota English Journal, news from the multi-county multi-type library systems, announcement of the ALA awards and scholarships, and library job postings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
318. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, August/September 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-08 - 1982-09
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 8-9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in fall of 1982. Contents include the treasurer's report, excerpts from a report on the National Library Week Legislative Day held in Washington D. C., the On People sections which provides news on individual members, a Legislative Update, a listing of educational events, a listing of job openings, highlights from various meetings outside of the MLA organization, and a master calendar of events and deadlines.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
319. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-12
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 12 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in December of 1982. Contents include an update on public library finance, highlights of the October MLA Board meeting, the announcement of a ten-member task force to examine the restructuring of the library and information science program at the University of Minnesota, reports from various MLA round tables and sections, a report from the Friends of the Libraries of Roseau County on community efforts to raise funds and prevent the closure of libraries in the Roseau County Library System, news briefs on individual members, a memorial announcement for Beatrice Reed Bailey, highlights of meetings outside of the MLA organization, a listing of job opportunities, a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines, and a Legislative Update.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
320. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-11
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 11 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November of 1982. Contents include a summary of an address by Charles R. Hildreth to the Academic and Research Libraries Division on the topic of the user interface for online public access catalogs, highlights of the September MLA Board meeting, a directory of MLA Board members, a listing of the newly elected officers of MLA committees and subunits, reports from the Minnesota Library Trustees Association and the Government Documents Round Table, a Legislative Update, a reprinted article from ALA's Washington Newsletter on the topic of increasing restrictions on access to government information, a call for volunteers to index and abstract information for the online Family Resources Database, a listing of job opportunities, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, and a listing of calls for awards nominations and research paper proposals.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
321. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-04
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April of 1983. Contents include news of the upcoming MLA annual conference, reports from the Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Special Libraries Round Table, library news briefs from around the state, a special report on software for the creation of free-text searchable databases, various library-related news briefs, a listing of job opportunities, and a listing of educational events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
322. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-01 - 1983-02
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in winter of 1983. Contents include a report from the Intellectual Freedom Committee on the Conference titled "Censorship: Past, Present and Future" held in Minneapolis, a report from the Awards Committee, a special report on the National Invitational Conference on Independent Scholarship, a Legislative Update, reports from various round tables, a listing of educational events, and an announcement of a program titled "The Future of the Free Library in a Televideo World."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
323. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-05
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in May of 1983. Contents include a Legislative Update, highlights of the March MLA Board meeting, an announcement that Congressman Gerry Sikorski is sponsoring the National Heritage Resource Act, a position statement being offered to the MLA Board and membership on the role of libraries in promoting tourism, an announcement of the Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award winner, an announcement of the University Gallery Touring Exhibition titled "Investigating Sherlock Holmes," announcement of a fellowship at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Library Science Department, a list of candidates nominated for MLA board positions, a description of the new PBS production called "Reading Rainbow,"and a description of the charge of the newly formed Library Heritage Task Force.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
324. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-09
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September of 1983. Contents include a Legislative Update on privacy law revisions, highlights of the May MLA Board meeting, a description of the charge of the newly formed Task Force on an MLA Lobbyist, a report of the Government Documents Round Table, a listing of educational events, a call for energy information centers to promote information sharing, a call for nominations for the Kerlan Award, and news briefs on individual members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
325. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-07 - 1983-08
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in summer of 1983. Contents include a report of the Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting at the MLA annual conference, a call for nominations for Minnesota Library Trustee Association officers, reports from the Membership Committee and the Reader's Advisory Round Table, summaries of panel discussions presented by the PALS Round Table on the topics of quality control and on the small press, announcement of the Institute program on the information needs of older Americans, information on the upcoming Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference, news briefs on various events and programs outside of MLA, a listing of job opportunities, and the announcement of St. Paul as the location for the second Forum All-Association Conference to be held in 1985.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
326. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-03
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March of 1983. Contents include an editorial article titled "The Small Press and the Great Midwestern Bookshow" which advocates library support of small presses, highlights of the December MLA Board meeting, a Legislative Update, an announcement of the Minnesota Association of Law Libraries spring conference, a schedule of events for the Great Midwestern Bookshow, a special report on cable system development, a listing of job opportunities, news briefs on individual members, a memorial notice for Flora T. Rogge, ALA News, and a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
327. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-10
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October of 1983. Contents include election results for MLA officers, an announcement that MLA was selected by ALA to host the 1984 Arbuthnot Lecture, a listing of job opportunities, a reprinting of responses by legislators to the Nuclear Freeze Resolution passed by MLA, a memorial notice for Adeline F. Ballenthin, a listing of census materials available from the Office of the State Demographer, a listing of conferences of interest, a call for information from library cost studies, and a master calendar of MLA events and deadlines.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
328. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-06
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in June of 1983. Contents include the announcement of four awards presented at the MLA annual conference, information on the formation of a music librarian group, a listing of job opportunities, and the MLA annual business meeting minutes with reports from divisions, sections and round tables.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
329. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele
- Date Created:
- 1983-11
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November of 1983. Contents include discussion of the clearinghouse for library instruction established by the Minnesota State University System, a listing of job opportunities, a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines, an article discussing the usage of the Motion Picture Association of America ratings on library materials, an assessment of the library job market through 1990, a call from ALA for each state library association to coordinate a program for National Library Week, a Legislative Update, and announcement of the inauguration of the ALANET electronic communication system in January of 1984.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
330. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele
- Date Created:
- 1983-12
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in December of 1983. Contents include a call for MLA award nominees, a directory of MLA leadership for 1983/1984, a report from the Midwest Federation of Library Associations conference, a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines, news briefs on individual members, and a listing of job opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
331. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-01 - 1984-02
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January/February, 1984. Contents include the President's Column, a legislative update, MLA subunit and committee updates, an announcement about the Wisconsin Intellectual Freedom Coalition sixth annual conference, award nominees sought, a list of educational events, a report about the first meeting of the Task Force on MLA Lobbyist, a special report about working in the St. Paul Mayor's Office of Management and Budget, library staff news, job announcements, and an ALA program called "Let's Talk About It," intended to develop library-based discussion groups throughout the United States.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
332. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-03
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March, 1984. Contents include a legislative update, corrections and updates to MLA Leadership listings, House approval of the LSCA, Intellectual Freedom Committee news and upcoming workshops, the Great Midwestern Bookshow, a call for MLA award nominations, a special report on computer hardware and software, an update on the Minnesota Libraries long range plan and call for suggestions, and job openings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
333. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-04
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published April, 1984. Topics include a call for Minnesota Library Trustees Association (MLTA) members to attend MLA Conference; updates from Public Libraries Division (PLD), and Data Systems Round Table (DSRT); MLA Board Highlights from December & January 1984; ALA News including the Chapter Councilor's Report, and Special Libraries Round Table (SLRT) report; upcoming educational events; job openings; "On People" items; and ads for EBSCO Subscription Services, and Baker & Taylor.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
334. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-05
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May, 1984. Topics include the ALA reading discussion program entitled "Let's Talk About It"; call for entries in "Minnesota Quotable Quotes" by Minnesota Reviews; Special Report on Lesotho and libraries by Mary Wagner; meeting notes from MN Health Sciences Library Association (MHSLA); notices of Film in the Cities workshops, Automation in Libraries in St. Cloud, MN and Bismark, ND, Media Technology Conference, MN Association of Law Librarians (MALL) conference May 1984, and MN Reading Association Meeting October 1984; job openings; legislative update on library access for every Minnesota Citizen, Library Services and Construction Act; ads for Freedom to Read Foundation, and EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
335. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-07 - 1984-08
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published July/August, 1984. Topics include text of speech by Joanne Hart to MLA Trustees 05-03-1984, entitled "Three cheers for diversity"; notes from Readers Advisory Round Table (RART); call for members to form Twin Cities chapter of American Society of Indexers; notice of Midwestern Rural Library Conference in Mankato, MN (September 1984); ASIS/SLA Telecommunications and the Myth of Access symposium in St. Paul (September 1984); President's Column; committee announced to start "Let's Talk About It' program in MN; call for suggestions for MN Libraries Long Range Plan for Library Service; "On People" column includes Nancy Alsop, Sanford Berman, Arline Brown, Sharon Charles, Bill Erickson, Rev. Gordon MacLean, Alice Mittelstadt, Gary Shirk, Virginia Shirk, Roger Sween, Dorothy Thews; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
336. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September, 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-09
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September, 1984. Topics include announcement of American Library Association (ALA) Goal Award received by MLA at 103rd ALA Annual Conference in Dallas, TX 06-25-1984, and ALA awards also given to Lutheran Church Library Association, headquartered in Minneapolis, and George D'Elia and Sandra Walsh received the ALA Library Research Round Table's 1984 Research Development Award; report on Information through Literacy, ALA Pre-Conference (June 1984) at Texas Woman's University; announcement of National Awareness Campaign on adult illiteracy; online jobs database available by the Office of Library Development and Services and MLA; "Let's Talk About It" discussion program update; call for papers for PLA's 1986 National Conference to be held in St. Louis, MO (April 1986); Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control (LNAC) almanac available; meeting announcement of MLA Academic and Research Libraries Division (November 1984) at Carlton College in Northfield, MN; Books Come Alive! II conference on literature for children and young adults planned (November 1984) at Mankato State University; Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) to hold conference (November 1984) in Brooklyn Park, MN; Computer User Magazine educational events planned (October 1984); job openings; ads for EBSCO Subscription Services and Library Binding Service.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
337. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-10
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published October, 1984. Topics include President's Column on MLA staffing; Lora Landers' ALA Chapter Councilor Report; round table reports on Readers Advisor Round Table (RART), Special Libraries Round Table (SLRT), Notice of All-Association Conference 2 to be held in St. Paul, MN (September 1985), and Minnesota Reading Association activities; MLA Officer Election Results with Don Pearce, Vice-President/President-Elect, Anita Anker, Secretary, and Mary Larson, Member-at-Large; call for presentations by Reference and Adult Services Division (RSAD) and Machine Assisted Reference Section (MARS) for 1985 ALA Annual Conference; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
338. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-11 - 1984-12
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 9-10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published November/December, 1984. Topics include notice of 1985 Library Legislative Day (formerly MILL Day) scheduled 2-25-1985; List of 1985 MLA Board members, contact information, meeting times, and committee assignments; Special Report on Lesotho and libraries by Mary Wagner; call for suggestions for revised library grant rules from Office of Library Development and Services (MN); reminder that fiscal and membership years now follow the calendar year (effective January 1985); notice of Legal Bibliography Institute schedule; ads for EBSCO Subscription Services, and Baker & Taylor.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
339. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-06
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published June, 1984. Topics include MLA annual conference awards for Trustee of the Year, President's Award, Certificate of Merits, and Librarian of the Year; reports from MLA General Membership Meeting, including bylaw changes, Treasurer's Report and Lobbyist Task Force Report, commendation to MLA Legislative Committee, ALA Chapter Councilor, and Membership Committee; announcement of combined MN library and information societies conference (Sept. 1985), and 1985 MLA Officer candidates; conference report from Technical Services Section (TSS), Public Libraries Division (PLD), and Minnesota Information/Library Legislative (MILL) Bulletin with address from MN Congressman Timothy Penny; Gretchen Wronka's report on ALA Legislative Day in Washington, DC; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
340. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-01 - 1985-02
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published January/February, 1985. Topics include introduction of MLA Administrative Secretary, Pamela Towne, and Newsletter editors, Marjorie and David Barton; MLA Board highlights; notice of February "I Love to Read" Month, and Library Legislative Day (February 26, 19850; call for MLA Award nominees; article by Senator Rudy Boschwitz on "Federal Library Funding"; membership renewal reminder; job openings; MLA office contact information and directions, and 1985 MLA Board Meeting dates; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
341. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-03
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published March, 1985. Topics include President's report on MLA members meeting with Congressional representatives at ALA Midwinter Meeting in Washington, DC, and news of Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (MCAC) victory; notice of Reference and Adult Services Section (RASS) spring program to focus on Reference Department organization; ALA Chapter Councilor's report on ALA Midwinter 1985 meeting; update on final version of the federal Library Services and Construction Act (LCSA ); notice of 1985 National Library Week national photography contest; MLA news includes call for members for the Minnesota Library Trustee Association (MLTA), and announcements of Mobile Services Roundtable meeting, Government Documents Roundtable publication, Technical Services Section (TSS) workshop on time and stress management, and Data Systems Roundtable (DSR) meeting, and call for Librarian of the Year nominees; job openings; notice and survey of Library of Congress pilot program for Cataloging in Publication; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
342. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-05
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May, 1985. Topics include announcement of the Forum All Association Conference entitled "Information: Minnesota's Natural Resource" to be held in St. Paul in September 1985, MLA's receipt of ALA grant for a program entitled "Good Information: the Link between Economic Vitality and Libraries"; MLA News including call for nominees for Media Roundtable, participation by Minnesota Library Trustees Association (MLTA) members, Intellectual Freedom Committee report, Cooperative Preservation Program grant received, update on Governor's Residence Library collection, notice of upcoming Public Library Association meeting in July 1985 in Chicago, and annual International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) meeting in Chicago in August 1985; the President's Message; report of MLA Board meeting and list of committees with names of chairs and goals; notice of the second annual Reader's Retreat in Chanhassen in June 1985; survey by Continuing Education Committee; events calendar; job openings; for sale items; memorial notice for Myrtle Rundquist; ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
343. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-04
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published April, 1985. Topics include report on Library Legislative Day (February 26, 1985) in St. Paul, MN; MLA Board of Directors Meeting; Mobile Services Workshop; Law Librarians spring conference; People news; notice of paper entitled, "Is Minnesota developing two economies?" by Mary Birmingham; job openings; MEMO/CABLE Conference; Ads for EBSCO Subscription Services, and CMI Readers/Printers..
