Sewer Section map showing streets and lots in Stillwater, Minnesota from Sewer Book B.; Block 3, 5 Carli and Schulenburg's Addition; Block 2 County Auditor's Plat Number 3
Sewer Section map showing streets and lots in Stillwater, Minnesota from Sewer Book B.; Block 9, 16 Staples and May's Addition; Block 3 Carli and Schulenburg's Addition; County Auditor's Plat No 3;
Sewer Section map showing streets and lots in Stillwater, Minnesota from Sewer Book B.; Block 15, 16; Staples and Mays' Addition; Block 1 Sabin's Addition; Block 4 Original Town.
Sewer Book B; South Fourth Street; West Orleans Street; West Marsh Street; Block 1 Churchill's Second Addition; Block 2 Marsh's Second Addition, County Auditor's Plat Number 4.
Sewer Section map showing streets and lots in Stillwater; Minnesota. Sewer Book B; Block 1 Marsh's Addition; Block 12, 13 Churchill Nelson and Slaughter's Addition.
Sewer Book B; Block 1 Churchill's Second Addition; Block 1 Marsh's Addition; Block 4 Churchill and Nelson's Second Addition; County Auditor's Plat Number 4
Sewer Section map showing streets and lots in Stillwater, Minnesota from Sewer Book B.; Block 11, 12, 13, 14 Staples and May's Addition; County Auditor's Plat Number 1; Murdock's Addition.
This long three-story wooden building in its shaded setting provides a porch along its entire first floor, and a tower that climbs to four stories giving additional views of Lake Minnetonka. This postcard was printed as an advertisement. The message announces that fancy balls, dancing parties, musicales and concerts, banquets, conventions, yacht races, and rowing regattas are of frequent occurrence at Tonka Bay, and it is only two miles from Big Island with its 65-acre park .
View of Excelsior from Lake Minnetonka shows a paddlewheel boat at the dock, and several buildings, including the Blue Line, the White House Hotel, and the casino.