Night time view of the mansion lit up. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Park Avenue facade of the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the Park Avenue side of the mansion from the front gate. Sign installed to the right of the gate gives the gallery hours. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the Swan J. Turnblad residence from the front lawn. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the mansion from the front lawn. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of Swan J. Turnblad mansion from Park Avenue. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the Swan J. Turnblad residence from Park Avenue and 26th Street. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the mansion from the Oakland Avenue side, including the iron fence. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Swan J. Turnblad mansion from Park Avenue. The fence, trees, and mansion are covered with snow. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the Swan J. Turnblad residence from Park Avenue and 26th Street. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Tree delivery by horse-drawn cart next to Swan J. Turnblad residence, 26th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Swan J. Turnblad mansion from 26th Street. View includes the carriage house and the link to the mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
The link between the Swan J. Turnblad mansion and carriage house before the installation of the Posten window. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the Turnblad mansion from the front yard. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Front entrance to the American Swedish Institute, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Wintertime view of the Turnblad mansion with decorations over the front entrance. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the mansion from the front lawn. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the mansion from Park Avenue shortly after the mansion was completed. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the Turnblad mansion from the front lawn. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Window washers work on the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the Turnblad mansion from Park Avenue. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the mansion from the front lawn. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the mansion from Park Avenue, American and Swedish flags flying over the main entrance. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
The Hennepin County Territorial Pioneers' Museum in the Ard Godfrey House (28 SE University Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota). Edwin Clark lived upstairs.
Fall exhibit, showing coats of arms of the twenty four provinces of Sweden, second floor balcony, Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Kakelugn and seating in the former billiard room of the mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
American Swedish Institute board around a table in the Turnblad mansion, Mike Holm as president, Lillian Turnblad on his left. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Second floor exhibit featuring weavings and artifacts from one of the provinces of Sweden. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View of the wooden door to the carriage house of the Turnblad mansion, showing the horse head carved by Herman Schlink. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the Carriage house entrance before the link to the main house was built in 1983. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Detail of the Turnblad mansion carriage house before the link was built in 1983. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Cherub and fruit, carved into the ceiling of the Turnblad mansion dining room. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Horse head carved by stone carver Herman G. Schlink. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Grand Hall staircase with a winged lion carving, Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
This carving depicts a scene from the Swedish legend, Den Bergtagna. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Elaborate ceiling decoration in the Turnblad mansion salon or drawing room as restored in 1975. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
View upwards two stories to the ceiling about the grand hall in the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Fine tableware and Christmas angel chimes decorate a Swedish Christmas table. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
First Christmas table setting in the Turnblad mansion, second floor bedroom. Christmas tree in the bow window, child's table set by the kakelugn. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Dag Hammarskjold, United Nations Secretary General, on left, with Stanley Berglund, trustee of the American Swedish Institute, examining Swedish artifacts on exhibit.
Moorish style den on the first floor of the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Lion head and copper downspout in a corner of the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Chimney tower on the back side of the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Exterior view of the rear of the mansion on the side facing the carriage house. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Ribbons and garlands decorate the walls of the breakfast room in the Turnblad mansion. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.
Mansion photographed from the corner of Park Avenue and Oakland. Mansion is hidden by the trees on Oakland. Completed in 1908, the Swan J. Turnblad mansion was built in the French Chateauesque style. The house became the American Swedish Institute in 1929.