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
344. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-07 - 1985-08
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published July/August, 1985. Topics include report of the Library Planning and Development Committee, and Free Speech in School; news of Forum All-Association Conference 2 in St. Paul, MN (September 12-14, 1985); MLA Board Highlights; announcement of 1986 MLA Conference; MLA News includes call for Special Libraries Roundtable Program Coordinator, MLA Data Systems Roundtable meeting report, and MLA Technical Services Section offering newsletter; reports on recent Readers Retreat and the 1984-85 "Let's Talk About Books" program; Members in motion; notice of Volunteer Against Illiteracy campaign; calendar of events; article on the impact of computers on libraries entitled "Micro-myths" by Joe Nathan; paper presented to the MLA Board by the Economic Vitality Planning group entitled "Libraries and Economic Vitality"; MLA Membership counts; job openings; Reading lists of Senator Rudy Boschwitz, Senator Dave Durenberger; Governor Rudy Perpich, State Representative Paul Anders Ogren, and Senator Florian Chimielewski in recognition of National Library Week; notices promoting literacy in America, and Book Week November 11-17; and ads from William B. Turner Company and EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
345. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-06
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published June, 1985. Topics include report of Daniel J. Boorstin's speech at the 100th anniversary dinner for the Minneapolis Public Library; MLA News including call for Reader's Advisory Roundtable nominees, MLA 1985 budget, access to government information, notice of Minnesota Caucus at ALA Conference (July 1985), call for information on activities where library services have contributed to economic development; report of MLA attendees at the Annual Federal Library Legislative Day (April 12, 1985) in Washington, DC; new MLA members list; slate of candidates for 1986 MLA Board; excerpts of speeches in support of libraries by Representative Bruce Vento and Representative Bill Frenzel to the U.S. House of Representatives (April 17, 985); excerpt from President Ronald Reagan's 1985 National Library Week Proclamation; statement of the value of lobbying efforts from the MLA Legislative Committee; educational opportunities; job openings; update on Minnesota Reviews; announcement of Skinnybones by Barbara Parks as the winner of the 1985 Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award; call for changes to library loan procedures for video and computer equipment; memorial notice for Reba L. Wakefield; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
346. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-02
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published February, 1986. Topics include announcement of Library Legislative Day (February 25, 19860 in St. Paul; Richard Welch selected as MLA's lobbyist for upcoming session; National Library Week theme, "Get a Head Start at the Library" announced; MLA 1986 Board Meeting schedule; call for nominations for outstanding library/media center programs; call for participants in survey of personality type and job satisfaction of Minnesota librarians; report of actions by MLA Board at December meeting; MLA goal presented by Planning and Development Committee; opportunities for activities and workshops; job openings; and ads for EBSCO Subscription Services and ALA Membership.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
347. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-10
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published October, 1985. Topics include John Christenson named MLA Librarian of the Year; Darlene Arnold received MLA Certificate of Merit; photo of Mary Heiges, Kathy Markowitz and Don Dueltgen at recent Forum All-Association Conference 2; announcement of meeting on Access to Government Information (October 24, 1985) in Golden Valley; announcement of Readers Advisory Round Table steering committee nominees, and Continuing Education Survey results; report of MLA Board and subunit meetings; report of the Ad Hoc Economic Vitality Committee; report of the MLA General Membership Meeting (September 13, 1985); 1985 Membership Directory Supplement; call for nominations for Annual Facts on File Award; announcement of ALA Barber award; call for a new White House Conference by U.S. Representative William Ford (D-Mich.); job openings; "People" news"; Workshop and meeting opportunities; MLA President's award given to Suzanne Mahmoodi and Roger Sween; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
348. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1985
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1985-11 - 1985-12
- Description:
- Volume 12, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published November/December, 1985. Topics include meet new MLA Board Members, Jan Feye-Stukas, Vice President/President Elect; Bonnie McLellan, Member-at-Large for Legislative Affairs; Ed Swanson, Treasurer; MLA Calendar; Board highlights; people; creation of the Minneapolis Library Association Marie Goss/MALF Endowment Fund for new library Friends groups; MLA testifies at Legislative Hearing; Intellectual Freedom update; National Library week announcement April 6-12, 1986; report of the MLA Board Planning and Development Committee goals; job openings including MLA Lobbyist position; notices of Minneapolis Public Library's requirement for police to require a court order to gain access to the library's transaction records relating to a particular crime; update on Rural Libraries; Opportunities and upcoming events, membership renewal notice; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
349. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-01
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published January, 1986. Topics include call for volunteers to participate in a study to determine "What kind of person becomes a librarian?", announcement of Government Documents Round Table meeting; report on Carol Johnson visiting academic libraries throughout the state; statement of the Legislative Committee's platform for 1986; MLA year in review by Joe Kimbrough, MLA President; December Board Actions; calendar of events; report of Intellection Freedom activies; list of MLA Officers and contact information; MLA News; report of opposition by federal librarians to centralized access to legislative collections; 1985 Intellectual Freedom Committee report; job openings; update on the activities of Sanford Berman, Hennepin County Library cataloger, regarding making LC subject headings accessible; opportunities for meetings and workshops; call for ideas for priorities and concerns that should be addressed by ALA; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
350. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-04
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April 1986. Contents include an announcement about the 1986 MLA Annual Conference, Inforama!, Oklahoma! transformed into a library musical, Hotels for Metro area MLA members at the annual conference, a call for interest in forming a Minnesota chapter of Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control, annual conference speaker announcements, February 1986 board meeting highlights, a first-time meeting of directors from large public libraries, call for interest in an MLA Round Table on networking, library staff updates, a reminder to renew MLA memberships, publisher Creative Education given ALA Mildred L. Batrchelder Award, a summary of library legislative day at the Capitol, Chapter Councilor report from ALA's 1986 Midwinter meeting, call for volunteers to visit the Capitol to lobby for library programs, job announcements, a listing of upcoming educational events, a call for stories for Project Censored: The Ten Best Censored Stories of 1985, and a notice that the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee is monitoring a rise in health issues becoming springboards for censorship.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
351. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-05
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May 1986. Contents include a call for contributions to Minnesota Public Radio's Christine Sweet Reads program, MLA March board meeting highlights, re-establishment of the Program Fund Board, library staff updates, MLA awards at the April MLA annual conference, a recap of the 1986 Minnesota Legislative session, new library director at Macalester college, Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship's intellectual freedom coalition building efforts, a summary of the April Public Library Association Conference, miscellaneous items of interest to the library community, a call for input on controversial young adult books to the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, a summary of the government documents Depository Council spring meeting, a list of upcoming library related events, a save the date for the 1987 MLA annual conference, job announcements, a call for volunteers for a Minneapolis human services organization, and an update on a project by nine public library systems to produce a summer library reading program.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
352. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-03
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published March, 1986. Topics include report on Library Legislative Day; announcement of MLA Annual Conference April 16-18, 1986 in St. Paul, MN with the theme, "Business is our business"; Readers Advisory Round Table annual meeting on April 17, 1985 in St. Paul; Technical Services Section meeting; announcement of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Classification and Search Support Information System (CASSIS) is available at Minneapolis Public Library; call for nominees for Pages to Library Specialists (PALS) officers; 1987 Cooperative Summer Library Program (SLP) ideas solicited; State proposes budget reductions to libraries; Rural Library services featured at Public Library Association's national conference; MLA Board highlights; MLA Membership Supplement; MLA Board reports on second and third administrative goals; "Mission Statement for College Libraries" is available from ALA; Opportunities for workshops and meetings; job openings; for sale; Study tour of libraries in Scandinavia scheduled June 7-22, 1986; "Reading Time" brochures available; ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
353. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-09
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1986. Contents include pictures of MLA members at the American Library Association Annual Conference, July MLA Board Meeting notes, reminder to vote for MLA officers, MLA calendar, library staff updates, new MLA members list, an upcoming Children and Young People's Section workshop, attend the American Association of School Librarians conference in Minneapolis, an upcoming day-long meeting of Minnesota academic librarians (Change in the Workplace), Change in the Workplace event registration insert, MLA Chapter Councilor Report on the ALA Annual Conference, job announcements, and the unanimous passing of a resolution for divestment of funds by the Minneapolis Public Library Board in the Republic of South Africa.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
354. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-06
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published June 1986. Contents include photographs from the MLA annual conference, April MLA Board meeting notes, an upcoming ALA Institute on Pay Equity, how to reach the MLA Chapter Councilor at the ALA Annual Conference, library staff news, the MLA Public Library Division business meeting summary, state documents available from the Legislative Reference Library, Paws at Your Library: the summer reading program theme selected by nine participating library regions, a call for feedback on the Ad Hoc Economic Vitality Committee matrix, Minnesota Library Trustees Association new officers, a list of contributors to various library funds, an announcement about the upcoming American Association of School Librarians conference, MLA subunit and committee updates, miscellaneous items of interest to the library community, sponsorship of the Christine Sweet Reads program on Minnesota Public Radio, a call for MLA ARLD nominations, a new toll-free number to contact ALA, a call for Academic or Research Librarian of the Year nominations, a summary of the first meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control, a list of upcoming events, and job announcements.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
355. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-10
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published October 1986. Contents include a summary of the multi-media blitz (Go Places: Read) to celebrate reading and literacy among Minnesotans of all ages, the August MLA Board meeting notes, a save the date for the 1988 MLA Annual Conference, MLA Government Documents Roundtable election results, a reminder to update addresses in the MLA membership directory, new Page-Library Specialists monthly meetings, a call for literacy programs for presentation at the ALA Annual Conference, the U.S. Attorney General's Commission on Pornography's Report, a letter to the editor from Bill Asp (Director, LDS), a list of Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award winners, upcoming events listing, MLA calendar, upcoming MLA Reference and Adult Services workshop, advertisement for Academic Libraries Day, College of St. Catherine seminars, job announcements, and free communications audits offered by the ALA Communications Department.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
356. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-07 - 1986-08
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published July/August 1986. Contents include a reminder to watch for the list of MLA officer candidates for 1987, a summary of MLA involvement in the Christine Sweet Reads Saturday morning radio show on Minnesota Public Radio, decision to leave the MLA Continuing Education Committee dormant, the resurrection of the MLA Social Responsibilities Round Table, upcoming meeting of the MLA Mobile Services Roundtable, call to apply for the 1987 Whitney-Carnegie Award, May MLA Board Meeting notes, a new book out by Hennepin County Library's Sanford Berman, an MLA membership supplement, a call to campaign for libraries, Minnesota Public Television promotion and celebration of reading in Minnesota, MLA Calendar, a call for artists and artwork by the 1987 Cooperative Summer Library Program Committee, The MLA Reader's Advisory Round Table upcoming annual retreat, winner of the 1986 Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award, job announcements, the National High School Debate topic and local library support.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
357. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-02
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published February 1987. Contents include new MLA lobbyists Dick Welch and John Corbid, New MLA Interim Treasurer, updates from MLA subunits and committees, MLA Calendar, MLA membership renewal reminder, a Legislative update, miscellaneous news and notes, job announcements, and new members of MLA.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
358. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-11 - 1986-12
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published November/December 1986. Contents include a letter from the MLA President Don Pearce, September MLA Board meeting notes, upcoming MLA related meetings, an announcement about the 1987 MLA annual conference, a reminder about MLA membership renewals, MLA annual conference theme chosen: "Literacy, Libraries and Liberty," library staff updates, MLA subunit and committee updates, Christine Sweet to speak at MELSA Trustees and Advisory Board meeting, library grants awarded, MLA Program Fund now available, James J. Hill Reference Library seeking copy of Wisconsin Business Journal to complete volume set, College of St. Catherine upcoming workshops, Go Places: READ public service announcements developed and aired, Minnesota Association of Library Friends annual meeting summary, Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship and MLA, MLA Legislative Day 1987 date set, artist selected by Cooperative Summer Library Program Committee to design children's library promotion "Paws at Your Library," new and renewed MLA memberships, library related opportunities, upcoming special events, MLA Newsletter editor needed, thank you from current MLA Newsletter editors.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
359. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-05
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May 1987. Contents include a call for volunteers to participate in the MLA Awards Dinner Musical Theatre, a note from the editors, April MLA Board meeting notes, MLA Governor's Residence Library Committee, MLA Mobile Services Round Table, Library legislation updates, MLA Calendar, Academic and Research Libraries Division spring program details, Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference events, Library Management Round Table spring program, miscellaneous news & notes, job announcements, and a list of new members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
360. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-06
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published June 1987. (Note: The May 1987 newsletter is also labeled as volume 14, number 5). Contents include the passing of the Omnibus Education Aids Bill, May MLA Board meeting notes, summaries from the MLA Subunits, MLA Calendar, a summary of the Education Aids Bill, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and a list of MLA Board candidates for 1988.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
361. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-09
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1987. Contents include meet the candidates for MLA office, local government Pay Equity Act, new technology and academic libraries, ALA annual conference highlights, MLA annual conference notes, Midwest Federation of Library Associations and Minnesota Association for Continuing and Adult Education conferences, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and 1988 MLA Legislative session plans (Note some pages are missing from this issue).
