
You searched for: Type Still Image Remove constraint Type: Still Image Date Created 1906 to 1907 Remove constraint Date Created: <span class="from" data-blrl-begin="1906">1906</span> to <span class="to" data-blrl-end="1907">1907</span>

Minnesota Digital Library

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Search Results

1. Zion Presyterian Church group, Mankato, Minnesota

2. Zion Lutheran Church of Morton, Minnesota

3. Zion Lutheran Church, Morris, Minnesota

4. Zesbaugh Bros., Established 1875, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Picture Frames, Cornice, and Room Mouldings, Minneapolis, Minnesota

5. Zesbaugh Bros., Established 1875, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Picture Frames, Cornice, and Room Mouldings, Minneapolis, Minnesota

6. Zenith Mine, Ely, Minnesota

7. Young woman with unusual blouse, Springfield, Minnesota

8. Young woman, Springfield, Minnesota

9. Young Rev. John Gmeiner, Springfield, Minnesota

10. Young Men's Christian Association building, Mankato, Minnesota

11. Young Men's Christian Association building, Mankato, Minnesota

12. Young Men's Christian Association building, Mankato, Minnesota

13. Young man with camera on the shore of Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota

14. Young girl with freckles, Springfield, Minnesota

15. Young girl in chair, Springfield, Minnesota

16. Young girl holding wild flowers wearing flat hat, Springfield, Minnesota

17. Young girl holding flowers sitting on chair, Springfield, Minnesota

18. Young girl holding flowers and wearing fancy dress and hat, Springfield, Minnesota

19. Young child seated with a Native American woman, Springfield, Minnesota

20. Young boy posing for picture in suit, Springfield, Minnesota

21. Young boy in fancy shirt in front of house, clothes line, and two buggies, Springfield, Minnesota

22. Young bishop, Springfield, Minnesota

23. You Deal with Chicago Cash Shoe House for Low Prices, Mineapolis, Minnesota

24. You Deal with Chicago Cash Shoe House for Low Prices, Mineapolis, Minnesota

25. Y. M. C. A. vocational class for men in Minneapolis, Minnesota

26. Y. M. C. A. vocational class for men and employed boys, Minneapolis, Minnesota

27. Y.M.C.A. Building, Cloquet, Minnesota

28. YMCA basketball team, Duluth, Minnesota

29. Y. M. C. A. arranged noontime baseball tournaments for local factory workers, Minneapolis, Minnesota

30. Yany School, District 33, Franklin Township, Minnesota

31. Wyman Elliot, Dealer in Seeds, Trees and Plants, Minneapolis, Minnesota

32. Wyman Elliot, Dealer in Seeds, Trees and Plants, Minneapolis, Minnesota

33. W.W. Harrison & Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota

34. W.T. Goodhue, Dealer in Drapery & Window Shades, Minneapolis, Minnesota

35. W.T. Bailey's Lumber Company employees, Virginia, Minnesota

36. Wreck on Great Northern 1 ?? mi. east of Mt. Iron 1907

37. Workers who read, Hennepin County Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota

38. Woodland Townhall School, Woodland Township, Minnesota

39. Wood frame house, Springfield, Minnesota

40. Wooden Church with picket fence and large flag, Minnesota

41. Women walking horses, Ely, Minnesota

42. Women students sit together on the lawn, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota

43. Women students ride in a buggy, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota

44. Women students gather together in front of Lawrence Hall, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota

45. Women students gather together in front of Lawrence Hall, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota

46. Women standing before train ore cars, northern Minnesota

47. Women's gymnasium class at Logan Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota

48. Women's Basketball Team, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota

49. Women pose together in front of Lawrence Hall, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota

50. Women in a horse-drawn wagon, St. Peter, Minnesota

51. Women homesteaders with Native American man and child, Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota

52. Women gather at St. Cloud's Central (Barden) Park, St. Cloud, Minnesota

53. Women at church meeting, Big Stone County, Minnesota

54. Women and children posing for photo, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

55. Women and children posing for photo, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

56. Women and children posing for photo, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

57. Women and children in canoe, Ely, Minnesota

58. Woman with two children feeding chickens, Springfield, Minnesota

59. Woman with five children in front of house, Springfield, Minnesota

60. Woman standing, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

61. Woman standing in front of mirror, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

62. Woman sitting, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

63. Woman sitting, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

64. Woman in upstairs room, Springfield, Minnesota

65. Woman in front of house holding dog, Springfield, Minnesota

66. Woman in front of cupboard and bench, Springfield, Minnesota

67. Woman in chair with man at desk, Springfield, Minnesota

68. Woman in chair with man at desk, Springfield, Minnesota

69. Woman holding child on porch, Springfield, Minnesota

70. Woman by the lake, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

71. Woman and child on prairie, Springfield, Minnesota

72. "With Love for Thee," Liebig's English Cherry Cough Balsam, Gray & Hofflin Manufacturers, Minneapolis, Minnesota

73. Winter view to the north along Minnesota Avenue, St. Peter, Minnesota

74. Winter view to the north along Minnesota Avenue, St. Peter, Minnesota

75. Winter scene on Minnesota Avenue, St. Peter, Minnesota

76. Winter Scene, Flint Creek, Cook, Minnesota

77. Winter Scene at Lyndale Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota

78. Winter, Minneapolis, Minnesota

79. Winslow House, St. Peter, Minnesota

80. Winona State Normal School's Botany and Elementary Science class at Professor Holzinger's Cottage, Winona, Minnesota

81. Winona Public Library, Winona, Minnesota

82. Winnewissa Falls, Pipestone County, Minnesota

83. Winnewissa Falls, Pipestone County, Minnesota

84. Winnewissa Falls, Pipestone County, Minnesota

85. Window Screens for Double Deck Car, Twin City Rapid Transit, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota

86. Windmill, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

87. Winchell Trail, Mississippi River, Minneapolis Park Board, Minneapolis, Minnesota

88. Winchell Trail, Mississippi River, Minneapolis Park Board, Minneapolis, Minnesota

89. Winchell Trail, Mississippi River, Minneapolis Park Board, Minneapolis, Minnesota

90. Winchell Trail, Mississippi River, Minneapolis Park Board, Minneapolis, Minnesota

91. Wilson Store & Residence, Maine, Minnesota

92. Wilson and Putman Cheese Factory, Maine, Minnesota

93. Willis Sanford French in his new automobile, Windom, Minnesota

94. Willis Hall, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

95. Willis Hall, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

96. Willis Hall, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

97. Willis Hall, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

98. Willis & Dunham, Retail Millinery, Minneapolis, Minnesota

99. William Windom of Windom, Minnesota

100. Williams Hall in winter, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota