
You searched for: Contributor Otter Tail County Historical Society Remove constraint Contributor: Otter Tail County Historical Society

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51. Lake and Lowry interior, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

52. High School Football Team, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

53. Woolen Mill, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

54. View of Otter Tail river, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

55. Straub Jewelry interior, Charles Jungroth, Sr., Jeweler, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

56. Masons, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

57. Martha Dodge residence, 702 Channing, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

58. Looking North across Otter Tail River and Mill Street bridge, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

59. John Lauritzen, builder, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

60. Fergus Iron Works Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

61. Erick Frankberg, Judge of Probate, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

62. Christian F. Hanson, Clerk of Court, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

63. Lakeside Drive, Lake Alice, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

64. Street scene, Lincoln Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

65. First football squad, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

66. Edward Grussendorf, businessman, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

67. Third State Hospital of Minnesota, kitchen crew, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

68. Street parade scene, Lincoln Avenue looking southwest at Mill Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

69. South Side Hotel, South Mill Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

70. Richard J. Angus residence, 507 South Oak Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

71. Portrait of Dr. Otto M. Haugan, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

72. Lyceum Theatre, 119-121 Washington Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

73. J. T. Johnson residence, 543 Cavour, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

74. John O. Barke residence, Vine Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

75. James A. Brown residence, 125 West Vernon Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

76. Hans Bugge, lawyer, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

77. George C. Miles residence, 423 North Cleveland, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

78. Fergus Falls City Hall and Fire Station, 115-117 North Mill Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

79. Elmer E. Adams residence, 520 Union Avenue South, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

80. E. J. Woodham residence, 413 Broadway Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

81. E. A. Jewett residence, 509 South Union Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

82. David M. Brown residence, 615 North Cleveland Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

83. Charles D. Wright residence, 520 Court Street South, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

84. Boyington block, 203 Washington Avenue West, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

85. Boating on Lake Alice, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

86. Big "A" flour mill and elevator, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

87. Bicyclists posed along Lakeside Drive South, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

88. Aerial view from court house looking Northwest along Court Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

89. A. Aberle residence, 214 South Peck Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

90. Third State Hospital of Minnesota, under construction, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

91. Third State Hospital of Minnesota, workers filling silo, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

92. Summer teachers training school, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

93. Smith's book store, 106 West Lincoln Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

94. Oliver Olson, Probate Court Clerk and Judge, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

95. M. T. McMahon residence, 119 West Vernon Avenue, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

96. Interior, Field and Fossen grocery, 113 East Lincoln, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

97. E. J. Woodham furniture store, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

98. E. J. Webber residence, 506 Lincoln Avenue West, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

99. Chase and Stanford Blocks, corner of Mill and Washington, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

100. Alfred Colony residence, Guttenberg Heights, Fergus Falls, Minnesota