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1. 1968 National library week announcement
- Creator:
- Minnesota National Library Week Committee for 1968
- Date Created:
- 1968
- Description:
- Announcement of Minnesota's 1st Governor's Conference on Library Service, scheduled April, 22, 1968 at the Hilton Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. A major project of the Minnesota National Library Week Committee, meeting is chaired by Rod Searle, with featured speaker is John C. Frantz, Director of the Brooklyn Public Library, on the topic of "Library Needs in a Changing World." Interest areas include special, public, academic, and school libraries, and library trustees. Particants will take part in discussion groups on various topics including library needs and service and present recommendations at the end of the meeting.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Announcements
2. 1968 Minnesota's first Governor's Conference on Library Service program, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Creator:
- Minnesota National Library Week Committee
- Date Created:
- 1968
- Description:
- Program for the 1st Governor's Conference on Library Service, held April 22, 1968 at the Hilton Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota, in recognition of 1968 National Library Week. Presided over by State Representative Rod Searle of Waseca, Minnesota. Presentations made on school, academic, special, and public libraries, and trustees, with John C. Frantz, Director of the Brooklyn, New York, Public Library speaking on "Library Needs in a Changing World."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Programs
3. 1968 Minnesota's first govenor's conference on library service announcement 2, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Creator:
- Minnesota National Library Week Committee
- Date Created:
- 1968
- Description:
- Announcement of Minnesota's 1st Govenor's Conference on Library Service, scheduled April, 22, 1968 at the Hilton Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. A major project of the Minnesota National Library Week Committee, this meeting is chaired by Rod Searle, with featured speaker is John C. Frantz, Director of the Brooklyn Public Library, on the topic of "Library Needs in a Changing World." Interest areas include special, public, academic, and school libraries, and library trustees. Particants will take part in discussion groups on various topics including library design, service and hours.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Announcements
4. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, Yvonne L. (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in July-August 1977. Content includes MLA June and July board meeting notes, minutes for the Libraries in Service to Seniors (LISTS) Roundtable meeting, rationale for experimenting with changing the MLA annual conference date, calendar of events, proposed by-laws for the Public Library Division, MLA legislative and government activities task force summary, Environmental Conservation Library (ECOL) funding update, and Intellectual Freedom Committee summer agenda
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
5. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-09
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in September 1977. Content includes announcement of a Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services by Governor Perpich to be held September 1978, Environment Information Sharin conference announcement, ALA councilor's report to MLA, MLA annual conference schedule, national library news, MLA August board meeting notes, and MLA Legislative Inquiry task force appointments.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
6. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-10
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in October 1977. Content includes library award recipient announcements, 10 principles for statewide library services, MLA September board meeting notes, calendar of events, MLA membership resolutions, annual reports from MLA divisions and roundtables, and a job posting for MLA executive director position.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
7. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-05
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in May 1977. Content includes MLA March board meeting notes, MLA Mid-winter Conference Report, Library Management Roundtable calendar, grant funding announcement for a Minitex serials project, MLA calendar of events, ways for libraries to celebrate Older Americans Month, and a call for nominations for MLA librarian of the year and trustee of the year awards.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
8. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-03
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in March 1977. Content includes an MLA goal statement for new membership drive, the establishment of the Joint House/Senate Education Subcommittee on Libraries, MLA board meeting notes for December and January, roundtable meeting announcements, and Futures Task Force updates.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
9. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-06
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in June 1977. Content includes MLA May board meeting notes, minutes for the Special Libraries Roundtable, MLA Paraprofessional Roundtable, and Libraries in Service to Seniors (LISTS) Roundtable meetings, workshops on biological and chemistry databases, MLA Legislative Committee news, calendar of events, and MLA fall conference grant application.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
10. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1978
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1978-01
- Description:
- Volume 5, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in January 1978. Content includes an announcement about the new MLA Executive Director, November 1978 MLA Board meeting notes, a new members incentive, the MLA Academic Division 1977 annual report, OPLIC's resume file, librarian updates, a call for suggestions for changing the name of the Paraprofessional Round Table, a summary of a meeting of five library associations in Minnesota to establish a statewide library service forum, corections and a note from the editor, availability of a publication called Our Minnesota Index, a bibliography of copyright law and libraries, the MLA legal defense fund, children's program ideas, Specil Libraries Round Table meeting announcement, the Louise Giles Minority Scholarship Program, a free film series at the University of Minnesota, a report from the MLA continuing education committee, Twin Cities Education Resources Round Table program listings, an announcement about the MLA leadership retreat, a call for Friends of the Library handout materials, good news on postal legislation, and a legislative call to action for LSCA Title I funding,
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
11. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-02
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in February 1977. Content includes highlights from the upcoming 1977 MLA midwinter conference, a directory of 1976-77 MLA officers and chairpersons, minutes from the December 9, 1976 meeting of the Long Range Planning and Development Committee, and overview of the Southcentral Minnesota Inter-Library Exchange (SMILE).
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
12. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1976/January 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in December 1976 - January 1977. Content includes upcoming library conference information, a report of the Library Futures Task Force to the MLA Board of Directors and MLA's reactions, Library Services to Seniors Roundtable meeting summary, a membership drive for Polish American Librarians Association, the reactivation of the MLA Planning and Development Committee, MLA librarian of the year announcement, upcoming committee and roundtable events, MLA legislative support team signup, and program and procedures for the MLA Professional Welfare Committee.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
13. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-12
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in December 1977. Content includes MLA October meeting notes, MLA directory, calendar events, the first meeting of Minnesota Statewide Library Association Forum, MLA roundtable updates, Reference and Adult Services section annual report, and MLA Continuing Education committee meeting announcement.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
14. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-04
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in April 1977. Content includes MLA board meeting minutes, ALA 1977 Midwinter meeting councilor's report, a calendar of colloquia from the Library School, University of Minnesota, and spring workshop and roundtable meeting announcements.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
15. Minnesota Library Association Peddler, September 1942
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wiita, Mae M.
- Date Created:
- 1942-09
- Description:
- Volume 3, number 6 of the of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Peddler was published in September 1942. Editor-in-chief was Mae M. Wiita from St. Cloud. This issue contains the program agenda for the Minnesota LIbrary Association's 50th Anniversary Convention, listing of Minnesota Library Association officers, section chairmen and committee chairmen, biographies of convention speakers, member news, institutional library news and book recommendations. The M.L.A Peddler was created and conceived by the Junior members of the Minnesota Library Association. The first issue states "...[The] Peddler will bring you bits of personal gossip, news about library enterprises, [and] matters of friendly interest."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
16. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-09
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1992. Contents include cover article on marketing and user surveys for libraries, MLA board minutes, announcement of 1993 MLA Conference theme, "Leadership and Self-esteem," MLA calendar of events, presentation of new MLA logos, Cataloging Basics workshop registration form, Minnesota Library Services Roll of Honor honoree, Della Louise McGregor, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
17. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-10
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October, 1991. Contents include a brief centennial history of the MLA, board meeting highlights, description of the upcoming Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference, supplement to the 1991 MLA Membership Directory, events calendar, News & Notes, job listings, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
18. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-11 - 1993-12
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published November/December 1993. Contents include Adaptive Technology Conference, MLA Calendar of events, 1993 MLA Award winners, State Document of the Year announced, cover article offers highlights of the MLA annual conference and reports from various sections and roundtables, MOTSE (Minnesota Opportunities for Technical Service Excellence) to offer Cataloging Basics workshops , Library-oriented information available on Internet and BITNET, Cataloging Basics Workshop registration form, review of 11th Annual Assistive Technology Conference, 1993 MLA Membership Directory Supplement and 1993 MLA Membership Directory Supplement of Changes, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
19. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-11 - 1990-12
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November/December 1990. This issue focuses on telecommunications in Minnesota. Content includes a calendar of events, library automation updates from the ALA annual conference, library news briefs, summary of the MLA continuing education committee environmental scanning project, upcoming learning opportunities, MLA officer election results, job postings, and local library news.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
20. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-05
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in May, 1992. Contents include discussion of the newly-passed Americans with Disabilities Act, board meeting highlights, Memorial Roll of Honor-reference material publisher Halsey William Wilson, National Library Legislative Day, job listings, a special issue report to the MLA Board on MLA's roll in library staff education, Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award nominees and voting form, MLA Centennial Dinner at Glensheen registration form, events calendar, News & Notes, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
21. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1994
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1994-03
- Description:
- Volume 21, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March 1994. Contents include a call to attend Library Legislative day and support the University of Minnesota proposed archives and storage facility, a guest editorial on exhibits in the academic library, a date change for MLA Academic Libraries Day, a call for volunteers to reach MLA's membership goal, miscellaneous news and notes, job announcements, upcoming events, library staff updates, member spotlight on Robert H. Rohlf, and the MLA calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
22. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-03
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1991. Contents include a discussion of the 1990 continuing education needs assessment of library personnel in Minnesota report, News & Notes, events calendar, summary of ALA exhibits on technology issues, historical highlights from the Centennial committee, an opinion piece about government censorship regarding the Gulf War, board meeting highlights, job listings, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
23. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-06
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in June, 1991. Contents include a discussion of the future of information literacy, historical highlights from the Centennial Committee, Christopher Columbus quincentenary resources, a report on Minnesota booksellers' group discussion of alternative views of Columbus, text of the Minnesota Legislature's DeCramer bill about public libraries, call for nominees for the MLA Public Relations Award, Midwest Federation of Library Associations conference flyer, MLA Centennial ice cream social flyer, ALA legislative day report, call for nominees for MLA awards, News & Notes, events calendar, MLA 1990 financial report, job listings, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
24. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-06
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published June 1993. Contents include cover article on leadership experience, announcement of Bookmobile workshop, MLA board meeting highlights, call for nominations for MLA Distinguished Achievement awards, announcement of 1993 MLA election nominees, Children's Book Week, the winner of the 1993 Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award, and Minnesota Book awards winners, letter to the editor, cataloging basics workshops offered, MLA 1993 Public Relations award nomination form, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
25. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1994
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1994-06
- Description:
- Volume 21, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published June 1994. Contents include an editorial about Minnesota libraries and the legislature, Mark Ranum appointed as acting MLA Vice President, MLA Board meeting highlights, a letter to the editor, a new Minnesota Opportunities for Reference Excellence Manual, a call for MLA sponsorship, Washington D.C. Legislative Day, MLA Annual Conference lodging information, a summary of MLA Academic Library Day, a call for MLA award nominations, ALA Annual Conference summary, miscellaneous news and notes, library staff updates, upcoming events, and the MLA calendar.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
26. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-07 - 1990-08
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in July/August 1990. This issue focuses on the 1990 annual MLA conference. Content includes a call for MLA award nominations, a calendar of events, intellectual freedom news, the program for the 1990 MLA conference, MLA conference registration form, library automation news, library news briefs, job postings, MLA Technical Services section news, upcoming learning opportunities, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
27. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-01
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in January 1990. The issue focuses on library services to the poor. Content includes MLA board meeting highlights, summary of programs for youth and at-risk families, a draft for a poor people's service policy, local and national library news and notes, job postings, a calendar of upcoming events, and a listing of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
28. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-01
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1993. Contents include MLA annual meeting minutes, MLA calendar of events; call to join new MLA Information Technology roundtable (IT R/T), President's goals for 1993, complimentary memberships, cover article on the history, collections and services of the Minnesota Historical Society, MLA-MEMO Library Legislative Day registration form, Minnesota Library Service Roll of Honor, honoree Erana Stadler Donahue, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
29. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-02
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in February, 1992. Contents include a report of a survey on how part-time students use academic and public libraries, board meeting highlights, events calendar, a five-page MLA member survey, 1992 MLA officers and chairpersons, correction to previous issue, Memorial Roll of Honor-MLA founding president William Watts Folwell, an article on the MLA Centennial Dinner, News & Notes, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
30. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-04
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April 1990. This issue focuses on library services to Minnesotans with disabilities. Content includes a calendar of events, MLA board meeting highlights, library automation news, registration forms for upcoming conferences, library news briefs, announcements for upcoming events, job postings, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
31. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-04
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April 1993. Contents include cover article entitled "Measuring and evaluating library performance," MLA calendar of events; Freedom of Information award, President's column outlining David Barton's 1993 goal targeting increased MLA involvement by library support staff, announcement of 1993 Kerlan Award, Coretta Scott King, Newbery and Caldecott medals, and Freedom of Information award winners, photos from 1993 MLA-MEMO Legislative Day, notice of Wilson Library testing Selfcheck system, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places; and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
32. 1922 Minnesota Library Association annual conference resolutions, Duluth, Minnesota
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Stevens, Grace M.
- Date Created:
- 1922
- Description:
- Resolutions of the 30th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), written by Secretary-Treasurer Grace M. Stevens. The conference took place at the Spalding Hotel in Duluth, October 2-4, 1922.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Minutes (administrative records)
33. 1922 Minnesota Library Association annual conference report, Duluth, Minnesota
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Stevens, Grace M.
- Date Created:
- 1922
- Description:
- Report of the 30th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA), written by Secretary-Treasurer Grace M. Stevens. The conference took place at the Spalding Hotel in Duluth, October 2-4, 1922.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Minutes (administrative records)
34. Minnesota Library Association Peddler, February 1939
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Shafer, Marion (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1939-02
- Description:
- Volume 1, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Peddler was published in February 1939. Editor-in-chief of this issue was Marion Shafer from Minneapolis Public Library. This issue contains an Editor's note, reports from Junior MLA members in St. Paul, the University of Minnesota, and out of state, legislative news, music and building news, extension work, catalog trouble, and a W.P.A project to index the Minneapolis Journal from 1900 to date. The M.L.A Peddler was created and conceived by the Junior members of the Minnesota Library Association. The first issue states "...[The] Peddler will bring you bits of personal gossip, news about library enterprises, [and] matters of friendly interest."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
35. Minnesota Library Association Peddler, June 1942
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Setre, Evelyn (co-editor); Wiita, Mae M. (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1942-06
- Description:
- Volume 3, number 5 of the of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Peddler was published in June 1942. Co-editors were Evelyn Setre and Mae M. Wiita. This issue contains a call for library outreach, announcement of American Library Association conference in Milwaukee, announcement of display contest winner, guest column from the librarian at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, listing of University of Minnesota Alumni Association officers, design sketch for the display contest winning entry, column by the publicity chairman, member notes, and entry information for the continuing war information bulletin board display contest. The M.L.A Peddler was created and conceived by the Junior members of the Minnesota Library Association. The first issue states "...[The] Peddler will bring you bits of personal gossip, news about library enterprises, [and] matters of friendly interest."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
36. Minnesota Library Association Peddler, April 1942
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Setre, Evelyn (co-editor); Wiita, Mae M. (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1942-04
- Description:
- Volume 3, number 4 of the of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Peddler was published in April 1942. Co-editors were Evelyn Setre and Mae M. Wiita. This issue contains a guest column by the chairman of the American Library Association Junior Members Round Table, secretary's column, Victory Book Campaign update, contest announcement for bulletin board display ideas related to the war, war exhibit ideas, post-war planning for libraries, officer election results and committee appointments, and member news. The M.L.A Peddler was created and conceived by the Junior members of the Minnesota Library Association. The first issue states "...[The] Peddler will bring you bits of personal gossip, news about library enterprises, [and] matters of friendly interest."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
37. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 2004
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Schaub, Alison (editor)
- Date Created:
- 2004-11 - 2004-12
- Description:
- Volume 31, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November/December of 2004. Contents include a report on the Minneapolis Public Library's "Library Links!" program for immigrant outreach, the President's column, the minutes of the MLA annual business meeting, application information on the Minnesota Library Association Leadership Institute, a listing of the Minnesota Library Association Foundation Enhancement Grant awards, announcement of the winners of the Berman Award for Social Responsibility in Library Service, registration information for Library Legislative Day, announcement of Minnesota Library Association award winners, a spotlight on the Minnesota Chapter of REFORMA, and a call for submissions, selectors and judges for the Minnesota Book Awards.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
38. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1996
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Sales, Deborah K. (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1996-01
- Description:
- Volume 23, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1996. Contents include MLA 1995 year in review and 1996 forecast, an overview of the University of Minnesota's proposed Minnesota Library Access Center (MLAC), MLA board highlights, upcoming events, employment opportunities, miscellaneous news and notes, Library Legislative Day registration form and overview, library legislation news, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
39. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1996
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Sales, Deborah K. (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1996-02
- Description:
- Volume 23, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published February 1996. Contents include Library Legislative Day introduction and summary, MLA board highlights, an invitation to join the MLA Membership Committee, a list of 1996 MLA officers and chairpersons, upcoming events, the Library Legislative Day registration form, miscellaneous news and notes, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
40. Minnesota Library Association Bulletin, December 1958
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Rohlf, Robert; Smith, Hannis S.
