Exterior view of the Zion Lutheran Church, built circa 1897 and demolished circa 1924. Women sat on the left side and men on the right side. Lender was baptized in this church.
Men playing baseball as others watch from the sidelines, factories in the background. Minneapolis Young Men's Christian Association recreational program for industrial workers. Y. M. C. A. sponosred recreations program took place in the early 1900s.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives
Two women standing in front of train ore cars. The location of this photograph is unknown; but the Iron Range includes parts of the following Minnesota counties: Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake and St. Louis.
This photo shows May, Nellie, and Jessie McOuat in a horse-drawn wagon going north on Minnesota Avenue in St. Peter from a location in front of the Courthouse.
Winter scene of three homestead women and a Native American holding a small child in the woods. A horse and cart, teepee, frozen slaughter pig and other bundles are visible in the surroundings.
Women and children posing for photo. They are in front of a metal framed swing. Looks like either a house or a barn in the backround. Images in this collection were found in the attic of an old farm house in Kandiyohi County formerly owned by George Kallevig. Whether these negatives are from the Kallevig family or not is unknown.
Women and children dressed up posing for photo. Little girl with sash around her shoulder. Possible school pageant. Peter Bonde was sheriff in Kandiyohi County from 1906-1927. He was known as the Prohibition Sheriff. Images in this collection were taken by Peter Bonde from 1890-1910.
Women and children dressed up posing for photo. Little girl with sash around her shoulder. Possible school pageant. Peter Bonde was sheriff in Kandiyohi County from 1906-1927. He was known as the Prohibition Sheriff. Images in this collection were taken by Peter Bonde from 1890-1910.
Woman standing on tree stump posing for photo. Images in this collection were found in the attic of an old farm house in Kandiyohi County formerly owned by George Kallevig. Whether these negatives are from the Kallevig family or not is unknown.
Woman standing in front of mirror. She is faced away from mirror. Peter Bonde was sheriff in Kandiyohi County from 1906-1927. He was known as the Prohibition Sheriff. Images in this collection were taken by Peter Bonde from 1890 - 1910.
Woman sitting at a table reading by the light of a kerosene lamp. Images in this collection were found in the attic of an old farm house in Kandiyohi County formerly owned by George Kallevig. Whether these negatives are from the Kallevig family or not is unknown.
A woman wearing a hat. She is sitting in a chair posing for photo. Images in this collection were found in the attic of an old farm house in Kandiyohi County formerly owned by George Kallevig. Whether these negatives are from the Kallevig family or not is unknown.
Woman posing for a photo. There is a lake behind her. Images in this collection were found in the attic of an old farm house in Kandiyohi County formerly owned by George Kallevig. Whether these negatives are from the Kallevig family or not is unknown.
Business trade card for Gray & Hoflin, who are the sole manufacturers. Liebig's English Cherry Cough Balsam for coughs, colds, sore throat, Bronchitis and all diseases of the throat and lungs.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Photo of the baase of a windmill. In the backround you can see a man holding a pole or some other object. The man appears to be standing on something but its hard to make out what it is. There are three or four mules by the man. Images in this collection were found in the attic of an old farm house in Kandiyohi County formerly owned by George Kallevig. Whether these negatives are from the Kallevig family or not is unknown.
This photo shows the shop of wagon master William Kohl in St. Peter. The photo shows the south side of the building on the northeast corner of the intersection of Broadway and Third street.
Political candidate William Jennings Bryan stands before a dresser mirror, writing a note to himself, "Will you run again, Mr. Bryan? You guessed it that time, my boy." A figure, likely Bart himself, sketchbook in hand, watches through the window.
This photo shows William G. Laumann in the office he shared with attorney C. R. Davis in St. Peter. Laumann sold real estate and insurance. The office was located in the O'Brien building.
First volume from the organization, describing the original formation and activities of the charity in the early 20th century. The handwritten record book predates the official incorporation of the three family charities into a single charity, The Amherst H. Wilder Charity, in 1910.
A classroom instruction tool, this 24 page wall scroll uses images, alphabet letters, words and phrases in the Dakota language to teach math functions and reading. This item was designed to hang on the classroom wall.
Contributing Institution:
Synod of Lakes and Prairies, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)