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
362. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-01
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1987. Contents include greetings from the MLA President, November MLA Board meeting notes, MLA plans for the future, 1987 Library Legislation platform announced, MLA calendar, MLA Government Documents Roundtable survey, MLA/MEMO Library Legislative Day advertisement and registration form, 1987 MLA Officers list, a news and notes column, job announcements, and MLA Newsletter schedule and upcoming deadlines for 1987.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
363. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March/April 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-03 - 1987-04
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 3/4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April/May 1987. Contents include photographs and a summary from Legislative Day 1987, January and March MLA Board meeting notes, new MLA Committee appointments, several updates from MLA subunits, an ALA Midwinter Chapter Councilor's report, MLA calendar, a call for MLA award nominations, preliminary plans for a Minnesota Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services, information about the upcoming MLA Annual Conference, a call for posters at the MLA Annual Conference, Trustees Day, library staff updates, upcoming events, miscellaneous news, job announcements, and a list of new members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
364. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-06 - 1987-08
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published July/August 1987. Contents include a letter from the MLA President, debut of a new MLA pin, MLA Lobbyist evaluation meeting planned, MLA Subunit updates, miscellaneous articles of interest, MLA Calendar, miscellaneous news, job announcements, MLA Annual Conference details and program, new MLA members list, and a list of MLA Annual Conference exhibitors who have reserved early.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
365. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-01
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January, 1988. Contents include MLA commends United States Congressman James Oberstar, November 1987 MLA Board meeting notes, MLA Subunit updates, tax form racks available, MLA Conference program report, MLA mailbag (letters to the editor), MLA Calendar, 1988 Legislative Platform announced, miscellaneous news, job announcements, and photographs from the Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
366. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-10
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published October 1987. Contents include Ruth Myers to keynote the 1987 MLA Conference, a report on the evaluation of the MLA lobbyist, August MLA Board meeting notes, update from the MLA Subunits, an MLA audit report, miscellaneous news, MLA membership directory supplement, job announcements, tax forms in libraries special session, and a review of the U.S. West Direct company decision to stop sending out-of-town phone books to libraries free of charge.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
367. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-03
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March, 1988. Contents include Minnesota to join the ALA "Best Gift" campaign, January MLA Board meeting notes, 1988 MLA goals, Legislative update, MLA Calendar, a list of 1988 Subunit Chairs, libraries and literacy, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new members, and a reminder to renew membership to be included in the MLA 1988 membership directory.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
368. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-11
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published November/December 1987. Contents include photographs and award winners at the MLA annual conference, MLA officer election results, October MLA Board meeting notes, MLA-ALA Chapter Councilor report, MLA Subunit updates, MLA Conference program reports, MLA membership application, a survey asking for input from those who did not attend the MLA annual conference, minutes from the MLA General Membership meeting, miscellaneous news, a list of longstanding MLA members, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
369. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-04
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April, 1988. Contents include a plan for MLA newsletter theme articles with guest editors examining issues of interest to MLA members, March MLA Board meeting notes, Library Legislative Day report, updates from MLA Subunits, Minnesota applications of new technologies, special report on MLA 1988 membership, Week of the Young Child and National Library Week, upcoming educational opportunities, miscellaneous news, a list of new MLA members, and news of interest about Minnesota library workers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
370. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-06
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published June, 1988. Contents include a 1988 legislative session review on library issues, April MLA Board meeting minutes, library issues for the future, MLA Legislative Committee news, effective lobbying techniques for libraries, a profile on Representative Jerry Bauerly as an MLA supporter, a guest article on other national legislative issues of importance to libraries, MLA Subunit updates, a reprint of an article "I work in a library, but I'm not a librarian," a guest post on Minnesota applications of new technologies, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and news of interest about Minnesota library workers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
371. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-05
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May, 1988. Contents include guest pieces on libraries and literacy, legislative news, March MLA Board meeting notes, a letter endorsing the Glenerin declaration, a guest post about Minnesota applications of new technologies, MLA Calendar, registration information for the MLA Reference and Adult Services section spring meeting, MLA Library Management round table spring program, upcoming conferences and educational opportunities, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and news of interest about Minnesota library workers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
372. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-01
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in January, 1989. Contents include articles on construction projects in the public libraries in McGregor, Stillwater and Detroit Lakes, board meeting highlights, a description of the Metropolitan Council Library's move to a new space, a discussion of the new technology of CD-ROMs in libraries, events calendar, brief news & notes, job listings, and an overview of the Membership Committee.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
373. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-07 - 1988-08
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published July/August, 1988. Contents include an advertisement for the 1988 MLA annual conference, members asked to complete legislative issues survey, Mona Carmack (MLA President) resignation, May and June MLA Board meeting notes, excerpts from the Minnesota Statutes dealing with intellectual freedom issues, a guest article on Minnesota applications of new technologies, MLA Calendar, 1988 MLA annual conference registration materials and program, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, news of interest about Minnesota library workers, and 1988 slate of candidates for MLA President Elect, Secretary, and Member-at-Large for Intellectual Freedom.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
374. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October/November 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-10 - 1988-11
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published October/November 1988. Contents include guest posts on Social Responsibilities, updates from the MLA Social Responsibilities Round Table, the ALA Resolution on Library Access, Minnesota applications of new technologies, miscellaneous news, Association of College and Research Libraries accepting award nominations, job announcements, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
375. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-02
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in February, 1989. Contents include an in-depth literature review and bibliography on fees for service in American libraries, an interview with author Adam Smith (Wealth of Nations), board meeting highlights, 1989 MLA Newsletter plans, a new technologies column on government publications, events calendar, descriptions of Year of the Young Reader events, Freedom of Information Day, News & Notes, and a People & Places column of updates from around Minnesota.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
376. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-04
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April, 1989. Contents include a guest editorial on National Library Week promoting the value of professional librarians, a renamed Library Automation News column about the Cooperative Automation Project (CAP), upcoming events, a registration form for the Networking for Documents government publications information forum, Year of the Young Reader update, News & Notes, People & Places and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
377. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-03
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1989. Contents include National Library Week 1989 plans and advice for libraries, an MLA statement in support of author Salman Rushdie, MLA 1988 and projected 1989 income and expense bar graphs, a description of Minnesota Library Legislative Day events held February 21st, People & Places, News & Notes, job listings, events calendar and list of new members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
378. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-12
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published December 1988. Contents include the final 1989 legislative platform, legislative issues survey results, October MLA Board meeting notes, MLA awards presented at the annual conference, Federal Legislative Day, Minnesota Library Legislative Day registration, MLA Conference program reports, MLA membership application, Minnesota applications of new technologies, miscellaneous news, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
379. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-09
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September, 1988. Contents include a guest post about Minnesota Extension services, an MLA member letter writing campaign, a farewell from MLA President Mona Carmack upon resignation, greetings from the new MLA President, a spotlight on the library serving Metropolitan State University, updates from MLA Subunits, an advertisement for the upcoming MLA Annual Conference, proposed amendments to the MLA bylaws, sample letter to Governor Perpich on library funding, 1988 MLA annual conference full program, Minnesota applications of new technologies, upcoming conferences and educational opportunities, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and news of interest about Minnesota library workers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
380. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-05
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in May, 1989. Contents include a guest editorial on preservation of library materials, account of a national conference on state cooperative preservation programs, a history of Minnesota's cooperative preservation program, articles on preservation activities at Minneapolis Public Library, the University of Minnesota and the College of St. Thomas, Library Automation News column about STARS (Statewide Telecommunications Access and Routing System), upcoming events, News & Notes, job listings, People & Places, new members list, and a call for MLA awards nominations.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
381. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-09
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September, 1989. Contents include MLA President Michael Hauser's call for attending the MLA Annual Conference, a special section on dealing with changes in reference technology, reference librarians and the online catalog, mediated and end-user database searching, the changing role of the reference librarian, a sub-unit summary of the Academic and Research Libraries Division, a Library Automation News column on computers and the control of information, recognition of the MLA Newsletter team and a list of upcoming theme issues, News & Notes, events calendar, job listings, and People & Places.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
382. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-06
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in June, 1989. Contents include a guest editorial on video in public libraries, board meeting highlights, an article on video and public performance rights, advice and resources for collection development of special interest videos, Library Automation News column about telecommunications rates, 1989 MLA Annual Conference promotional poster, news from the MLA subunits, MLA Board 1989 goals, State Board of Education information skills guidelines, News & Notes, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
383. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-10
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October, 1989. Contents include a guest editorial on teaching information literacy, articles on information literacy education in schools, public libraries, colleges and universities and small libraries, Year of the Young Reader updates, a description of LUMINA (Libraries of the University of Minnesota Integrated Network Access System), a Library and Automation News column on computer aids for blind and visually-impaired patrons, subunit summary of the Technical Services Section, News & Notes, a volunteer form for a statewide continuing education needs assessment, events calendar, job listings, and People & Places.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
384. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-01
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in January 1990. The issue focuses on library services to the poor. Content includes MLA board meeting highlights, summary of programs for youth and at-risk families, a draft for a poor people's service policy, local and national library news and notes, job postings, a calendar of upcoming events, and a listing of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
385. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-03
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March 1990. This issue focuses on library resource sharing. Content includes a calendar of events, intellectual freedom news, transition from Microlif to MARC, a list of 1990 MLA officers, registration forms for events, library news briefs, announcements for upcoming events, job postings, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
386. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Byers, Barb (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-02
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in February 1990. This issue focuses on topics surrounding state documents. Content includes MLA board meeting highlights, a call for committee volunteers, preparations for the Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services, local and national library news and notes, job postings, a calendar of upcoming events, and a listing of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
387. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-07 - 1989-08
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in July/August of 1989. Contents include a summary of the library-related legislation passed in the 1989 legislative session, board meeting highlights, a program and registration form for the 1989 Annual MLA Conference with the theme 'Libraries & Education: An Evolving Partnership,' registration form for the Readers' Advisory Round Table Readers' Retreat, events calendar, News & Notes, updates on the Year of the Young Reader, job listings, People & Places, and a new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
388. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Byers, Barb (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-05
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in May 1990. This issue focuses on the impact of the Minnesota Local Government Pay Equity Act on public libraries. Content includes a calendar of events, library news briefs, announcements for upcoming events, MLA subunit summaries, job postings, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
389. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-11 - 1989-12
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November/December, 1989. Contents include information on regional meetings to prepare for the Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services, August-October MLA board meeting notes, annual conference session reports with photos, the 1990 MLA legislative platform, Interlibrary Loan Roundtable flyer, News & Notes, 'A Visit from Saint Dewey' poem, job listings, Library Automation News, MLA membership renewal form, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
390. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-04
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April 1990. This issue focuses on library services to Minnesotans with disabilities. Content includes a calendar of events, MLA board meeting highlights, library automation news, registration forms for upcoming conferences, library news briefs, announcements for upcoming events, job postings, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
391. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-06
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in June 1990. This issue focuses on library resource sharing. Content includes MLA board meeting highlights, MLA subunit summaries, legislative news, library news briefs, job postings, a list of new MLA members, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
392. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Byers, Barb (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-09
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September 1990. This issue focuses on special collections. Content includes a calendar of events, a new MLA policy on censorship and libraries, automation updates from ALA conference, library news briefs, job postings, upcoming learning opportunities, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
393. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-10
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October 1990. This issue focuses on collection development, communication, and cooperation among libraries. Content includes updates for the 1990 MLA annual conference, library news briefs, the 1990 MLA membership directory, upcoming learning opportunities, job postings, a calendar of events, and local library news.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
394. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-11 - 1990-12
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November/December 1990. This issue focuses on telecommunications in Minnesota. Content includes a calendar of events, library automation updates from the ALA annual conference, library news briefs, summary of the MLA continuing education committee environmental scanning project, upcoming learning opportunities, MLA officer election results, job postings, and local library news.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
395. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-04
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April 1993. Contents include cover article entitled "Measuring and evaluating library performance," MLA calendar of events; Freedom of Information award, President's column outlining David Barton's 1993 goal targeting increased MLA involvement by library support staff, announcement of 1993 Kerlan Award, Coretta Scott King, Newbery and Caldecott medals, and Freedom of Information award winners, photos from 1993 MLA-MEMO Legislative Day, notice of Wilson Library testing Selfcheck system, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places; and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
396. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-07 - 1990-08
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in July/August 1990. This issue focuses on the 1990 annual MLA conference. Content includes a call for MLA award nominations, a calendar of events, intellectual freedom news, the program for the 1990 MLA conference, MLA conference registration form, library automation news, library news briefs, job postings, MLA Technical Services section news, upcoming learning opportunities, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
397. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-01
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1993. Contents include MLA annual meeting minutes, MLA calendar of events; call to join new MLA Information Technology roundtable (IT R/T), President's goals for 1993, complimentary memberships, cover article on the history, collections and services of the Minnesota Historical Society, MLA-MEMO Library Legislative Day registration form, Minnesota Library Service Roll of Honor, honoree Erana Stadler Donahue, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
398. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-09
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1992. Contents include cover article on marketing and user surveys for libraries, MLA board minutes, announcement of 1993 MLA Conference theme, "Leadership and Self-esteem," MLA calendar of events, presentation of new MLA logos, Cataloging Basics workshop registration form, Minnesota Library Services Roll of Honor honoree, Della Louise McGregor, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
399. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-02
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in February, 1991. Contents include an article on racism and libraries, Minnesota racial statistics, multicultural collection building, a multicultural periodicals list, the MLA Social Responsibilities Round Table (MSRRT) advocating removing library fines and fees that can be barriers for the poor, a call for re-imagining the public library, 1991 MLA officers and chairpersons, job listings, board meeting highlights, discussion of new community computer networks, News & Notes, MLA centennial events, events calendar, People & Places, and new members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
400. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-03
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1991. Contents include a discussion of the 1990 continuing education needs assessment of library personnel in Minnesota report, News & Notes, events calendar, summary of ALA exhibits on technology issues, historical highlights from the Centennial committee, an opinion piece about government censorship regarding the Gulf War, board meeting highlights, job listings, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters