Signatures of attorneys registered to practice law in the State of Minnesota. Names were verified and biographical data obtained from Minnesota Biographies (MHS 1912), Legislators Past and Present (website), State Board of Law Examiners register (1891-1921), Minnesota birth and death certificates indexes, Minnesota court system websites, published alumni directories of the University of Minnesota law school and the St. Paul College of Law, Minnesota Legal History Project (website), the Minnesota Historical Society's online catalog (PALS), and a variety of miscellaneous sources.
Professional portrait of "The Church and Settled Pastors of Pontoppidan Lutheran Congregation from 1868 to 1918". Includes photos of P.J. Ostergaard, 1884-1886, Nils Olson 1868-1880, N.S. Heggerness 1880-1882, R. Anderson 1887-1890, H.S. Quanbeck 1893-1896, E.O. Larson 1898-1905, H.C. Caspersen 1905-1912, Johan Mattson 1913
Hand-drawn land surveys made from 1869-1941 to determine and identify land ownership and/or section boundaries in various parts of Washington County. The volume includes an index on pages 638-641 that lists each township and section and the pages in the volume on which information is provided. A transcript of that list accompanies this document and can be found at the beginning of this document.
A classroom instruction tool, this 24 page wall scroll uses images, alphabet letters, words and phrases in the Dakota language to teach math functions and reading. This item was designed to hang on the classroom wall.
Contributing Institution:
Synod of Lakes and Prairies, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The banks of the Zumbro River are spanned by a bridge at Oronoco. This bridge, built about 1876, was the second bridge at this location and was later replaced by a concrete bridge in 1918.
A photographic glass plate of the L.E. Dennewith General Merchandise Store Front in Grass Lake Minnesota with six unidentified people in the front, two horse buggies off to the left hand side and six people directly in front of the store.
Hemol Pills in a cardboard box. An effective tonic for the blood and nerves. Hemol Pills are prescribed extensively as a blood tonic. They are beneficial in nearly all cases of general weakness, anemia, lack of blood, dyspepsia, chronic constipatio,n and is a general tonic for "run down" conditions of the system. Directions: take 1 or 2 pills three times a day after meals. Label on the box reads: Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota. Leo M. Foley, Proprietor.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Jupiter Tea is described as "A careful copositin of flowers, herbs and roots for the cure of all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS and complains of the CHEST, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, DROPSY and the best remedy for Blood Purifying , Cathartic and Menstruation. Steep 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoonful of the tea in one cup of boiling water and let it draw. Drink one cup morning and evenings." Label on the side of the box reads, "Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Packaging box, glass bottle and instructions for Mary T. Goldman's Gray Hair Color Restorarer, a "colorific preparation No. 2." The box reads, "For technical external use for communicating color to hair that has lost its natural color. Beware of imitatins. Don not imitators confuse you. Insist on the original. Price $1.50 per bottle. Express prepaid. Keep bottle in box.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Map shows proposed railroad, streets and street names, docks, lots and sections in Township 61, North of Range 1, East with handwritten notation by Geo. Durfee, resident real estate agent.
This map, showing the Minneapolis Park System in 1883, 1888, 1905 and 1915 is found in the Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Minneapolis, after page 88.
These maps are found in the Thirty-sixth Annual Report of the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Minneapolis, in a pocket inside the back cover.