Image of the woolen mill building with three men standing and one man sitting on roof top and two women standing on ground level outside building. A bicycle is set up against the building.
John Lauritzen came to Fergus Falls in 1887 and was in charge of the construction of the State Hospital and was responsible for many fine brick buildings in Fergus Falls and the surrounding area.
Images shows several businesses including: John F. Nagle's grocery on corner; No. 2 is Jacob Niebels Gun Store; No. 3 is the Allen and Cutler block at 211-213 Lincoln Avenue West. People and a horse and buggy are also present.
Back Row from Left to Right: Roy Mick; Lydon Brandenburg; Elton Pherum; Henry Asseln; Joe Shellman; Elton Ward. Middle Row: Frank Frankoviz; George Barnard; Roy Curtiss; Jim Colehour; Ed McFadden; Arthur Johnson. Front Row: Frank Adams; Horace Rawson; Walter Frankberg.
Images includes members of the Angus family, their dog, boy on tricycle and bicycle leaning against tree. R. J. Angus was a dealer in land, loans and insurance.
Images taken when snow was on the ground and includes several businesses including: a dress shop; Harry Svensgaard Bicycle Company; Fergus Falls Water Works Company and grocery.
Images includes members of the Barke family both in the yard and on the porch. The house is surrounded by a picket fence. Outbuildings and portions of neighboring dwellings also included. J. O. Barke was a lawyer.
View of the home built by Elmer E. Adams, Editor and Senator. Mr. Adams, his wife and child occupy the front porch. A portion of the home is obscured by trees.
Home built by E. J. Woodham, furniture dealer. This image includes members of the Woodham family. Mrs. Woodham on the porch, two girls standing on the lawn, one with baby buggy and Mr. Woodham in two horse drawn carriage. View of the house is obscured by trees.
Images of house is partially obscured by trees. A women is seated on a hammock and a boy is standing by house holding a bicycle. Trees along the boardwalk are surrounded by wooden tree protectors.
Images of house is obscured by trees. Boy and dog are sitting on ground near porch. Rocking chair is on lawn. Charles D. Wright was President of the First National Bank.
Two boats, four women in one boat, one man in second boat, on Lake Alice. View of carriage and homes in the background. Lake Alice is located in the heart of Fergus Falls.
This building is also known as the Upper Newman block. W. R. Smith owned this book and stationary shop. The American Express Company agent was E. W. McCune. Two men stand in the doorway of the shop.
Portrait of Judge Oliver Olson [1851-1924]. Mr. Olson came to Otter Tail County in 1870. He was appointed clerk of the probate court. In 1894 he was elected judge of probate court. Mr. Olson also ran a successful insurance business.
E. J. Webber came to Fergus Falls in 1882. He was a blacksmith and his trade evolved into a farm machinery business. This residence was located at 506 West Lincoln Avenue. It was moved to Moorhead, Minnesota in 1992.
Chappell and Doughtery grocery. The dray team at the left belonged to C. H. Newton who is on the dray. Mr. Daugherty is in the left entrance and Mr. Chappell is in the right with C. W. McKay the Northern Pacific agent further to the right.