- Date Created:
- 1958-12
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in December 1958. Content includes a message from the president of the MLA, a list of officers and chairmen, announcement of the state's first regional library, naming of the Walter Library of the University of Minnesota, discussion of the Minnesota Library Association scholarship, an annual budget, and an MLA member registration form.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
41. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-09
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1993. Titled call to conference issue, contents include cover article on collection development changes, and invitation to attend MLA annual conference in Rochester, MLA awards policy revision, proposed changes to MLA bylaws, MLA financial update, reminder to vote for MLA officers, letter to the editor, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
42. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-10
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published October 1992. Contents include cover article about racism and violence in America in light of the recent Rodney King beating and the upcoming presidential election, MLA board minutes, MLA calendar of events, Minnesota Historical Society Research Center opens, African-American Library Conference announced, Minnesota Library Service Roll of Honor honoree, Elizabeth Marcia Bond, Universal health care act resolution approved by ALA, Minnesota social concerns libraries highlighted, 1993 MLA Legislative platform, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
43. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-11 - 1991-12
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November/December, 1991. Contents include reports of each session from the Midwest Federation of Library Associations conference, events calendar, visiting Soviet librarian, MLA Centennial Celebration Dinner, MLA awards winners with photos, News & Notes, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
44. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-05
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May 1993. Contents include cover article on Native American resources, MLA calendar of events; new members, letter to the editor, 1993 MLA Nominating Committee approved, call for research activities related to libraries, call for entries for MLA Public Relations awards, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
45. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-03
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1992. Contents include articles on youth services programs including outreach to Hispanic youth, collaboration with other community organizations, daycare storytime kits, and picture books in middle schools. Other contents include Memorial Roll of Honor-Minneapolis Public Library Founder Herbert Putnam, News & Notes, MLA Readers' Retreat registration form, events calendar, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
46. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-06
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in June, 1992. Contents include discussion of the pros and cons of library consolidation, job listings, News & Notes, events calendar, MLA Public Relations Award nomination form, advance planning for the 1992 MLA conference, report of the 1992 Readers' Retreat, new members list, Memorial Roll of Honor-public library advocate Clara Frances Baldwin, an update on the task force following up the White House Conference on Libraries and Information Service, and People & Places.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
47. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-07 - 1991-08
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in July/August, 1991. Contents include an update from the Libraries Policy Review Task Force tasked with reviewing state policies regarding libraries, board meeting highlights, 1991 MLA election nominations, events calendar, report on the Academic Librarians Day conference, a discussion of networked computing in libraries, summary of the 1991 legislative session, MLA Readers' Retreat flyer, job listings, News & Notes, new members list, historical highlights from the Centennial committee, and People & Places.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
48. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1994
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1994-07 - 1994-08
- Description:
- Volume 21, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published July/August 1994. Contents include a guest editorial about evolving library roles, a list of MLA Board nominees, a message from the MLA President, June MLA Board meeting notes, an advertisement for the upcoming MLA Annual Conference, a call for input on the 1995 MLA Legislative Platform, MLA conference grants available, a summary of a "Libraries Change Lives" literary salon series at the Minnesota State Law Library, welcome new MLA members, upcoming events, job announcements, miscellaneous news and notes, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
49. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1994
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1994-01
- Description:
- Volume 21, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1993. Contents include cover article entitled “Minnesota Center for the Book (MCB),” MLA annual membership meeting minutes, MLA Calendar of events, review of sessions offered at the annual MLA conference by Academic and Research Libraries Division (ARLD), Library Legislative Day registration form, list of MLA 1994 Board of Directors, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
50. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-02
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published February 1993. Contents include cover article on 1993 MLA legislative platform, Board meeting highlights; MLA calendar of events, MLA 1993 Officers and Chairpersons; Video Selection workshop registration form, miscellaneous news & notes including pubic library statistics state ranking per capita comparing Minnesota to nationally, library related awards, and Minneapolis Public Library's multicultural booklist, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
51. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1994
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1994-04
- Description:
- Volume 21, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April 1994. Contents include a summary of Minnesota Library Legislative Day, a guest editorial about multi-media materials, miscellaneous news and notes, an insert of the program for Academic and Research Libraries Day, job announcements, upcoming events, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
52. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-04
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April, 1991. Contents include a discussion of small literary presses, description of the Minnesota literature newsletter, and the Minnesota Independent Publishers Association, events calendar, Minnesota Federation of Library Associations (MFLA) conference call for presenters, Minneapolis Public Library employee awards, News & Notes, Academic Librarians' Day registration form, historical highlights from the Centennial committee, library legislative day report, text of a revised public library/school media center relationships policy statement, job listings, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
53. 1905 Minnesota Library Association annual conference notes, Red Wing, Minnesota
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Poirier, Lydia
- Date Created:
- 1905
- Description:
- Notes from the 13th annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) held on October 12-14 in Red Wing, Minnesota. President of the association Gratia Countryman presided and gave the opening address on "The Library as Social Center." Other presentations included topics such as reading rooms for smokers, book selection, county extension of library services, the history of Red Wing, acquisition of state documents, advertising library resources, and story hours. List of resolutions and elected officers are included.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Minutes (administrative records)
54. 1924 Minnesota Library Association annual conference address, Walter M. Patton, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Patton, Walter M.
- Date Created:
- 1924
- Description:
- The full transcript from address by speaker Dr. Walter M. Patton, Librarian of Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota at the 1924 Minnesota Library Association annual conference. The presentation title is listed in the 1924 annual conference program as "An ideal annual library budget for a college of five hundred students."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Speeches
55. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September/October, 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-09 - 1981-10
- Description:
- Volume 8 number 10/11 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September/October, 1981. Contents include summary of the meeting of the Association of College and Research Libraries, minutes of the MLA board meeting, a listing of regional MLA meetings, upcoming meetings of various MLA sections and roundtables, the results of the Technical Services Section election, a report from the ALA chapter councilor, a listing of library continuing education events, announcement of NEH grants available for youth projects, a call for humanities workshop participants, a call for submissions to the Minnesota English Journal, news from the multi-county multi-type library systems, announcement of the ALA awards and scholarships, and library job postings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
56. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-09
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September 1979. Topics include notes of MLA Board of Directors meeting, Reference and Adult Services section, Minnesota Library Trustees Association, Library Research Round Table, Media Round Table, PALS Round Table, Special Libraries Round Table, an announcement of an Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting, registration and genda of the Academic and Research Library Division Fall Meeting (10/6/1979) at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, notice of Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (MCAC) meeting, MCAC's protest of actions by Follett Library Book Company, new MLA Officers Workshop scheduled, MLA account audit, elections process, and Chapter Relations Office information, MLA Program Fund contributors, MLA Membership news, MLA Membership Directory additions and changes, ALA policy on Minimum qualifications for librarians, Multi-county Multi-type library Cooperation in Minnesota, notice of American Society for Information Science (ASIS) meeting 10/14-10/18/1979 in Minneapolis, notice of AACR2 workshops and Midwest Regional Group of the Medical Library Association fall meeting 09/27-09/29/1979 in Minneapolis, an announcement of Friends of Libraries USA organization, Minnesota Friends of the Library Fall Conference on 10/11/1979, Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) meeting, Data base seminars to be held in Minneapolis, Ann Pellowski luncheon, David Maculay Lecture, and traveling exhibit titled "Once upon a time: Illustrations of Children's Tales from Around the world," to be shown in several libraries across Minnesota in December, Gerald MacDermott lecture, Book Week Program, 10/15-10/19/1979, School Library Media Award is available, new courses at University of Minnesota Library School, message board, job openings, and calendar of events from 9/7-11/30/1979.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
57. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-09
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September, 1980. Topics include: an MLA Legislative Committee report on activities, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, a contest to design the next MLA logo, statewide COM Catalog inventory results, an account of the Spring Depository Council meeting in St. Paul, the MLA Membership Directory, a full description of upcoming AACR 2 workshops, job announcements, information sought by ALA on library instruction in Minnesota, an announcement about the Minnesota Reading Association fall conference, a call for papers on children's literature, a new national association for on-line A/V catalogers, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
58. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September, 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-09
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September, 1984. Topics include announcement of American Library Association (ALA) Goal Award received by MLA at 103rd ALA Annual Conference in Dallas, TX 06-25-1984, and ALA awards also given to Lutheran Church Library Association, headquartered in Minneapolis, and George D'Elia and Sandra Walsh received the ALA Library Research Round Table's 1984 Research Development Award; report on Information through Literacy, ALA Pre-Conference (June 1984) at Texas Woman's University; announcement of National Awareness Campaign on adult illiteracy; online jobs database available by the Office of Library Development and Services and MLA; "Let's Talk About It" discussion program update; call for papers for PLA's 1986 National Conference to be held in St. Louis, MO (April 1986); Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control (LNAC) almanac available; meeting announcement of MLA Academic and Research Libraries Division (November 1984) at Carlton College in Northfield, MN; Books Come Alive! II conference on literature for children and young adults planned (November 1984) at Mankato State University; Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) to hold conference (November 1984) in Brooklyn Park, MN; Computer User Magazine educational events planned (October 1984); job openings; ads for EBSCO Subscription Services and Library Binding Service.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
59. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-10
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published October 1979. Topics include MLA Board Meeting minutes, results of MLA election (with Patricia Harpole Vice-President/President elect, Charles O. Richardson, Treasurer, and Arline Brown, Member-at-Large for Legislative Affairs), MLA Conference program agenda, notes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting, a Public Library Division meeting and election notice, updates from the Reference and Adult Services Section, Library Management Round Table, Mobile Services Round Table, Media Round Table, and Special Library Round Table, an announcement of an Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting, Continuing Education meeting, and Art Libraries Society (ARLIS) meeting, Minnesota Library Trustees association notice, LMRT Steering Committee election results (includes Kathy Stachowiak, Rod MacDonald, and James Wells), MLA Membership notes and Directory additions and changes, quarterly educational events (compiled by Helen Gbala, MFLA planned programs, upcoming workshops at the College of St. Catherine, message board, Statewide Continuing Education Task Force, Hess Fellowship available, job postings, and calendar of events from 10/2-11/30/1979.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
60. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-10
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published October, 1980. Topics include: September 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, membership renewals, roommates for ALA Midwinter meeting, MLA Library Friends Conference, results of the MLA election, MLA Board meeting schedule, a list of the MLA Board of Directors, MLA logo contest deadline extended, a call for MLA materials to send to the archives at the Minnesota Historical Society, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, an upcoming PALS program and meeting, availability of a "Minnesota Library Scene" pamphlet, a summary of the ad-hoc committee of the White House Conference on Library and Information Services, the MLA Membership Directory, MLA member updates, minutes from the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum, library job announcements, an upcoming seminar on budgeting for special libraries, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
61. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-10
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published October, 1984. Topics include President's Column on MLA staffing; Lora Landers' ALA Chapter Councilor Report; round table reports on Readers Advisor Round Table (RART), Special Libraries Round Table (SLRT), Notice of All-Association Conference 2 to be held in St. Paul, MN (September 1985), and Minnesota Reading Association activities; MLA Officer Election Results with Don Pearce, Vice-President/President-Elect, Anita Anker, Secretary, and Mary Larson, Member-at-Large; call for presentations by Reference and Adult Services Division (RSAD) and Machine Assisted Reference Section (MARS) for 1985 ALA Annual Conference; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
62. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November/December 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-11 - 1984-12
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 9-10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published November/December, 1984. Topics include notice of 1985 Library Legislative Day (formerly MILL Day) scheduled 2-25-1985; List of 1985 MLA Board members, contact information, meeting times, and committee assignments; Special Report on Lesotho and libraries by Mary Wagner; call for suggestions for revised library grant rules from Office of Library Development and Services (MN); reminder that fiscal and membership years now follow the calendar year (effective January 1985); notice of Legal Bibliography Institute schedule; ads for EBSCO Subscription Services, and Baker & Taylor.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
63. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-11
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published November/December 1979. Topis include MLA Board of Directors meeting notes; 1979/80 Budget Summary for MLA; Academic and Research Library Division meeting notes; notice to trustees from Audren Anderholm; notes of the Library Management Round Table, Library Specialists Round Table, and Library Research Round Table; annual report of the Intellectual Freedom Committee and notice of publication Intellectual Freedom in Minnesota: The Continuing Problem of "Obscenity," MLA Membership directory additions and changes, membership notes and membership renewal notice, In Memoriam for Esther Jerabek (retired head of the Technical Services Department of the Minnesota Historical Society) and Emily Mayne (whose accomplishments include being creator of the Martin County Library, past president of the Minnesota Library Association, Staff member of the Minnesota Public Library Agency, a Library Division/OPLIC), call for speakers and discussion topis for the All-Association Conference, call for papers for the Young Adult Services Division of ALA, announcement of ALA/RASD award, ASIS Meeting announcement, ARLIS meeting announcement, College of St. Catherine workshops, AACR2 workshops planned, job postings, and a calendar of events 12/1/1979-1/25/1980. Includes note for serials numbering of Volume 6 and Volume 7 of MLA Newsletters.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
64. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-11
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published November, 1980. Topics include: October 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, a message from the MLA Past President, nominations needed for MLA Awards, a message to library trustees, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, a summary of an MLA/GODORT meeting, an announcement about the GPO Bookstore moving from Milwaukee to Minneapolis, the MLA legislative platform for the 1981 session, a call to participate in the Minnesota Library Association Legislative Network, minutes from the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum meeting, a new publication available called "Libraries in the Political Process," announcement about the upcoming Minnesota Library Legislative Day, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Thor Power Tool Co. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue that affect publishers and libraries, the upcoming White House Conference on Aging, legal Reference Services, new source of information on women's history, the University of Minnesota FIRE Center, library jobs list, source for information about the Great Northern Railway, an upcoming Searchers Fair, MLA Program Fund gift, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
65. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May/June 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-05 - 1981-06
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 6/7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May/June, 1981. Topics include: March 1981 MLA Board meeting minutes, a thank you from the MLA President, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, an update about the fall ACRL Conference, minutes from the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum March and May meeting, a library job list, ALA issues policy statement on library instruction, a call for contributions to help furnish the new ALA headquarters, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
66. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May, 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-05
- Description:
- Volume 5 number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in May, 1979. Contents include a report from the MLA Board of Directors, an update on legislation relevant to libraries, a report on MLA's first "newcomer's day," a report of the Planning and Development Committee, reports from the Library Research and Special Libraries Roundtables, a report from the Public Library Division's Conference Call Committee on the feasibility of a statewide conference telephone system, a report on the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum, a announcement of the hiring of a new faculty member at the Library School of the University of Minnesota, information on the Public Libraries Program of the National Endowment for the Humanities, information on academic library internships and a training program for academic library consultants, the schedule for the upcoming MFLA Conference, the ballot results on a vote of individual ALA members to reaffirm a contract to meet at the Palmer House in Chicago for the Midwinter 1980 meeting, information on the ALA annual meeting, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
67. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-05
- Description:
- Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter volume 7, number 6 was published in May 1980. Content includes a photograph and summary of Minnesotan participants of Legislative Day, Library Research Round Table (LRRT) news, MLA membership statistics, minutes of the Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum meeting held March 24, 1980, a list of 1981 MLA Conference Chairpeople, MLA member spotlight, overview of Library Friends free Chautauqua programs, educational events for librarians, job postings, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
68. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-05
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May, 1984. Topics include the ALA reading discussion program entitled "Let's Talk About It"; call for entries in "Minnesota Quotable Quotes" by Minnesota Reviews; Special Report on Lesotho and libraries by Mary Wagner; meeting notes from MN Health Sciences Library Association (MHSLA); notices of Film in the Cities workshops, Automation in Libraries in St. Cloud, MN and Bismark, ND, Media Technology Conference, MN Association of Law Librarians (MALL) conference May 1984, and MN Reading Association Meeting October 1984; job openings; legislative update on library access for every Minnesota Citizen, Library Services and Construction Act; ads for Freedom to Read Foundation, and EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
69. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March/April 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-03 - 1981-04
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 4/5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published March/April, 1981. Topics include: January 1981 MLA Board meeting minutes, College of St. Catherine launches library science scholarship fund, the ALA Midwinter Chapter Councilor's Report, upcoming MLA Conference dates, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, second Occasional Papers planned for publication on the topic of library resource sharing, MLA staff exchange program available, upcoming educational events, library jobs list, Minnesota reception planned at ALA Annual Conference for award-winning library trustee, input sought on revised ALA Code of Ethics, ALA seeking volunteers for Legislative Network on Youth, ALA Annual Public Relations Swap n Shop, ALA seeking materials on online searching, and Southcentral Minnesota-Inter-Library Exchange (SMILE) announces spring meeting.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
70. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-03
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1979. Contents include minutes of the February MLA meeting, an alert on proposed obscenity bills before the state legislature, a call for nominations for executive positions with the American Library Association, a report on funds for library and related programs from the ALA Washington office, minutes of the MLA Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting, criteria and a call for nominations for MLA awards, a listing of association officers and chairpersons, abstract of minutes for the Public Library Division, announcement of the new MLA executive director appointment, continuing education opportunities, a schedule for the Intellectual Freedom Conference, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
71. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-03
- Description:
- Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter volume 7, number 4 was published in March 1980. Content includes an overview of a reception held at Minnesota Governor's residence on February 14, 1980, various round table events, a legislative report from the MLA legislative committee, MLA member spotlight, educational events for librarians, a call for professional exhibit participants at the MLA conference, the 1980 ALA Midwinter Council Report, job postings, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
72. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-03
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March, 1984. Contents include a legislative update, corrections and updates to MLA Leadership listings, House approval of the LSCA, Intellectual Freedom Committee news and upcoming workshops, the Great Midwestern Bookshow, a call for MLA award nominations, a special report on computer hardware and software, an update on the Minnesota Libraries long range plan and call for suggestions, and job openings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
73. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June/July 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-06
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published June/July 1979. Topics include proceedings of the MLA Spring Conference held, 5/17-5/19/79 at Concordia College, Moorehead, MN, with meeting notes of MLA Board of Directors, the General Membership, Minnesota Library Trustees Association, Public Libraries Division, Children's and Young People's Section, Reference and Adult Services Section, Technical Services Section, Government Document Roundtable, PALS Roundtable, Committee for the Welfare of Library Workers, Continuing Education Committee, MLA Account Audit; other items include announcement of new Chapter Councilor, Edward Swanson; 1979 MLA Awards for Librarian of the Year, Doris Pagel, Trustee of the Year, Francis H. Haftalin, and certificates of merit; minutes of the Intellectual Freedom Committee Meeting ; announcement of Speakers Bureau for Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship; MLA Membership Directory Additions and Changes; Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) report on Prior Lake Censorship Case, and IFC 6-month summary of activities ; Library Legislation Action Summary including state aid to public libraries and Multi-county, Multi-type library cooperation; report of Library Development by State Board of Education; announcement of Minnesota delegates to White House Conference on Library and Information Services; report of Minnesota statewide Continuing Education Task Force, plus announcement of upcoming workshops, message board, and library employment in Minnesota; Children's Literature Forum; and calendar of events for 7/16/79-9/13/79.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
74. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June/July 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-06 - 1980-07
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published May/June, 1981. Topics include a summary of the 1980 MLA annual conference, April 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes , May 1980 MLA membership meeting minutes, MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, the 1980 MLA membership directory, results of an annual conference exibitor questionnaire, the MLA Nominating Committee slate of officers running for positions on the MLA board, announcement that the ACRL 1981 national conference will take place in Minneapolis, a list of upcoming AACR2 cataloging workshops, and job announcements.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
75. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-06
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published June, 1984. Topics include MLA annual conference awards for Trustee of the Year, President's Award, Certificate of Merits, and Librarian of the Year; reports from MLA General Membership Meeting, including bylaw changes, Treasurer's Report and Lobbyist Task Force Report, commendation to MLA Legislative Committee, ALA Chapter Councilor, and Membership Committee; announcement of combined MN library and information societies conference (Sept. 1985), and 1985 MLA Officer candidates; conference report from Technical Services Section (TSS), Public Libraries Division (PLD), and Minnesota Information/Library Legislative (MILL) Bulletin with address from MN Congressman Timothy Penny; Gretchen Wronka's report on ALA Legislative Day in Washington, DC; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
76. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August, 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-07 - 1981-08
- Description:
- Volume 8 number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in July/August of 1981. Contents include a summary of Minnesota librarians who received awards at the American Library Association annual meeting, announcement of a pilot education program of the American Library Trustees Association that was to be located in Minnesota, MLA awards presented at the All Association Conference, minutes of the general membership meeting, minutes of the board of directors meeting, listings of national and regional library events, and library job postings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
77. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-07 - 1984-08
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published July/August, 1984. Topics include text of speech by Joanne Hart to MLA Trustees 05-03-1984, entitled "Three cheers for diversity"; notes from Readers Advisory Round Table (RART); call for members to form Twin Cities chapter of American Society of Indexers; notice of Midwestern Rural Library Conference in Mankato, MN (September 1984); ASIS/SLA Telecommunications and the Myth of Access symposium in St. Paul (September 1984); President's Column; committee announced to start "Let's Talk About It' program in MN; call for suggestions for MN Libraries Long Range Plan for Library Service; "On People" column includes Nancy Alsop, Sanford Berman, Arline Brown, Sharon Charles, Bill Erickson, Rev. Gordon MacLean, Alice Mittelstadt, Gary Shirk, Virginia Shirk, Roger Sween, Dorothy Thews; and ad for EBSCO Subscription Services.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
78. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-01 - 1981-02
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published January/February, 1981. Topics include: an MLA Spring Conference update, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, an update on the activities of the Coalition for Library Legislation, changes in the MLA Membership Directory, registration materials insert for the Forum: All-Association Conference I, library jobs list, a calendar of upcoming library events, a Librarian's workshop at the Great Midwestern Bookshow, and an announcement about the Chidren's Literature Association 8th Annual Conference.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
79. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-01 - 1984-02
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January/February, 1984. Contents include the President's Column, a legislative update, MLA subunit and committee updates, an announcement about the Wisconsin Intellectual Freedom Coalition sixth annual conference, award nominees sought, a list of educational events, a report about the first meeting of the Task Force on MLA Lobbyist, a special report about working in the St. Paul Mayor's Office of Management and Budget, library staff news, job announcements, and an ALA program called "Let's Talk About It," intended to develop library-based discussion groups throughout the United States.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
80. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-01
- Description:
- Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter volume 7, number 2 was published in January 1980. Content includes minutes of the November 30, 1979 MLA Board of Directors meeting, new bylaws passed by the board, library management and special libraries round table meeting announcements, establishment of the MLA Mobile Services Round Table, continuing education events for librarians, job postings, Minnesota statewide library services forum meeting announcement, and a calendar of events
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
81. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, February 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-02
- Description:
- Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter volume 7, number 3 was published in February 1980. Content includes minutes of the November 30, 1979 MLA business meeting, minutes of the Jan. 18, 1980 MLA Board of Directors meeting, Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) news, minutes and new bylaws of the Media Roundtable meetings, a call for award nominations, 1980 MLA Board meeting schedule, a list of MLA officers and chairpersons, library administration and cataloging events, job postings, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
82. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-12
- Description:
- Volume 8, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published December, 1980. Topics include: winner of the MLA logo contest, a reminder to renew MLA membership, December 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, registration materials coming soon for the All-Association Conference, the upcoming Children's Literature Conference, grants available to students of American Children's Literature, Continuing Education opportunities at the College of St. Catherine, upcoming education events, changed in the MLA Membership Directory, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
83. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, August 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-08
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter Volume 6, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published August 1979. Topics include notes of the MLA Board of Directors Meeting, Reference & Adult Services on Libraries & Literacy, Library Management Roundtable, Library Research Roundtable, Special Libraries Roundtable; list of Minnesotans who attended the American Library Association Dallas Conference, 6/24-6/29/1979; MLA membership news, and MLA Membership Directory additions and changes, Title 44 (government printing, binding, and the depository library system) endorsed by Documents Roundtable, notes of Library Forum, library job openings, message board, announcement of AACR2 and Government Publications workshops, an Art Libraries Society (ARLIS) trip planned to Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, IA, and a calendar of events from 8/2-9/29/1979.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
84. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, August 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-08
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published August, 1980. Topics include: announcement about ALA Piercy Award winner Nancy Olson, July 1980 MLA Board meeting minutes, MLA Membership & Revenue Report, MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, minutes from the May Minnesota Statewide Library Services Forum, an MLA GODORT report on the Minnesota State Documents microfilm project and depository system, a reminder about the availability of the MLA membership directory, upcoming educational events, an announcement about an upcoming conference for Minnesota Library Friends called Friends in High Places, MLA Spring conference program abstracts and summaries, A list of Minnesotans who attended the ALA Annual Conference in New York, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
85. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-04
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April, 1979. Contents include minutes of the March MLA Board meeting, listing of MLA officers and chairpersons, announcement and call for exhibitors for the 84th annual MLA convention, the MLA communication policy, minutes of the Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting, an update on the court case filed by the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union against the School Board of Forest Lake, information and schedule for the Censorship in a Democratic Society Workshop, an update on legislation regarding the development of multi-county multi-type library systems, report of the Committee for the Welfare of Library Workers, a Governor's Conference Task Force report, a recommendation by the Outreach Roundtable to disband the roundtable, a listing of continuing education courses, a listing of nationwide educational events, a report of the Forum, the schedule for the upcoming Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) annual meeting, job postings and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
86. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-04
- Description:
- Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter volume 7, number 5 was published in April 1980. Content includes minutes of the March 7, 1980 MLA Board of Directors meeting, MLA conference news, events for Children's and Young People's (CYP) section, Special Libraries Round Table, Government Documents Round Table (GODORT), and Continuing Education (CE) committee, a legislative report, a letter of thanks from the superintendent of Voyageurs National Park, a list of new and rejoined members, program for the second annual Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (MCAC) conference, job postings, and a calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
87. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-04
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published April, 1984. Topics include a call for Minnesota Library Trustees Association (MLTA) members to attend MLA Conference; updates from Public Libraries Division (PLD), and Data Systems Round Table (DSRT); MLA Board Highlights from December & January 1984; ALA News including the Chapter Councilor's Report, and Special Libraries Round Table (SLRT) report; upcoming educational events; job openings; "On People" items; and ads for EBSCO Subscription Services, and Baker & Taylor.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
88. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-09
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September of 1983. Contents include a Legislative Update on privacy law revisions, highlights of the May MLA Board meeting, a description of the charge of the newly formed Task Force on an MLA Lobbyist, a report of the Government Documents Round Table, a listing of educational events, a call for energy information centers to promote information sharing, a call for nominations for the Kerlan Award, and news briefs on individual members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
89. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-10
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October of 1983. Contents include election results for MLA officers, an announcement that MLA was selected by ALA to host the 1984 Arbuthnot Lecture, a listing of job opportunities, a reprinting of responses by legislators to the Nuclear Freeze Resolution passed by MLA, a memorial notice for Adeline F. Ballenthin, a listing of census materials available from the Office of the State Demographer, a listing of conferences of interest, a call for information from library cost studies, and a master calendar of MLA events and deadlines.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
90. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, November 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-11
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 11 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in November of 1982. Contents include a summary of an address by Charles R. Hildreth to the Academic and Research Libraries Division on the topic of the user interface for online public access catalogs, highlights of the September MLA Board meeting, a directory of MLA Board members, a listing of the newly elected officers of MLA committees and subunits, reports from the Minnesota Library Trustees Association and the Government Documents Round Table, a Legislative Update, a reprinted article from ALA's Washington Newsletter on the topic of increasing restrictions on access to government information, a call for volunteers to index and abstract information for the online Family Resources Database, a listing of job opportunities, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, and a listing of calls for awards nominations and research paper proposals.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
91. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, May 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-05
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in May of 1983. Contents include a Legislative Update, highlights of the March MLA Board meeting, an announcement that Congressman Gerry Sikorski is sponsoring the National Heritage Resource Act, a position statement being offered to the MLA Board and membership on the role of libraries in promoting tourism, an announcement of the Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award winner, an announcement of the University Gallery Touring Exhibition titled "Investigating Sherlock Holmes," announcement of a fellowship at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Library Science Department, a list of candidates nominated for MLA board positions, a description of the new PBS production called "Reading Rainbow,"and a description of the charge of the newly formed Library Heritage Task Force.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
92. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-03
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March of 1983. Contents include an editorial article titled "The Small Press and the Great Midwestern Bookshow" which advocates library support of small presses, highlights of the December MLA Board meeting, a Legislative Update, an announcement of the Minnesota Association of Law Libraries spring conference, a schedule of events for the Great Midwestern Bookshow, a special report on cable system development, a listing of job opportunities, news briefs on individual members, a memorial notice for Flora T. Rogge, ALA News, and a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
93. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-06
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in June of 1983. Contents include the announcement of four awards presented at the MLA annual conference, information on the formation of a music librarian group, a listing of job opportunities, and the MLA annual business meeting minutes with reports from divisions, sections and round tables.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
94. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, July/August 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-07 - 1983-08
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in summer of 1983. Contents include a report of the Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting at the MLA annual conference, a call for nominations for Minnesota Library Trustee Association officers, reports from the Membership Committee and the Reader's Advisory Round Table, summaries of panel discussions presented by the PALS Round Table on the topics of quality control and on the small press, announcement of the Institute program on the information needs of older Americans, information on the upcoming Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference, news briefs on various events and programs outside of MLA, a listing of job opportunities, and the announcement of St. Paul as the location for the second Forum All-Association Conference to be held in 1985.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
95. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, January/February 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-01 - 1983-02
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in winter of 1983. Contents include a report from the Intellectual Freedom Committee on the Conference titled "Censorship: Past, Present and Future" held in Minneapolis, a report from the Awards Committee, a special report on the National Invitational Conference on Independent Scholarship, a Legislative Update, reports from various round tables, a listing of educational events, and an announcement of a program titled "The Future of the Free Library in a Televideo World."
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
96. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, December 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-12
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 12 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in December of 1982. Contents include an update on public library finance, highlights of the October MLA Board meeting, the announcement of a ten-member task force to examine the restructuring of the library and information science program at the University of Minnesota, reports from various MLA round tables and sections, a report from the Friends of the Libraries of Roseau County on community efforts to raise funds and prevent the closure of libraries in the Roseau County Library System, news briefs on individual members, a memorial announcement for Beatrice Reed Bailey, highlights of meetings outside of the MLA organization, a listing of job opportunities, a master calendar of MLA meetings and deadlines, and a Legislative Update.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
97. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, April 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-04
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in April of 1983. Contents include news of the upcoming MLA annual conference, reports from the Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Special Libraries Round Table, library news briefs from around the state, a special report on software for the creation of free-text searchable databases, various library-related news briefs, a listing of job opportunities, and a listing of educational events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
98. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-10
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October of 1982. Contents include election results for MLA officers, highlights from the August MLA Board meeting, a report of the MFLA Planning Committee, a special report on the revision of the American Library Association's legislative policy, a letter to the editor advocating the MLA resolution supporting mandatory membership of each county in a regional library system, an announcement of the adoption of the national library symbol, a listing of educational events, a master calendar of events and deadlines, and a listing of calls for award nominations or research papers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
99. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, March 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-03
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in March, 1982. Contents include the President's Column, a report of the MLA Board, a report of the Minnesota Library Trustees Association, reports of various sections and round tables, a Legislative Update, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, a listing of educational events, and a call for participation in a Minnesota Library Association Legislative Day.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
100. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, June/July 1982
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Harpole, Patricia (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1982-06 - 1982-07
- Description:
- Volume 9, number 6-7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in summer of 1982. Contents include an announcement of the recipients of the Minnesota Library Association annual awards, the President's Column, minutes of the General Membership Meeting held at the annual conference, a report from the MLA Board, reports from the Minnesota Library Trustees and the Public Library Divisions, a report from the Media Round Table on the potential for libraries to become satellite teleconference centers, a master calendar of meetings and deadlines, and a list of educational events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters