Weekly worship bulletin from Salem Covenant Church, Duluth, Minnesota for Confirmation Sunday, May 26, 1957. The bulletin includes the order of worship for the morning and evening services and the names of the 1957 confirmands.
Program for the sixtieth anniversary services of the Salem Covenant Church, Duluth, Minnesota. The program includes a welcome by Pastor Carl H. Janson, the schedule of events for the services on October 11-15, 1950, and a brief history of the church.
Fiftieth anniversary booklet for Salem Mission Church, Duluth, Minnesota. Booklet includes a detailed history of the church up to 1940 by Erik Dahlhielm as well as candid photos of church members in and around the church. There are translucent pages with a spider web pattern after the front cover and before the back cover.
Special edition printed news bulletin highlighting efforts to raise funds to keep the Hammond Organ in the church. Fund raising figures are listed as are names of donors to the Organ Fund. There is also a brief mention of a Sunday School attendance campaign in the bulletin.
Program for the services dedicating the new church building erected to replace the building destroyed by the December 6, 1932, fire. The program includes the order of worship for the morning worship service, the afternoon dedication service, and the evening worship service.