Exterior view of the Kruger Hotel in St. Peter, which was located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Fifth Street and Broadway Avenue. The hotel was operated by Mr. and Mrs. William Kruger. It was also called the Pink Hotel.
Building made of wood, gable front with shutters and large front windows. Wood picket fence, beer sign. Nick Walerious is the proprietor. 19 people are in front of building and two women are in upper story windows; they are family members of the proprietor. Border Collie type dog stands at a mans side.
This photograph shows Albertson's Logging Camp Crew and horses at work in the woods. It is one of a series of 41 photographs titled "Logging on the Midway."
This photograph shows a logging crew, consisting of Henry Perttula, Jonas Perttula, William Perttula, Emil Kangas, Waino J. Heikkinen, and an unidentified man. Sitting are Abel Palkie and Adolph Peterson.
Exterior view of the millinery shop operated by Mr. and Mrs. Syver O. Strand in St. Peter. It was located on the 200 block on the west side of South Minnesota Avenue.
A feed barn, where people could take their horses to be fed. Several people on the picture posing for their picture with many buggies and horses waiting their turn.
Photograph showing the exterior of a large three-story frame structure with a one-story addition to house the steam engine plant. Mountain Lake Roller Mill, was a flour mill, built in the late 1870's by David Hiebert.
Exterior view of the business and industry office of Seth S. Johnson, possibly a buggy shop, later Wolff Department Store. In the year 2000 it became an antique store.
An interior view of Tilford Drug Store, which was on the corner of Ninth Street and Fourth Avenue. It later became Sigstad Variety Store. Pictured are: Will Sanger on the left and Fred Tilford on the right.
This is the interior of Theodore Knoll's bar in St. Peter, listed at 121 S. Third street in the 1899 city directory. Demos Young, Sever Sanderson, Louis Eckstrom, Louis Roberts, and Jesse Parsons are named on the reverse of the photo. An unidentified man is between Roberts and Parsons. Knoll is behind the bar.
This photo shows the shop of wagon master William Kohl in St. Peter. The photo shows the south side of the building on the northeast corner of the intersection of Broadway and Third street.