This cartoon, published on July 16, 1912, shows a man standing outside a grocery store, looking at displays of rain gear. The store's proprietor stands in the doorway.
Interior view of a bar with a tin ceiling, stuffed Great Horned Owl and Jordan Sulfur Springs pennant on the wall. Sign for Silver Pitcher Whiskey. Behind bar is Cunard Fischbach and Otto "Puncher" Miller. Seven men are standing at the bar including, August Mueller, Bruce Atwood, and Frank Geis.
Crowd gathered on Second Street for Baudette Fair, 1913. View is eastward across bridge showing East Baudette, right and Spooner, left. Buildings along street include the Baudette Roller Skating Rink and the Gjelhaug's Photo Studio.
Majestic Theater - cement block one-story building with smooth cement front facade. Open door on left front, closed door on right front, double open entry alcove in center front. Left side of building has two windows and a sign reading in block letters "Belle Plaine Cement Works We build You Walk Cement Blocks Houses Stucco J Widmer Prop Phone No." cement blocks stacked next to building and near sign. Front of building has sign over alcove, reading "Majestic Theater". One man sitting on steps in straw boater hat and suit. One man standing next to steps in hat, white shirt and dark trousers. Three electrical wires leading from left edge of building to right edge of photo. Handwriting on rear reads pencil "Bernard Stradcutter Sr. standing", "048" in circle, in blue ink "Majestic Theater Belle Plaine, MN" "A184" "page 307 100%", red ink "smaller", black ink "272" crossed out with blue ink, black ink "4-22-68".
Illustrated catalog highlighting the V.S.V. (vapor, steam, and vacuum) heating system produced by RohaCompany Includes radiator operation, features, costs, and testimonials.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
This panorama photograph is taken from the top of a grain elevator, looking north from near the intersection of First Street and Davis Avenue. The image shows railroad tracks, grain elevators, the water tower, the Fosston Woolen Mills, and the High Shool. The High School was built in 1905 and burned down in 1913. The image also shows residences and other buildings of the town of Fosston.
Minneapolis Saint Paul and Saulte Ste Marie Railroad
Date Created:
Photocopies of blueprints for the Sam Parker House Hotel at the Soo Line depot in Glenwood. It was designed for the Minneapolis Saint Paul and Saulte Ste Marie Railroad by the office of Buildings and Bridges. The dates on the pages vary. There are four sheets: First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan - Drawn January 4, 1912, Basement Plan and cross section�- Drawn January 4, 1912, and Trim details - drawn March 28, 1916.