Label reads:Mark's Celebrated Eye Water, Dr. Bendeke's formula. Guaranteed by P. M. Mark Medicine Co., under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 15406. Mark's Eye Water is the best on the market today for the cure of all diseases of the eye, acute or chronic, and wakness of Vision from any cause. Instructions: 3 to 10 drops in eye two or three times a day as your case requires. Prepared only by P. M. Mark Medicine Co., Manufacturers of Mark's Celebrated Remedies, Fosston, Minn.
Label reads: Mark's Hand and Face Lotion. 5 per cent alcohol. A delightful preparation for chapped hands, rough skin, windburn, sunburn and after shaving. Directions: On retiring at night wash hands in warm soft water. Apply Lotion to the dry skin., rub till it almost disappears. It renders teh skin delightfully soft, smooth and white. Apply before retiring at night for best results. An excellent remedy for aching, swollen, tired, sweating feet. Apply at night. Prepared only by P. M. Medicine Company, Mfgr of Mark's Celebrated Remedies, Fosston, Minn.
Label reads: Hoffman's Drops, spirit of ether, 64% alcohol, ether 150 min, in fluid ounce. Dose: from half to 1 teasoonful in sweetened water. Mark's Drug Store, on the corner, Fosston, Minnesota.
Label reads: Castor Oil. Dose: Adults, 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls. Children, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. Phone 111, Mark's Drug Store, on the corner, Fosston, Minn.
Peter M. Mark's Livets Nerve Og hjertestyrkende draaber En virksam Kraftig og forfriskende Blod renser. Et paalideligt Legemiddil for Hjertestygdom, Siet Fordoelse, Svekkelse af Fordeiliserorganerne, daarlig appetit, Hoved pine, Neuralgia. Doses - For Voxne, 1 Teske 3 gange daglig. Preperet kuns ved Peter M. Mark, Fabrikant af Mark's Broemte Hjaelpedmidlier for Sygdomstillfaelder, Fosston, Minn. Pris 50 cents.
Label reads: Mark's New Balsam with Tar. Contains 5% alcohol, 1 2/3 minims chloroform per Fl. Oz. For all Diseases of the Lungs, Throat and Chest, such as Cough, Croup, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe. Directions: Adults, 1 teaspoonful; Child 12 years old, 40 drops; Child 6 years old, 25 drops; Child one year old, 15 drops; Child 6 months old, 10 drops. The above doses to be taken 3 or 4 times a day as required. Prepared only by P. M. Mark, manufacturer of Mark's Celebrated Remedies, Fosston, Minn.
Label reads: Oil Bay, Noves Bros. & Cutler, Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30 1906. No. 738. Two ounces. Noves Bros. & Cutler, Wholesale Druggists, St. Paul.
A printed label from Mark's Drug Store, Fosston, Minnesota indicates this was prescription number B15319 from Dr. Turnbull for Bertha [H?] with instructions to apply to tooth cavity.
Label reads: Cormontan's Pinaret Syrup, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. (Creosoted) Chloroform 4 Min. to Fl Oz., Ammonium Chloride, White Pine, Wild Cherry, Pine Tar, Oil of Eucalyptus, Menthol, Creosote, Glycerin, Honey and Sugar Syrup. For COUGHS due to COLDS. Directions: Adults take a teaspoonful every hour till 4 doses are taken, then take every 3 of 4 hours for 2 or 3 days if needed. Children: 9 to 12 yrs. 2/3 teaspoonful; 4 to 9 yrs, 3/4 teaspoonful; 3 to 6 yrs, 1/2 teaspoonful. Give 3 times daily 4 hours apart, and one dose during night if desired. Sip slowly to obtain the most benefit. Important: Persistent coughs may be serious. If a cough persists for ten days or if accompanied by high temperature, discontinue preparation and consult your physician. Net 6 FL OZS., No. 48, E. H. Cormontan, Druggist, Fosston, Minn., Distributors.
This booklet is a compilation of statutes of the State of Minnesota regarding the practice of pharmacy. Sample topics include the qualification and registration of pharmacists; the sale of cocaine, poisons or abortifacients; and the distribution of samples of drugs.