United States Army Corps of Engineers, 25th Regiment, Company A
Date Created:
Directory of members and history of the 25th Engineers Regiment, A company of the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I. The roster includes a listing of officers and enlisted men by state with their addresses.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Index to the 1949 Aerial Views of Mower County Townships. Each section areas were listed on the yellowed, legal size, linen-type papers that aided government agents in locating the photographic or composite print of the area they wished to research.
An analysis of the data found in the traffic study of the Mississippi River bridges in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the purpose of deciding where to build the interstate highway.
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
Program for the twenty-fourth annual Rondo Days celebration. Highlights include: greetings from Chairperson of Rondo Days Board of Directors, schedule of events, advertisements, proclamation by Mayor Christopher B. Coleman, Rondolite oral histories and poetry, and articles about the past and present of the Rondo neighborhood.
This booklet is the catalog and notes to an exhibition of weavings by Hilma Berglund. The cover includes an illustration of a floor loom with all of the parts labeled. The catalog opens with an essay by Laurence Schmeckebier, Department of Fine Arts, University of Minnesota. The rest of the booklet lists and describes each work. The pieces are samples of a wide variety of weave structures.
This booklet describes the steel and wire-making process at the Minnesota Steel Plant in Morgan Park in the 1920s. Topics include raw material for wire making, the galvanizing department, the barb wire and woven fence department, the wire nail department, and the steel plant. The booklet includes photographs of Morgan Park homes, the Lake View Store in Morgan Park, and one of the community's infant playgrounds. A small map of Morgan Park shows locations of steel plant offices, the school, churches, the hospital, and community garages.
Addresses Delivered at the Dedication of the Edifice of the Preparatory Department, of the Baldwin School, Saint Paul, Minnesota Territory; And Catalogue for 1853. There are colored pencil notations in the booklet.
Catalogues of the Baldwin School, and the Academic Department of the College of Saint Paul, Minnesota. MDCCCLIV. The catalogues have information on trustees, instructors, pupils, and a statement and general plan for the College of Saint Paul.
Directory of members of the 25th Engineers Regiment, B Company of the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I. The roster includes information about transfers and deaths to regiment members.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library