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1. A gothic hunting tapestry at Minneapolis [Charles Jairus Martin Memorial Collection of Tapestries; Art in America (1913); Detached from: Art in America. Volume 3 (1915)], by Joseph Breck

2. A little journey in art: a trip through the Minneapolis Institute of Art: twenty-fourth street, between Second and Third avenues south, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Originally published in the Minneapolis Journal, May 6, 1916, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

3. "Charles Thompson Memorial Hall' article in "The Companion" magazine

4. Hekla 60-year History, April 13, 1985, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

5. Historical Sketch of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences

6. History of the Amherst H. Wilder Charity Visiting Nurses Department, St. Paul, Minnesota

7. History of the Amherst H. Wilder Child Guidance Clinic, St. Paul, Minnesota

8. Indochinese Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), Unity Church Unitarian, St. Paul, Minnesota

9. Jolabarnaball articles, Yule Today, December 9, 1999, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

10. Memoirs of the Thompson Chauffeur

11. 1941 Minnesota Library Association annual conference proceedings article, St. Cloud, Minnesota

12. 1906 Minnesota Library Association constitution amendments

13. N.H. Winchell's account of founding the Academy

14. Organization of the Minnesota Academy of Science

15. Romanian Unitarians, Unitarian Universalist Association, Boston, Massachusetts

16. Samkoma article by Jon Bjornson sent to Logberg-Heimskringla, May 13, 1995, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

17. Samkoma Article by Valdimar Bjornson, April 9, 1983, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

18. Some ideas on the founding of an art museum [Reprint, originally published: Proceedings of the American Association of Museums. Vol. 11 (1908)] / Robert Koehler, Director, Minneapolis School of Fine Arts, Minneapolis (Minnesota)

19. The Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts: an account of its work, Supplement to the Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Art, September, 1915 (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

20. The real value of art / by Morris Gray, President of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [Reprint from the American magazine of art]

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