Business envelope from Minnesota State Horticultural Society and business card of R. S. Mackintosh, Secretary of the Minnesota Satate Horticultural Society
Business Card - "Moving Picture Supplies of Every Description "The Huntleys'" Expert Projectionists Makers of Moving Pictures, Commercial and Dramatic Ben A. Huntley, MGR Winona, Minn.
Business Card - Side A has a black and white photograph of Myrtle Huntley on the front. On Side B "The Big Hit Oh - You Tease by Merritt W. Lund - Chorus - Copyright 1910
Business Card - with a black and white photograph of Myrtle and Ben Huntley "From the Huntleys Monarchs of Pictorial Amusement Ben and Myrtle Huntley Per. Address Winona. Minn. Ably Assisted 14th Season 2 tons of costumes and Electrical Equipment.
Business Card - Side A has a black and white photograph of Ben Huntley "The head of the Huntley Shows - Ben Huntley - 13th --Semi-Annual Tour 13 - HUNTLEY= QUALITY (YOU KNOW) Permanent Address Winona, Minnesota" Side B has a black and white photograph of Myrtle E. Huntley "Our latest Song Hit A Castle in Dreamland for You Dear" by George W. Clark.
Business Card - Side A has a black and white photograph of Ben Huntley "The head of the Huntley Shows - Ben Huntley - 13th --Semi-Annual Tour 13 - HUNTLEY= QUALITY (YOU KNOW) Permanent Address Winona, Minnesota" Side BE has a black and white photograph of Myrtle E. Huntley "Our latest Song Hit A Castle in Dreamland for You Dear" by George W. Clark.
Business Card - "Special Photographic Art Studies for Trade "The Huntley's" Commercial Designing and Photography Expert Projectionists, Motion Picture Equipment, Theatre Advertising Slides Ben A. Huntley Winona, Minn.