Map of Leech Lake and its surrounding area etched by Austin D. Zanff of Walker, Minnesota. This image is by Arthur Adams, Minneapolis high school teacher, local historian, and photographer. Adams traveled throughout Minnesota, taking photographs to augment his lectures. His studio was located at 3648 Lyndale Avenue South in Minneapolis.
Black and white portrait of a N. J. Quickstad wearing football attire and holding a football and football helmet, text on picture frame. Quickstad was an alum and former instructor in physics and chemistry
Twin Cities streetcars were built with a semi-open rear platform enclosed by wire gates, and were referred to as gate cars. This is the view an exiting passenger would have seen.
Upstairs at each of the streetcar stations was a trainmen's dormitory, where they could sleep between work shifts. This one is at Lake Street Station at 22nd Avenue.
On the ground floor of each of the streetcar stations was the trainmen's room, where they gather to prepare for work. This one is at Lake Street Station at 22nd Avenue.