This camp brochure describes a week at Camp All's Well on Nine Mile Creek in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Included is a picture of girls raising the U.S. flag, an application form, daily schedule, and camp staff. This included a hand drawn and type written draft and final printed version.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
A 1922 letter from Juliette Gordon Low to Marjorie Edgar, thanking her for the flowers and requesting Miss Edgar to represent Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. in Normandy.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
A 1921 letter concerning the visit of Mrs. Kerr to the United States from England. Juliette Gordon Low wants the work of Miss Baden-Powell from 1910-1916 recognized for spreading the Girl Guide movement in England.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
A program for a pageant presented by St. Paul Area Girl Scouts for the 20th Hiawatha Regional Conference. The three-day conference ra from October 10-12, 1950.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Girl Scouts in uniform are baking a cake to celebrate the 25th birthday of Girl Scouts. Pictured Mary Rothchild, Harriet Stringer (daughter of Mrs. Philip Stringer, member of St. Paul's first Girl Scout troop 1917) and Jeanette Johnston.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Senior Girl Scouts, 9th graders at Pacelli High School, tent camping. Pictured left to right: Mrs. Brill, leader, Mary Francis Torgrimson, Sandra Lamb, Betty Ann Grumwald, Suzanne Brill, Mary Helen Reinartz and Janice Ullwelling.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Girl Scouts receiving Golden Eaglet award, highest rank in Girl Scouting, 1932. The Awards were presented by Mrs. Frederick Edey, National President; recipients are Mary Gardy, Gertrude Hall, Katherine Dames, and Isabel Critchfield.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
A 1932 letter from Birdsall Otis Edey, President of the National Girl Scouts, to Marjorie Edgar stating that the National Girl Scout organization would not be publishing any new Folk Songbooks in 1933.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys